Pradosha is a siva pooja
PRADOSHA is a very important pooja as far SIVA in a Siva temples are conducted on pradosha day evening ( after 5:30 pm). Pradhosha vratham is one of the most important among the poojas performed to Lord Shiva. In Shukla Paksha (15 moon days from New moon to Full moon) and Krishna Paksha (15 moon days from Full moon to New moon) the evening of the trayodasi (thirteenth moon day) between 4.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. is called Pradhosha. It comes once in fifteen moon days. Pradhosha time is especially meant for praying Lord Shiva. Praying in that time will free us from out sins and gives moksha finally (hence the name Pradhosha).
On the day of Pradosham, fasting to be performed right from the morning and the first food should be the Prasad after the Pooja is over.
On the day of Pradosham, fasting to be performed right from the morning and the first food should be the Prasad after the Pooja is over.
Everyday between 5.30 to 6.00 pm in the evening is called Dina Pradosham.
Pradoshams on Monday(Soma Pradosham) and Saturday (Sani Pradosham) are called Mahaa PradoshamEvery thirteenth day of a Paksha (15-day cycle, making it two Pakshas every month - Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha) is called Maha Pradosham. The time between 5.30 to 6.30 pm in the evening is called Pradosham (Dina Pradosham). During the Pradosha period, it is significant to worship Lord Shiva, as He performs the Holy Dance in Kailashparvatam., all Devtas assemble there to watch this holy event, offer their Prayers to HIM. Thinking and meditating during Pradosha Kalam is considered most sacred by Hindus and helps derive benefits of having worshipped all Devatas at one go. It is believed that all the Devas & Gods are assembled in the Shiva temples during Pradosham time.
Further, the first pradosham was on a Saturday & hence "Sani Pradosham" is even more auspicious.once who affeted sani dasa ,71/2 sani dasa, sani pradosham having worshipped .
Sani Pradosham or Shani Thrayodasi is the day when Lord Shiva consumed poison to protect all lives in the Universe. When the Devas and Asuras churned the Ocean using the mountain and the snake Vasuki, Vasuki became very tired and started to spit out it's poison. Lord Shiva came to the rescue and drank all the poison in order to protect all lives. As a result Shiva turned Blue and is also known as Neelakandan. Since Lord Shiva consumed the poison on a Saturday Sani Pradosham or Shani Thrayodasi is considered a very auspicious day in Shiva and Sanneswarar temples throughout India. The Devas and Asuras got together to churn the ocean, using Mandramalai & Vaasuki, the snake. As they continued to churn the ocean, Vaasuki the snake began to tire and started spewing its poison. Siva came and consumed all the poison. Goddess Parvati rushed and held his neck so that the poison would not spread to the whole of his body. Thus Siva became blue up to his throat and is also known by the namavali "Neelakandan" ( neela-blue colour from poison, kandam-throat). Lord Siva exists in every life born. He therefore stayed still for a day in order that the poison in his body does not affect all the lives. This day is "Ekadasi". The Devas also prayed to Lord Siva & fasted on that day. They partook of meals on the next day, "Dvadasi". Lord Siva was pleased & danced on the next day, "Triyodasi", in the evening (Sandhyaakaalam) with his damaru & Soolam in between Nandi Devas Horns. This day is "Pradosham". It is believed that all the Devas & Gods are assembled in the Siva temples during Pradosham time. Further, the first pradosham was on a Saturday & hence "Sani Pradosham" is even more auspicious
Chant the following Sani Strotra, keep fast upto the evening and offer "ELLU SAATHAM" as prasadam to Bhagavan Sani on that day.
You can chant the sloka 1008times on that day and do archana with fresh flowers and achathai.
Somasutra pradakshinam during pradosham First saluting the Rishabha Devar (Holy Bull or Nandi) go anti-clockwise and salute Chandishwarar (not crossing the Gomukhi). Now return in the clockwise manner salute Rishabham and continue clockwise till the Gomukhi (not to cross it again). Then return in anti-clockwise direction salute the Rishabham again and proceed towards chaNdIshar. From there return back clockwise without worshiping Rishabham and reach the gomukhi. Finally return back anticlockwise from there to salute Rishabham and continue to Chandishwarar and return back to Rishabham and worship the shiva lingam (at the altar) by viewing through the space between the two horns of the Holy Bull. This is one Pradakshinam. Three such times Pradakshinam to be done. If you carefully observe the curve traced by doing the pradakshinam is very similar to the periphery of the crescent. Hence this way of circumambulating is called Somasutra Pradakshinam.
