Sunday, July 06, 2008
Suryanarkoil ---------------------SUN
Thingaloor -----------------------MOON
Vaidheeshwaran Koil -------------MARS
Thiruvenkaadu -----------------MERCURY
Alangudi ------------------------JUPITER
Thirunallar ----------------------SATURN
Thirunageshwaram -------------RAHU
Keezha Perumpallam-----------KETHU
Sun ,Moon ,Mars, Mercury ,Jupiter ,Venus, Saturn ,Rahu ,Kethu. All above temples are located in Tanjore district, Tamil Nadu, India.
Monday, June 02, 2008

Aarokyam pradhathu noh dinakara
chandroh yaso nirmalam
bhoodim bhoomisudha sudham sudhanaya
pragnam gurur gowravm kanya
komala vaak vilasa madhulam
mandho mudham saravadha
ragur bhahoopala virodha samanam
ketu kulasyonidham
Sun----------Red ---------Ruby ----------Wheat---------------------Bronze
Moon--------White -------Pearl -----------Paddy/Rice-------------Lead
Mars --------Red ---------Coral ----------Bengal Gram - Red Lentil Gram--Copper
Mercury -----Green ------Emerald -------Green Gram --Mercury
Jupiter -------Yellow -----Yellow Sapphire --Indian Yellow Split Peas (split Gram Lentil) Chana Dal--Gold
Venus --------White ------Diamond -------Soya Gram -----Silver
Saturn ------Blue ---------Blue Sapphire --Sesame (Gingili) --Iron & Steel
Rahu --------Black -------Zircon-----------Black Gram --Rocks-Blackstone
Ketu --------Multi-color --Cat's Eye -------Horse gram--Red stones
Japaakusuma Samkaasham kaashyapeyam Mahadhyuthim !
Tamorim Sarva Paapagni Pranathosmi Divaakaram !!
(I bow down to the Sun god, who is the cause of the day-break, who dispels all darkness, who destrorys all sins, who is matchless in brilliance, who is the son of Kashyapa and who is as red as the Japa Kusuma Flower.)
Mula Mantra
Ōm ghrņi surya aditiyom
Asva dhvajaya vidmahe pasa hastaya dhimahi
Tanno surya pracodayat
(The sun is resplendent in brilliance (Mahadyuti). He is as red as the (Japakusuma) red hibiscus flower. The Sun is the dispeller of darkness (Tamorim) external and internal. He is the invigorator and inspirer of intelligence. Sin is said to be the agitation and worry that nags the mind as a result of an action done against the dignity of one’s own self. Surya gives light and knowledge and burn down the results of wrong acts. Hence he is called Sarvapapagnam. He is also known as the lord of the day (Divakaram).
Known as Aditya, he is the eldest son of Kasyapa. He is the life-giving force. It is He who supports all life by his rays of light and energy. He is the dynamic principle behind all colors, tints and hues. When he rises in the sky He is blood red in complexion and dispels all darkness. Those who worship Him find their inertia and torpor getting destroyed.
Surya is said to be inviolable, imperishable and eternal. He represents eternity in the midst of changes, and also the indivisible principle in the midst of disintegrating worlds.
Surya must always be placed in the center of the planets, facing east, with the other Grahas fixed round him. His chariot has one wheel, is drawn by seven horses and has Aruna as the charioteer. )
2. Chandra
Dadhishamkha Trrisharambham ksheero Daarnava Sambhavam !
Namaami Shashinam somam shambormukuta bhooshanam !!
(I bow down to the Moon whose hue resembles the hue of curds, a conch and the color of snow. I bow down to thw one who sprang out from the milky ocean (at the time of the churning) I bow down to one who beautifies and adorns the crest of Siva, and who is of the form of nectar.)
Mula Mantra
Ōm Śrīm Hrīm ham cam candrāya namah:
Padmadhvajāya vidmahe hemarūpāya dhīmahi
Tanno sōma pracodayāt
(Puranas claim that Chandra is the son of Atri and Anusuya. He is sometimes said to be the son of Dharma. He sprang from the milky ocean when it was churned by the Gods and Asuras. Chandra is the guardian of the sacrifices, penances and asterisms. He is said to be the sole Lord of the Herbal kingdom. It is the Moon that gives to matter the principle of fermentation. The Purusha Sukta mentions Chandra as having come out of the mind of the primeval Purusha. Chandra has the power of heal all diseases. Chandra has medicinal powers. Several ayurvedic medicines are exposed to the Moon in the nights to give a greater potency to them. Grains exposed to the Moon when sown and grown give a grater yield. He also has a closed connection to the human mind.
