Mangalya Prarthana
[Universal Prayer to well being from the Vedas]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
Swasthi prajabhya paripalayantham,
Nyayena margena maheem maheesa,
Gobrahmanebhyo shubhamasthu nithyam,
Loka samastha Sukhino bhavantu.
(Let good things occur to the king of the country,
Who looks after his people well, in the path of justice,Let Cows* and Brahmins** have a pleasant life daily,Let all people of the world have a very pleasant life.*wealth was measured by cows in those times** People in search of God
Kale varshathu parjanya,
Prauthwee sasya shalini,
Deso yam kshobha rahitha,
SAjjana santhu nirbhaya.
(Let the monsoon be timely and plentiful,Let earth be covered with vegetation,Let the country live without problems,And let good people never have fear.)
Aputhra puthrina santhu,
Puthrina santhu pouthrina,
Adhana sadhana,
Santhu jeevanthu sarada satham.
(Let sonless people have son,Let people with son have grand sons,And let people who are poor or rich,Live and see one hundred autumns.)
Sarvathra sukhina santhu,
Sarve santhu niramaya,
Sarve bhadrani pasyanthu,
Ma kaschid dukha bhag bhaveth.
(Let people live with pleasure everywhere,Let all people live without diseases,
Let every one feel themselves secure,And let none have at anytime sorrow,)
Om Sarvesham swasthir bhavthu,
Om Sarvesham santhir Bhavathu,
Om Sarvesham poornam Bhavathu,
Om Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavathu.
(Let comfort be every where,
Let peace be everywhere,Let there be plenty everywhere,
And let good things happen everywhere.
Om Santhi, Om Santhi, Om Santhi
Let there be peace, Let there be peace,Let there be peace.)
Showing posts with label MANGALAM SLOKAS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MANGALAM SLOKAS. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hanumath Mangalashtakam

[Mangala octet on Hanuman]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes auspiciousness to the Lord. Mangalam may also mean good wishes or wishes for a happy ending.]
Vaisaka mase krishnayam
Dasami manda vasare,
Poorva bhadrasu Jathaya
Mangalam Sri Hanumathe.
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,
Who was born in the month of Visaka*,
On the tenth day of the waxing moon,
On a Saturday under the Poorva bhadra star.* April-May month
Guru gowrava poornaya
Phala bhoopa priyaya cha,
Nana manikhya hasthaya ,
Mangalam Sri Hanumathe.
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,
Who has respect for his teachers,
Who likes sweets prepared out of fruits,
And whose different hands are decorated by gems.
Suvarchala Kalathraya,
Chathurbhuja dharaya cha,
Ushtra roodaya veeraya ,
Mangalam Sri Hanumathe.
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,
Who is the consort of Suvarchala*,Who had four arms,
And who is the hero who rides,
On a beam of light.* Common belief is that Hanuman is a bachelor.)
Divya Mangala dehaya,
Peethambara dharaya cha,
Thaptha kanchana varnaya,
Mangalam Sri Hanumathe.
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,
Who has a blessed holy body,
Who wears the yellow silk,
And who is of the colour of molten gold.)
Bhaktha rakshana seelaya,
Janaki soka haarine,
Jagat pavaka nethraya,
Mangalam Sri Hanumathe.
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,
Who has the habit of saving his devotees,
Who destroyed the sorrow of Janaki,
And who has the purest eyes of the world.)
Pamba theera viharaya,
Soumithri prana dhayine,
Sarva lokaika kandaya,
Mangalam Sri Hanumathe.
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,
Who lives in the shores of Pampa river,
Who saved the life of Lakshmana,
And who is in the throat of the whole world.)
Rambhavana viharaya,
Sukhathma thata vasine,
Sarva lokaika kantaya,
Mangalam Sri Hanumathe.
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,
Who lived in the forests of Rampa,
Who lived with pleasant happy people,
And who is in the throat of the whole world.)
Panachananaya Bheemaya
Kalanemi haraya cha,
Koundinya gothraya,
Mangalam Sri Hanumathe.
Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,
Who has five faces, who is gross,
Who killed Kalanemi,
And who belonged to the Koundinya clan.
Shiva Mangalashtakam

[Mangala Octet on Lord Shiva]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes auspiciousness to the Lord. Mangalam may also mean good wishes or wishes for a happy ending.]
Bhavvaya Chandra choodaya,
Nirgunaya gunathmane,
Kalakalaya rudhraya
Neelagreevaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to him who has a blue neck,Who makes things happen,Who wears the crescent of moon,Who is without properties,Who is the soul of good conduct,Who is the death to god of death,And who has a very angry form.)
Vrusha roodaya bheemaya
Vyagra charmambaraya cha,
Pasunaam pathaye thubhyam
Gowrikanthaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the consort of Gowri,Who rides on a bull and is gross,Who wears the skin of a tiger,And who is the lord of all beings.)
