Saturday, January 30, 2010


Saraswathee dhviyam dhrushtaa Veenaa pusthaka dhaarinee

Hamsavaaha Samaayukthaa Vidhyaa dhaanakaree mama
Pradhamam Bhaarathee naama Dhvitheeyamcha Sarasvathee
Thrutheeyam Saaradhaa Dhe'vee Chathurtham Hamsavaahinee

Yaa Kundhendhu Thushaara Haara Dhavalaa Yaa Shubhra Vasthraa Vrithaa
Yaa Veenaa Varadhanda Mandithakaraa Yaa Shvetha Padhmaasanaa
Yaa Brahmaachyutha Shankara Prabhrithidevaih Sadhaa Vandhithaa
Saamaam Paathu Saraswathee Bhagavathee Nihshesha Jaadyaapahaa
(She, who is all white like the Kundha blossoms, the moon, snow and pearl; She, who is dressed in pure white; While two of her hands playveena, two other hands are poised to us boons; and punishments as needed; She is seated on a lotus; Ever worshipped by celestials like Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara. May this Goddess Saraswathi, Bhagavathi, remove my obstacles and protect me.)
sarasvati namastubhyam varade kaamaruupini
vidyaarambhaM karishhyaami siddhirbhavatu me sadaa !
[Oh Goddess Saraswati, my humble prostrations unto you,
who are the fulfiller of all my wishes. I am beginning
my study, let me attain perfection in that, always.]