The tardiest of all the planets is Saturn, who is also known as Shaneeshwara, Shanaischara, Manda, Konastha, Pingala and Souri. Different stories are narrated to trace his origin. To begin with, he is said to be the offspring of Surya and Sangya, the daughter of Vishwakarma. Yama, the God of death and the river Yamuna are believed to be his sibilings. Shani, Tapathi and Saavarni are the three children born to Surya and Sangya
Moola Mantram:
There are several books being used to worship Saturn. It is said that Shani japam should be done 19,000 times to win his favour. There are several beeja mantras to appease Shani.
General Mantra
Puranic Mantra
2-OM KHRAAM KHREEM KHROUM SAHA SHANAYE NAMAHATailabhishekam to Sani preferably on Saturndays or more so on Shani Trayodashi is very efficacious.
Puranic Mantra:
Neelaanjana Samaabhaasam
Raviputram Yamaagrajam
Chhaayaa Maartaanda Sambhootam
Tam Namaami ShanayshcharamVedic Mantra:
Om Sham No Deveer Abhishtaya
Aapo Bhavantu Peetaye
Sham Yorabhi Sravantu Nah
Sani Gayathri:
Kaaka Dhvajaaya Vidhmahe
Khadga Hastaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Mandah PrachodayathAlternateGayathri:
Sanaicharaya vidhmahe
Chhaya putraya dheemahe
Thanno mantha Prachodayath Shani Chalisa
1-Shri shanishchor devji sunhu shravan man ter
--Koti vighannashak prabho kro na mam hit der
2-Jai shri shanidev maharaja
--Jai krishna Gauri sir taja
3-Surya sut chhaya ke nandan
--mahabali tum asur nikandan
4-pingal mand roudra shani bhama
--karhun jan ke puran kama
5-Syam varan haig ang tumhara
--krue drashti tan krodh apara
6-Krit mukut kundal chhavi
--chhavigal muktan ki mal biraje
7-Hath kuthar dushtaanko maran
--chakra trishul chaturbhuj dharan
8-Parvat rai tulya kulya karo tum
--tink ke sir shatra dharo tum
9-jo jan tumse dhyan lagavai
--manvanchhit phal shigart pavai
10-Ja per kripa aapki hoi
--Jo phal chahai milihai soi
11-Ja per kop kathin tum tana
--uska nahin phir lagat thikana
12-Sanche dev aap hi svami
--Ghat-ghat vasi anteryami
13-Dasarth nrup keuper aye
--shri Raghunayak vipin pathaye
14-Rakshas hath siya harvai
--Lakshaman uper shakti chala
15-Itna dukh ram ko dinha
--nash Lankpati kul ka kinha
16-Chetak tumne sabhin dikkhaye
--Balshali bhup chor banaye
17-Jisani chota tumhin bataya
--Rajpat sub dhul milaya
18-Hath pav tum diye katai
--pat teliya ki hakvai
19-Phir suminar tumhara un kiya
--diya hath pari raji kar diya
20-Yugal byah uske karvaye
--shor nagar sabre men chhaye
21-jo koi tumko bura batave
--so nar sukh sapne nahin pave
22-dasha aapki sub per aave
--phal shubh shigart dikhalave
23-Tinhun lok tumhain sir navain
--bhahma Vishnu mahesh manavain
24-Lila abdhut nath tumhari
--Nish din dhyan dharat narnari
24-Kahan tak tumhari karun badhai
--Lank bhasm chhinn mahi karvai
25-Jin sumire tin shoubh phal chhakha
--Kab tak tark badhaun shakha
26-Daya hot hi karthu nihala
--tedhi darshti he katin karala
27-Nau vahan hain nath tumhare
--Gardabh ashv aur gai pyare
28-Megh sing jambuk man mana
--Kak marg mayur hans pahana
29-Gardabh chadhi jis per tum aao
--man bhang uska karvao
30-Chadh ghode tum jis per aao
--us nar ki dhan labh karao
31-Hathi ke vahan sukh bhari
--Sarve siddhi paval nar nari
32-Jo maindha ke vahan gajou
--rog manush ke tan men sajou
33-Jambuk vahan chadhe padharou
--Ta nar se hoy yudha kararo
34-Aao sinh chadhe jie uper
--Dhusman uska rahaj na bhu per
35-jisko kag savari prero
--ushko aap kai mukh gero
36-Mor chadhe rani jo chinhi
--dhan vaibhav usk bahu dinhi
37-Hans savri jis per aavat
--nar ko anand dhikavat
38-Japer kripa karo tum dev
--taper kripa kain sub dev
39-Je je je shanidev dayalu
--Kripa das per karahu kripalu
40-Yah das bar parth jo karte
--Kaati dukh sukh nishdin badhte
Jayati jayati ravitanay prabhu
harau sakal brahm shul
Jan ki raksha kijiye
Sada rahau anukulJai Shani dev!