Bhasmodhulitha dehaya
Vyala yagnopaveethine,
Rudrakshamala bhooshaya
Vyomakesaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to him who has the sky as hair,Whose body is anointed with holy ash,Who wears a holy thread of snake,And who wears the garland of Rudraksha.)
schandragni nethraya
Nama kailasa vasine,
Satchithananda roopaya
Pramadhesaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the god of the impassioned devotee,Who has sun, moon and fire as his eyes,Who lives on Mount Kailasa,And has the form of real perennial joy.)
Mrutyunjayaya sambhaya
Srushti sthithyantha karine,
Tryambakaya susahanthaya
Trilokesaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the Lord of the three worlds,Who helps us with victory over death,Who is always with Goddess Amba,Who does creation, upkeep and destruction,Who is the lord of Trayambaka,And who is extremely peaceful.)
Gangadharaya somaya
Namo hariharathmane,
Ugraya tripuragnaya,
Vamadevaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the god of the left,Who carries river Ganga,Who is the moon,Who is the soul of Vishnu and Shiva,Who is very powerful,And who destroyed three cities.)
Sadhyojathaya sarvaya
Divyajnana pradhayine,
Eesanaya namasthubhyam
Panchavakthraya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to him who has seven necks,Who is instantly born and faces north,Who passes on holy knowledge to people,And who is Lord Shiva whom I salute.)
Sada shiva swaroopaya
Nama sthath purushaya cha,
Aghoraya cha ghoraya,
Mahdevaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the greatest of Gods,Who has a mien which is ever peaceful,Who is the true Purusha, Who is fearful and not fearful.Mangalashtakam ethad vai Shambhorya Keerthayed dhine,Thasya mruthyu bhayam nasthi Roga peeda bhayam thadha. 9He who sings the praise of Lord Shiva using Mangalashtakam daily,Will not have fear of death and also fear of disease and bad times.
Vara Mangalashtakam

Vara Mangalashtakam
By Poet KalidasaTranslated by P. R. Ramachander
[This prayer is supposed to be chanted before starting any action and not the end of an action. Essentially the prayer requests the blessing of all the greats of our religion to shower their blessings on us. It is supposed to be composed by poet Kalidasa, but is not in the list of Mahakavi Kalidasa’s works. Not only that, it is more of a statement bereft of any similes and metaphors, casting doubt as to its authorship to him. But it is a great prayer.]
Srimath pankaja vishtarou Hariharou,
Vayur Mahendro anala,
Chandro Bhaskara vithapala varuna,
Dharmadhiraja Graha,
Pradhyumno Nalakoobhara sura gaja,
Chinthamani kousthubha,
Swami Sakthidharasthu langala dhara,
Kurvanthu no Mangalam.
(Let Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva,Let the God of wind, Indra and god of fire,Let the Moon god, Sun god, Kubhera and Varuna,Let the god of Dharma and death and the planets,Let Pradhyumna, Nala koobhara and the Lord Ganesa,Let the wish giving gem and he who holds the Shakthi And he holds the plough, do all that is good to us.
Kubhera is god of wealth,
Varuna the God of rain,
Pradhyumna the son of Lord Krishna,
Nala Khoobara the son of Kubhera,
Subramhanya holds Shakthi and Balarama holds the plough)
Gowri Sriradhithischa kadru subhaga,
Bhoothi suparnee shubha,
Savithri cha Saraswathi vasumathi,
Droupadryahalya sathi,
SWaha Jambhavathi su rukma bhaginee,
Duswapna vidwamsani,
Vela cha ambunidhe sumena makara,
Kurvanthu no Mangalam.
(Let Goddess Parvathi, Lakshmi, The comely Adhithi and Kadru,Who are like the trees granting welfare,Savithri, Saraswathi and Vasumathi,Droupadhi Ahalya and Sathi,Swaha, Jambhavathi and the sister of Rugmi,Who all destroy bad dreams,The sea coast, the treasure of water,The good Mena and the god of love,Do all that is good to us.
Adhithi is the mother of all devas,
Kadru the mother of all snakes,
Savithri and Saraswathi the wives of Brahma,
Vasumathi the wife of Lord Vishnu,
Swaha the wife of fire God,
Jambhavathi the wife of Lord Krishna and daughter of Jambhavan,
Rukmani the sister of Rugmi and wife of Lord Krishna
Mena the wife of Himalayas)
Netraanaam trithayam Shivam,
pasupathe-Ragnithrayam Pavanam,
Yathad Vishnu pada thrayam Tribhuvanam,
Khyatham cha rama thrayam,
Ganga vaha padhathrayam suvimalam,
Vedathrayam brahmanam,
SAndhyaanaam trithayam Dwijai suvihitham,
Kurvanthu no Mangalam.
