Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Name according to aksara corresponding to nakshatra:
Each naksatra is divided into four equal parts. Each part is assigneda syllable. After determining which nakshatra and which quarter ofthe nakshatra that the child was born in, a name shoul be chosenwhich begins with syllable corresponding to the particular quarter ofthe nakshatra. Any syllable with an "o" sound may substitute an "au"sound. An syllable with an "e" sound may substitute an "ai"sound. "S" may be substituted for "s".
Nakshatra at birth: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters or padas of it:
asvina cu, ce, co, la,
bharani li, lu, le, lo,
krtikka a, i, u, e.
rohini o, ba, bi, bu,
mrga sirsa be, bo, ka, ki,
ardra ku, gha, na, cha,
punarvasu ke, ko, ha, hi,
pusya hu, he, ho, da,
aslesa di, du, de, do,
magha ma, mi, mu, me.
purva phalguni mo, ta, ti, tu.
uttara phalguni te, to, pa, pi.
hasta pu, sa, na, tha,
citra pe, po, ra, ri.
svati ru, re, ro, ta.
visakha ti, tu, te, to.
anuradha na, ni, nu, ne.
jyestha no, ya, yi, yu.
mula ye, yo, bha, bhi.
purvasadha bhu, dha, pha, dha.
uttarasadha bhe, bho, ja, ji.
abhijit ju, je, jo, kha.
sravana khi, khu, khe, kho.
dhanistha ga, gi, gu, ge.
satabhisa go, sa, si, su, sa, si, su.
purva bhadra se, so, se, so, da, di.
uttara bhadrapada du, tha, jha, na (and tra)
revati de, do, ca, ci
According to zodiac sign:
Begining with the letters as follows:
21 March/ 20 April mesa / Aries : a, la
21 April/ 20 May vrsaba / Taurus; u, va, i, e, o
21 May/ 20 June mithuna /Gemini; ka, cha, bha, na
21 June/ 20 July karkara / Cancer; bha, ha
21 July/20 Aug simha / Leo: ta, ?
21 Aug/ 20Sept kanya / Virgo; pa, tha, ya, na
21 Sept/ 20 Oct tula / Libra: ra, tav21 Oct/ 20 Nov vrsicha / Scorpio; na, ya
21 Nov/ 20 Dec dhanus / Sagitarius: bha, bha, pha, dha
21 Dec/ 20 Jan makara /Capricorn; tha, ja
21 Jan/ 20 Feb kumbha /Aquarius: ga, sa
21 Feb/ 20 March mina / Pisces: da, ca na, jha
Name after Month deity
The second mode of naming was based on the deity of the month in which the child was born. According to Gargya, the names of thedeities of months beginning from Margasirsa are Karnna, Ananta,Achyuta, Chakri, Vaikuntha, Janardana, Upendra, Yjnapurusa, Vasudeva,hari, Yogisa, and Pundarikaksa. The child was given a second nameconnected with the deity of the month. The above names are all ofVaisnava sect and they originated much later than the sutra period.
Name after Family deity
The third name was given according to the family deity. A familydeity was a god or goddess worshipped in a family or tribe from everyearly times. The people naming a child after it thought that thechild would enjoy special protection of the deity. The deity may beVedic e.g. Indra, Soma, varuna, Mitra, Prajapati, or Puranic e.g.Krishna, rama, Sankara, Ganesa etc.
While naming the child, the wordDasa or Bhakta (a devotee) was added to the name of the deity.

Popular Name

The last mode of naming was popular.The formation of this name mainlydepended on the culture and education of the family.Forbidden or prohibited namesThe following female names should be avoided.Names after a constellation such as Rohini, Revati etc. should beavoided. Names of trees and plants such as Champa, Tulasi etc., Names of rivers such as Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati etc. Names formed on thebasis of lowering merit like ChandaliNames of mountains like Vindhyachal, Himalaya,etc.,Names of birdslike Kokila, Hansa etc., Names of snakes such as Sarpini, Nagin, etcNames suggestive of menial servants or other orderlies like Dasi,kinkakari etc., Names that create an awe or fear like Bheema,Bhayankari, Chandika etc.,. The above types of names are prohibitednames for female children.