[Mangala Octet on Lord Shiva]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes auspiciousness to the Lord. Mangalam may also mean good wishes or wishes for a happy ending.]
Bhavvaya Chandra choodaya,
Nirgunaya gunathmane,
Kalakalaya rudhraya
Neelagreevaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to him who has a blue neck,Who makes things happen,Who wears the crescent of moon,Who is without properties,Who is the soul of good conduct,Who is the death to god of death,And who has a very angry form.)
Vrusha roodaya bheemaya
Vyagra charmambaraya cha,
Pasunaam pathaye thubhyam
Gowrikanthaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the consort of Gowri,Who rides on a bull and is gross,Who wears the skin of a tiger,And who is the lord of all beings.)
Bhasmodhulitha dehaya
Vyala yagnopaveethine,
Rudrakshamala bhooshaya
Vyomakesaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to him who has the sky as hair,Whose body is anointed with holy ash,Who wears a holy thread of snake,And who wears the garland of Rudraksha.)
schandragni nethraya
Nama kailasa vasine,
Satchithananda roopaya
Pramadhesaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the god of the impassioned devotee,Who has sun, moon and fire as his eyes,Who lives on Mount Kailasa,And has the form of real perennial joy.)
Mrutyunjayaya sambhaya
Srushti sthithyantha karine,
Tryambakaya susahanthaya
Trilokesaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the Lord of the three worlds,Who helps us with victory over death,Who is always with Goddess Amba,Who does creation, upkeep and destruction,Who is the lord of Trayambaka,And who is extremely peaceful.)
Gangadharaya somaya
Namo hariharathmane,
Ugraya tripuragnaya,
Vamadevaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the god of the left,Who carries river Ganga,Who is the moon,Who is the soul of Vishnu and Shiva,Who is very powerful,And who destroyed three cities.)
Sadhyojathaya sarvaya
Divyajnana pradhayine,
Eesanaya namasthubhyam
Panchavakthraya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to him who has seven necks,Who is instantly born and faces north,Who passes on holy knowledge to people,And who is Lord Shiva whom I salute.)
Sada shiva swaroopaya
Nama sthath purushaya cha,
Aghoraya cha ghoraya,
Mahdevaya Mangalam.
(Mangalam to the greatest of Gods,Who has a mien which is ever peaceful,Who is the true Purusha, Who is fearful and not fearful.Mangalashtakam ethad vai Shambhorya Keerthayed dhine,Thasya mruthyu bhayam nasthi Roga peeda bhayam thadha. 9He who sings the praise of Lord Shiva using Mangalashtakam daily,Will not have fear of death and also fear of disease and bad times.