Chandra is said to have wed the twenty seven daughters of Rishi Daksha. The twenty seven daughters are the twenty seven lunar asterisms in the Hindu pantheon. Story goes that Chandra’s attention to Rohini, one of the twenty seven, was so much that the remaining daughters complained to Daksha, who in turn cursed Chandra. On appeal of the daughters the curse was modified. Chandra is said to have performed the Rajasuya sacrificed and became powerful. The chariot of Chandra has three wheels and is drawn by ten horses which represent the ten sense organs.)
3. Kuja (Mangala)
Dharaneegarbha Sambootham Vidhyath Kaanthi Sama prabham !
Kumaaram Shaktihastham cha mangalam Pranamaamyaham !!
(I bow down to Angaraha, who does good to all, who is the earth, who has the effulgence of lighting, who is ever youthful, and who yields both power and energy with him.)
Múla Mantra
Aim hmoum srim dram gam grahadhipataye bhoumatya swah
VīradhvajAya Vidmahe Vighnahastāya dhīmahi
Tanno bhouma pracōdayat
(Angaraka, otherwise known as Mangala, is also known as Karthikeya, the God of war. He is the son of Siva and Earth. As the son of the Earth he is called Angaraka, Bhauma and Bhumiputra. He is also known as Gananolmukha (Torch of the sky). Mangala is red in colour (Lohita). He is the manifestation of the powers of spying. Hence he is called Chara. He is also said to be the patron of debtors (Rinantaka). Though he is born of the Earth he is the one who constantly vitalizes the Earth charging it from time to time. His intelligence and sagacity are of very high order. Mangala always brings auspiciousness. Siva's essence of effulgence was cast into the fire and it was afterward received by the Ganges. the resulting outcome was Karthikeya. He has six heads, hence known as Shanmukha. He is the leader of the Siddhas and is also the commander of the forces of the gods. It is also said that astrology originated from Him. )
4. Budha
Priyam gukalikaashyaamam Rupenaam prathimam budham !
Saumyam Saumya gunor petham tham Budham pranamaamyaham !!
(I bow down to Budha who is dark and black like the black tulip, matchess in form and appearance, exraordinari;y inteligent and wise, being the son of Soma and endowed with sweet and pleasing auspicious qualities. )
Múla Mantra
Ōm Hrīm krom aim grhanāthāya budhāya svāhā
Gaadhvajāya Vidmahe śūka hasthāya dhīmahi
Tanno budha pracōdayāt
(Budha is the Lord of intense heat. He is engulfed by the light of Surya as he is very close to the Sun. He shines forth like a diamond. The planet Budha is seen early in the morning and late in the evenings in the lower sky, in the east and the west. His Father is Chandra and Mother Tara. He has attained his status only after undergoing a lot of austerities. He has the star Avitam as his birth star. His chariot has four horses yoked to it. He married Ilai the daughter of Manu and became the father of the Pururavas. He is also said to be the Lord of the fifth canto of the Rig Veda. He is the Lord of wisdom granting intelligence, presence of mind and wit to his devotees. He has a very enchanting form and is almost a black beauty. Legend goes that his beauty made both Soma and Brihaspathi claim him as their son. )
5. Guru
Devaanaam cha Hrisheenaam cha gurum kanchana Sannibham
Budhibhootham trilokesham tham namaami Brihaspatheem !!
(I bow down to Brihaspathi who is the teacher of Gods and Sages,
who is resplendent and lustrous as burnished gold, who is endowed with
a lot of wisdom and who is the lord of the three worlds. )
Múla Mantra
Ōm Hrīm Śrīm Blīm āim Gloum Grhādhipataye brhaspataye vim ta aim ta swahā
Vrşabhadhvajāya vidmahe dhanur hastāya dhīmahi
Tanno guru pracōdadayāt
(Brihaspathi is one of the greatest teachers. Being Jupiter he is the biggest planet in the solar system. He is known as the lord of speech. He is also known as Anirnishacharya. In the divine community he is considered to be the high priest. He is the Father of all the gods. Endowed with the lustre of gold he has a thundering voice. Ever interested is He in cherishing ethics, moral codesand values. Hence he is called Nitighosha. His chariot is drawn by eight pale horses. The eight manifestations in prakriti serve him constantly. He is the son of Rishi Angira. His wife is called Tara. Vyasa is said to be an aspect of Guru. He is the Lord of consciousness and awareness. He is also to Lord of prayer and devotion. Piety and religion are personified in him. He is also the God of wisdom and eloquence. )
6. Sukra [Venus]
Himakundha Mrinaalabham Daithyaanam Paramam gurum !