Sani Bhagavan waiting to aspect Nala, noticed that he had not washed the back portion of his feet, while preparing for his prayers. Deciding this was the opportune time, he aspected Nala. Because of this, Nala lost his composure and lost his kingdom to Pudkaran in a game of dice and sent his children to their uncle's house. Nala departed to the forest with his wife Damayanti. Saneeswaran created trouble even there and made Nala desert his wife in the forest. The snake Karkotagan bit Nala, making him lose his stature (was made to look ugly). He took on the job of a charioteer with king Irudhupannan. Damayanti, in the meantime reached the kingdom of her father, and arranged a Swayamvara to locate Nala. Damyanti identified Nala, the charioteer as her husband. Thanks to a boon from Karkodagan, Nala regained his old form. In spite of being back with his wife, Nala feeling very disturbed, sought the solace of sage Bharadwaja and on his advice reached Thirunallar. He bathed in the Brahma Thirtham of the temple, and when he entered the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, Saneeswaran departed from him.
Saturn in Astrology: Saturn was born in Saurashtra into Kashyapa gotra in the year. Vibhava on Navami of Shukala Paksha in Pushya maasa. His star was Bharani and he was born on a Saturday. Facing west-ward, he adorns Dhanus, Trishul, Arrow and Varada mudra in his four hands. He presides over Makara and Kumbha rashis. In the planetary system, he is positioned behind the Sun in a bow like formation towards west. Tula lagna is the best place for Shani. In a native horoscope, if Saturn is positioned in 3, 6 and 11 zodiac signs, he gives good results. His tenure is 19 years and in each sign, he resides for 30 months.
Saneeswaran resides in each Rasi for a period of 2 1/2 years. When Saneeswaran resides in the 12th, 1st and 2nd house, it is 7 1/2 Naatu Sani ; when in the 4th house, it is Arthashtama Sani; when in the 8th house, it is Ashtama Sani. During these periods, he troubles the native.
In a person's life, 7 1/2 Naatu Sani aspects thrice, the first called Mangu Sani, the second called Pongu Sani and the third called Marana Sani.
Kandaka Sani
Count the number of Rasi columns from your Janma (Birth) Rasi and if Saneeswara is located in the 4th,, 7th, or 10th house from your Rasi then, you are affected by Kandaka Sani. As of May 25,2005, when Saturn transits into Kataka (Cancer), all those in Mesha Rasi, Makara Rasi and Thula Rasi (see chart above) will be undergoing Kandaka Sani for 2 ½ years. However, people born in Makara Rasi will not feel the effects of Kandaka Sani since Makara Rasi is lorded over by Lord Saneeswara.
Count the number of Rasi columns from your Janma Rasi (your birth Rasi) and if Saneeswara is located in the 8th house from your Rasi (see chart above) then, you are affected by Ashtama Sani. As of May 25,2005, when Saturn transits into Kataka (Cancer), all those in Dhanur Rasi ( Moolam 1-4, Pooradam 1-4 and Uthradam Ist pada) will be undergoing Ashtama Sani for 2 ½ years. During Ashtama Sani, people undergo difficulties and unpleasantness which will transcend the persona and benefit the soul if the persons conduct life in a spiritual way by performing spiritual Navagraha puja ceremonies at the home of the Divine Mother and in Her divine presence.
The transit of Sani into Kandaka Sani, Ashtama Sani, 7 ½ year Sani and Sani Dasa do not seriously affect the following:
Persons who were born in Makara and Kumbha Rasis. That means persons having their birth star as: the last three quarters of Uttarashaada (Uthraadam), Shravana (Tiruvonam), Dhanishta (Avittam), Shatabhishak (Chatayam), and the first three quarters of Poorvabhadrapaada (Poororuttati). This is because Saturn is the Lord of Makara and Kumbha Rasis and protects those born in these Rasis even if they are undergoing 7 1/2 yr Sani, Khandaka Sani or Ashtama Sani. However, by worshipping him, they get greater protection.
Those who are having Makaram and Kumbham as Lagnas again because Makaram and Kumbham are Lorded by Saneeswara.
Saturn comes into the life of each and every person some time or other, depending upon the horoscope at the time of his birth. So everyone should worship Him.
For the following categories of people it is all the more essential to worship Him:
Thos who are having the Saturn Dasa running. Its period is 19 years. Those who were born in the 'Poosham, Anusham and Uttirattati'Nakshatras, will have their first Dasa as 'Sani'.
Those undergoing the 7 ½ year Sani.
Those who are having Sani as Neecham in Mesham.
Those that are having Sani in the 4th, 7th, 10th (Kandaka) and 8th houses (Ashtama) from Rasi.
The above basically illustrates that all of us are under the influence of Saneeswara some time or other to varying degrees and worshipping him benefits the devotee.
Saturn gives bad results in 4 ways under the conventional method:
Janma Sani (Saturn in the Moon Sign).
As 7½ years’ Saturn (sadesathe period of Saturn including Janma Sani).
Ardhashtama Sani (Saturn in the 4th house from the Moon sign).
Ashtama Sani (Saturn in the 8th house from the Moon sign).