(Let the god Shiva with his three eyes,Let Pasupathi with his eyes which are three holy fires,Let Lord Vishnu who with his three feet measured the world,Let the very famous three Ramas,Let he who carried the Ganga and took three steps,Let the three Vedas learned by Brahmins,And let the holy acts done at dawn, noon and dusk by Dwijas,Do all that is good to us.
Three Ramas are Parasurama, Rama and Balarama,
Shiva carried the ganges, Rik, Yajur and Sama are the three Vedas and dwijas are the twice born.
Aswatho Vata vruksha Chandana tharu,
Mandara kalpa drumou,
Jamboo nimba kadamba chootha sarala,
Vrukshascha yeh ksheerina,
Sarve they phala samyutha prathi dinam,
Vibhrajanam rajathe,
Ramyam chaithra radham cha nandana vanam,
Kurvanthu no Mangalam.
(Let the banyan, fig tree and sandalwood tree,Let the flowering coral tree and the wish giving tree,Let the Jamun, Lime, Kadamba, mango and the pine tree,Which are the chose ones among trees,And which daily are fruitful,And create rules of plenty,Let the pretty chaithra forest and garden,Do all that is good to us.
Chaithra radham is a forest on the top of Maha Meru
Valmiki, Sanaka, Sanandana tharu,
Vyaso, Vasishto, Brugu,
Jabalir Jamadagni, kacha, Janaka,
Gargo, Angeerasa Gouthama,
Mandathaa, Ruthuparna, Vaina, Sagara,
Dhanyo Dhilipo Nala,
Punyo Dharma sutho Yayathi Nahushou,
Kurvanthu no Mangalam.
(Let Sages Valmiki, Sanaka and Nandana,Let sages Vyasa, Vasishta and Bhrugu,Let Sages Jabali, Jamadagni and father of Kacha,Let Sages Garga, Angeeras and Gouthama,Let kings Mandatha, Ruthuparna, Vaina and Sagara,Let the blessed kings Dileepa and Nala,And let the great kings Yayathi and Nakusha,Do all that is good to us.These are a list of great sages and great kings of the puranas)
Brahma Vedapathi, Shiva pasupathi,
Suryascha Chakshu pathi,
Sakro deva pathi, Yama Pithrupathi,
Skandascha sena pathi,
Yaksho Vithapathi, harischa jagatham,
Vayu pathi praninaam,
Ithyethe pathaya samethya sathatham,
Kurvanthu no Mangalam.
(Let Brahma, the lord of Vedas,Let Shiva, the lord of all beings,Let God sun who is the lord of the eyes,Let Indra, the lord of all devas,Let Yama, the lord of all manes,Let Skanda, the commander in chief,Let Kubhera, the lord of all riches,Let Hari, the lord of the universe,And let God wind the lord of all animals,Join together daily,And do all that is good to us.
Ganga, Sindhu Saraswathi cha Yamuna,
Godavari, Narmadha,
Kaveri, Sarayur mahendra thanaya,
Charmanwathi vedhika,
Kshipra vethravathi, maha sura nadhee,
Kyatha cha yaa Gandaki,
Poornaa poorna jalai, samudra sahitha,
Kurvanthu no Mangalam.
(Let the rivers, Ganges, Indus, Saraswathi and Yamuna,Let the rivers Godavari and Narmada,Let the rivers Kaveri, Sarayu who is the daughter of Indra,Let the vedic river Charmavathi,Let Kshipra and Vethravathi the great river of gods,Let the very famous Gandaki,And let the ocean with its completely full water,Do all that is good to us.Great rivers of Indian sub continent are listed out.)
Lakshmi, kousthubha parijatha kasura,
Gava Kamadugha, sureswara gaja,
Rambhadhi devangana,
Aswa saptha mukha, sudha haridhanu,
Sankho visham cha ambudhe,
Rathnanithi chathurdasa prathi dinam,
Kurvanthu no Mangalam.
(Let Lakshmi, the gem Kousthubha, the Parijatha tree,Let Gods Dhanwanthari and Lord Moon,Let the wish giving cow Kamadhenu and the elephant of Indra,Let the celestial maidens like Rambha,Let the horse with seven faces, nectar and the bow of Vishnu,Let the conch, the poison and ambrosia,And let the gems, which are altogether fourteen, Daily do all that is good to us.
The asuras and devas churned the ocean of milk for getting nectar and these 14 persons/objects came out of it.
Ihyehath Vara Mangalashtakam,
Paapou cha vidhwamsanam,
Punye samprathi kalidasa kavina,
Vipra prabhandhee krutham,
Ya pratha srunyath samahitha mana,
Nithyam padeth Bhakthiman,
Ganga sagara sangame prathi dinam,
Prapnothyasou Mangalam.
(This holy blessed octet of Mangalam,Which is the destroyer of sins,Written presently due to blessings by the poet Kalidasa,A work written for those learned in Vedas,If heard with devoted attention in the morning,Daily by the devotee of God,Would give him blessings equal to,Taking bath daily in the confluence of Ganges and the sea.)
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