Sarvashaasthra pravatkaaram Bhaargavam pranamaamyaham !!
(I bow down to Sukra otherwise called Bhargava who is as white and fair complexioned as the snow, who is the supreme teacher of the Daiyas who are enemies of the Gods, and who is know ledged of all the scriptures.)
Múla Mantra
Ōm Aim Kam Grheśvarāya śukrāya namah:
Aśva dhvajāya vidmahe dhanur hastāya dhīmahi
Tanno śukra pracōdayāt
(Sukra is the sun of Bhrigu and the official priests, advisor and counselor of Bali and the Daityas, the titans. Sukra's wife is Susama otherwise known as Sataparwa. Sukra's daughter is Devayani who married Yayati. Sukra is the author of the code of laws. He performed a painful sacrifice imbibing the smoke of chaff for a thousand years. This He did to please Lord Siva and obtain there by to grace of Siva for the protection of the Asuras. Legend goes Sukra has attained a lot of spiritual powers, powerful enough to regenerate life. He is married to Jayanthi, the daughter of Indra. Sukra the planet has sixteen rays emitting forth. Sukra is known for his wisdom, presence of mind, brilliance and extraordinary wit.)
7. Sani
Neelaamjana Samaabhaasam Raviputhram yamaagrajam !
Chchaaya maarthanda sambootham tham namaami shanaishwaram !!
(I bow to Sani, as black as the black collyirum, who is the son of the Sun and the brother of Yama and born to Surya through Chaya, and moves very slowly.)
Múla Mantra
Ōm Hrīm Śrīm Grha cakravarttineśnaicarāya Klīm Aim Souh swāhā
Kākadhvajāya vidmahe khadga hastāya dhīmahe
Tanno manda pracōdayāt
(Sani is represented as a black entity in black gannents. He is also said to be the son of Lord Balarama and Revathi. His rays bring bad luck, difficulty, adversity and disaster. His influence is evil. He has several names. Some of them are Kona, Krodha or Saura. In motion he is slow and lethargic. Being seven rayed in nature he moves freely in all seven planes of consciousness. While on exit he endows all with unimaginable prosperity. There is none in the human and heavenly kingdom who has not come under his influence. )
8. Rahu
Ardhakaayam mahaveeryam chandraadhitya vimardanam !
Simhikagarbha Sambootham tham Rahum pranamaamyaham !!
(I bow down to Rahu who is semibodied, who is endowed with a lot of powers, who troubles fiercely the Sun and the Moon and who comes from the womb of Simhika)
Múla Mantra
Ōm Krīm Hum Hum Tam Tańkadhārińe rāhave Ram Hrīm Śrīm Paim swāhā
Nakhadhvajāya vidmahe padma hastāya dhīmahi
Tanno rāhu pracōdayāt
(Rahu is the ascending node in astronomy. He is the cause of all eclipses and shines as the King of meteors He is the guardian of the southwest quarter. His father is Viprachitti and Simhika. He has four arms and his lower part ends in a tail. As a lover of mischief he causes a lot of mischief. He disguised himself and had a sip of the immortal nectar during the churning of the ocean. lhe legend goes that Vishnu cut his head off due to this. His chariot is drawn by eight black horses. He is called 'Abra Pisacha', the Demon of the Sky. He is also called Kabandha or Bharani-bhu. )
9. Ketu
Palaasha pushpa samkaasham Tarakaagriha mastakam !
Raudram Raudraatmakam ghoram tham ketum pranamaamyaham !!
(I bow doen to Ketu who is as red as the Palasa-blossom, who has his head the starts and plants, who is exteremly wrathful, who is the son of Rudra and who is terrible in form. )
Múla Mantra
Ōm Hrīm Krūm Krūra rūpine ketave Aim Souh swāhā
Aśvadhvajāya vidmahe sūla hastāya dhīmahi
Tanno ketu pracōdayāt
(Rahu's tail became Ketu when the former's head was cut off by Vishnu. He is the descending node in Astronomy. he is a comet and is the ninth of the Navagrahas. He is the lord of stellar constellations. He is a danava and is the son of Viprachitti and Simhika. He is called 'Akacha' also called Ashlesha Bhava)
Graha ---------planets -----facing
Soma (or Chandra)Moon---West
Mangal (or Bhauma)-Mars-South
Brihaspati (or Guru)-Jupiter--North
Nine temples, which are famous for each of the Navagraha are situated around Mayiladuthurai. One can visit all the 9 temples in a day, starting from Mayuram and it has become quite a popular tourist circuit today.