Tailabhishekam to Sani preferably on Saturndays or more so on Shani Trayodashi is very efficacious
Tailabhishekam to Sani preferably on Saturndays or more so on Shani Trayodashi is very efficacious
Temples of Shani
An ancient temple in Mandapalli near Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh is a famous temple of Shani. Another one is at Shinganapur near Shirdi. The third famous temple is at Tirunallar in Tamil Nadu. Worshipping Lord Venkateshwara at Tirupathi or at any of these temples will appease Shani.
This is the only temple that is dedicated to Lord Sani or Saturn. Tirunallar is about 50 km from Kumbakonam. The main deity is Adipurishhwara or Naleshwara. His consort is Pranambikai.
It is customary to first worship Shiva, then Ambal and lastly Shani. By praying at this temple, the unmarried will soon get married, the childless will have children, and the jobless will get jobs. Cure from major illness like epilepsy and leprosy is possible. As Shani is in charge of longevity and death, the devotee prays here for a long life. Alternatively, one can pray to Yama, the Death God, who is Shani's elder brother.
Those unable to visit the temple, pray at home on Saturdays after lighting a lamp.
At the time of Sani Peyarchi when Saturn transits between zodiac signs, literally millions throng this shrine. The legendary King Nala is said to have been relieved of his afflictions, which were due to the malefic influence of Saturn, after worship in this temple. The temple tank, the Nala theertam is believed to wash off all kinds of misfortune and afflictions.
This temple is about one and half kilometers from Swamimalai and 5km from Kumbakonam.it is believed to have been built in the seventh century.
The presiding deity is Karpardeeshwarar. His consort is Perianayaki. The entrance gopuram is in five tiers. There is a very big shrine for Shiva as Bhairava. This temple is housed in about eight acres and has many smaller shrines. Shani is in a separate shrine facing Surya. Though not as popular as Tirunallar, Shani is equally powerful here.
Bathing in the Cauvery which flows nearby is said to wash away one's sins.
Another important Shrine for Lord Shani is in Shingnapur, in Maharashtra, India. The deity self emerged from the earth in form of stone block and was found by shepherds. When they touched stone with a pointed rod the stone began bleeding. The shepherds were astounded and one night one shepherd got a dream that the deity was Lord Shani. To this day, due to fear of Shani, houses within a 1 km radius of the Shani temple do not have locks. No thefts happen in this place. Some who have tried to steal have received punishment (sickness, mental harassment) from Shani.
Another Shani temple is ShaniDham, at Fatehpur Beri, about 6KMs from Chhattarpur temple & 16kms from the Qutub Minar, at Mehrauli, South Delhi, India. It has got the tallest 21 feet high statue of Lord Shani in the world made of Astdhatu and a natural rock of Shani. Many devotees visit every Saturday to please Lord Shani. The main Poojan for Kaalsarp and Sadhesatti and Dhaiya are done here on Shani Amavasaya, the most auspicious day for pleasing Lord Shani.
There is a Shree Shaneeshwarar Temple at Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Another temple is at Kuchanoor, 20 km from Theni, near Madurai. The Lord is seen in swayambhu (self-appeared) form, the name of the town being derived from Kubjan, one of Shani's names (Kubjanoor).There is a Shree Shani Mandir at Katemanevli, Kalyan (East), District Thane, Maharashtra, near Vitthalwadi ( Central Rly ) Railway Station. There is a Shree Shani Mandir on the Service Road at Khar East on Western Express Highway just about 500 mts before the Vakola Signal when travelling from Mumbai city to Suburbs.
Material required
Piece of black cloth, Black gingelly seeds, Blue or black flowers, Garland, Til oil, Lamp, A mixture of gingelly and jaggery, Grains of rice, Turmeric, Kumkum, Coconut, Bananas, Incense sticks, Camphor, Betel leaves, Nuts, Idol of Shani and a piece of towel are required to perform Shani pooja and abhishekam.
Lord Shani Temple, Gwalior Kokilavan, Vrindavan
Shani Bhagwan Mandir, Beedh, Maharastra
Sri Shani Dev Kshetra, Nastanpur, Maharastra
Shri Shani Dev Kshetra, Tirth Nandur bar, Maharastra
Shri Sani Kshetra, Rameshwar Tirth, Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu
Shri Shani Tirth, Tirunalaru, Tamil Nadu
Shree Shani Mandir Tirth, Ujjain
Sri Shani Mandir, Shani Shingnapur, Maharastra
Shri Shani Tirth Kshetra, Asola, Fatehpur Beri, Mehrauli, Delhi
Shri Sidha Shakti Peeth ShaniDham, Delhi
Shri Shani Mandir, Madivala, Bangalore
Shanaischara Alayam, Hassan, Karnataka
Shri Sanimahatma Mandir, Pavagada, Tumkur district, Karnataka
Lord Sri Shanimahatma Temple, Sayyajirao road, Mysore, Karnataka
Lord Sri Shaneeswara Temple, Nandi Waddemanu, Nagarkurnool, Andhrapradesh
Sri Mandeshwara Swamy Temple, Mandapalli, Kothapeta Mandal, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
Lord Sri Shani Temple, Vargal, Medak district, Andhra Pradesh.