Pradosha is the worship of Lord Shiva and Parvati when they both are in an extremely propitious mood. Repeatedly worsted in war by the demons, the gods approached Lord Shiva to bless them with a leader for their celestial hosts. They came to the Lord at twilight on the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight and found Him in the blissful company of His consort, Parvati. Hymned and glorified by them, Siva immediately granted their prayerful request. Hence, the extreme auspiciousness of the period.so that day hasband and wife both went to worship siva as it is good for family .
One who takes this Vrata fasts on that day, and keeps vigil at night after the fast is over. Bathing an hour before sunset, the worshipper first performs a preliminary worship of Lord Shiva, together with all the others of His divine family, namely, Parvati, Ganesha, Skanda and Nandi. After the worship of Ganesha, Lord Shiva is invoked in the special kalasha placed on a square mandala with a lotus drawn in it and spread over with darbha grass. After the formal worship has been completed, a Pradosha story is read and heard by the devotees. This is followed by the recitation of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra 108 times. In the end the sacred kalasha water is partaken of, the sacred ash is applied to the forehead, and the water which was used to bathe the Lord, is drunk.
Pradhosha Purana:Once Dhevas and Asuras using the serpent Vasuki and the hill Mandhara were trying to get Amrutham (nector) from the Kseerabthi (milk ocean). Then the terrible poison Halahalam came up. All got frightened and pleaded to Lord Shiva for rescue. Being the peak of mercy Lord Shiva ate that poison. Then as per His order they resumed their effort to get Amrutham. They got it on Dhwadhasi (twelfth moon day). Without praying and thanking the God, by whom they got Amrutham, Devas started dancing and celebrating their victory.
On thrayodhasi (thirteenth moon day) they realised their sin of not praying the God and pleaded for forgiveness. The pleased graceful Lord Shiva forgave them and danced between the horns of the Nandhi (holy bull). That time is called Pradhosham. Whoever prays Lord Shiva in that time, Lord Shiva fulfills their wishes and give them mukthi.
During Prodhosha time anointing (Abhishekam) the Shiva deity with the following is considered fruitful
Milk gives long life
Ghee gives Moksha state
Curd gives good children
Honey gives melodious voice
Rice powder frees from debts
Sugar cane juice gives good health
Panjamrutham gives wealth
Lemon removes fear of death
Sugar removes enmity
Tender coconut gives enjoyment
Cooked Rice(Annam) gives mejestic life
Sandal gives Lakshmi's grace
Pradosha pooja day in 2009
8 March, Sunday, 2009
24 March, Tuesday, 2009
7 April, Tuesday, 2009
22 April, Wednesday, 2009
6 May, Wednesday, 2009
22 May, Friday, 2009
5 June, Friday, 2009
20 June, Saturday, 2009
4 July, Saturday, 2009
19 July, Sunday, 2009
3 August, Monday, 2009
18 August, Tuesday, 2009
2 September, Wednesday, 2009
16 September, Wednesday, 2009
1 October, Thursday, 2009
15 October, Thursday, 2009
31 October, Saturday, 2009
14 November, Saturday, 2009
29 November, Sunday, 2009
13 December, Sunday, 2009
29 December, Tuesday, 2009
8 March, Sunday, 2009
24 March, Tuesday, 2009
7 April, Tuesday, 2009
22 April, Wednesday, 2009
6 May, Wednesday, 2009
22 May, Friday, 2009
5 June, Friday, 2009
20 June, Saturday, 2009
4 July, Saturday, 2009
19 July, Sunday, 2009
3 August, Monday, 2009
18 August, Tuesday, 2009
2 September, Wednesday, 2009
16 September, Wednesday, 2009
1 October, Thursday, 2009
15 October, Thursday, 2009
31 October, Saturday, 2009
14 November, Saturday, 2009
29 November, Sunday, 2009
13 December, Sunday, 2009
29 December, Tuesday, 2009