Suriyanar koil - Sun - Suriyan
This is about 20kms west of Mayuram, near Aduthurai. Surya resides with his wives Chaya and Suvarcha in this holy place. With Surya at the centre, temples of the other Grahas are around Surya.
Thingaloor - Moon - Chandiran
This is about 40 kms west of Mayuram, near thiruvaiyaru. Mentally disturbed people come here to get cure get rid of their sorrows and sufferings.
Vaidheeswaran Koil - Mars - Angarakan
This temple is 12 kms north-east of Mayuram, on the way to Chidambaram. This town is also called as Pull-irukku-Veloor. Jadayu - the eagle who made a gallant attempt to stop Ravana from proceeding to Lanka with Sita, got relieved of his wings by Ravana, fell down here and eventually got Moksha. Even today we can see the place where Jadayu was cremated - 'Jadayu Kundam'.
Vaidheeswaran koil is a crowd puller for many reasons along with the Angarakan. Vaidyanadha Swamy ( shiva ) is believed to cure illness of the ardent devotees. Lot of people throng here everyday, offer their prayers for regaining their health with the grace of the deity. Ambal is called Valambika alias Thaiyal Nayaki.
Kiruthigai is an auspicious day here with special poojas performed for SelvaMuthuKumara Swamy ( Murugan ). Nayanmars, Arunagiri Nadar, kumaraguruparar, kalamega pulavar have visited this temple and sung in praise of the deity. Separate sanctorum for Angaraka is a speciality out here as you cannot find it elsewhere.
Thiruvenkadu - Mercury - Budhan
This is about 24 kms east of Mayuram. Lord Shiva resides here in the name of Swetharanyar. This temple is referred in 'Saiva Thirumurais' and Sastras. This place is similar to Kasi with all the Snana Ghats. One can do all the karmas here, that is supposed to be done in kasi. We can find a separate sanctum sanctorum for bhudan. Bhudan holds the portfolio of Education and Arts and it is the next popular place students prefer to go after Tuition centers.
Alangudi - Jupiter - Guru
This is about 40 kms from Mayuram near Needamangalam. The speciality here is that Lord Guru is engraved on the wall and is not in the form of separate idol.
Kanjanur - Venus - Sukran
Kanjanur is near Suriyanarkoil. People come here for getting the blessings of Sukran, to get themselves 'Sukra Dasa', who is believed to get them wealth.
Thirunallaru - Saturn - Shani
This is the most sought Navagraham, which is about 30 kms east of Mayuram on the way to Thiruvarur. There is a separate sanctum sanctoram for Lord Shani. This is the place where Shani left from the body of Nala Maharaja. This is one of the 'Sapta Vidanga Kshetras' ( where Musukunda Chakravarthy installed the deity of Thyagaraja ). It is believed that holy dip in the tank ( Nala Theertham ) will help people to escape from the woes of Sani.
Thirunageswaram - Ragu
This is about 30 kms from Mayuram , near Kumbakonam. The main deity's name is Nageshwarar and Ambal's name is Girigujambikai. She is decorated as a small girl in the Mornings, as young lady in Noons and as lady in evenings. Thirunageswaram is referenced in Lalitha Sahasranamam. Here Ragu resides with his wife and everyday, during Ragu kalam, when Milk is poured over Ragu idol, it miraculously changes to blue colour. People having Ragu dosha come here during Ragu kalam and perform Abishekas.
Keezhaperumpallam - Kethu
This temple is about 20 kms from Mayuram, near Thiruvenkadu. Here there is a separate sanctum sanctorum for Kedhu. Those who are affected by Kedhu dosha come here for rectification

Sametam daksine citragupta brahmanam uttare tu sevitam jaimini
Gotra jananyam vaidhuryabharanalamkaram kuldunda dhanyasyopari
Sukra mitram vayavya digbhage dhvajakara mandale ketum graha nayakam:
ketu béja mantra
om sraà sréà srauà sah ketave namaù
Aneka roopavarnascha
1. om ketave namaù
2. om sthulaçirase namaù
3. om çiromanträya namaù
4. om dhvajakrataye namaù
5. om navagrahayutäya namaù
6. om siàhikäsurigarbhasambhaväya
7. om mahäbhétikaräya namaù
8. om citravarëäya namaù
9. om çrépiìgalakñakäya namaù
10. om phulladhumasakañäya namaù
11. om tékñëadaàñöäya namaù
12. om mahodaräya namaù
13. om raktaneträya namaù
14. om citrakariëe namaù
15. om tivrakopäya namaù
16. om mahäsuräya namaù
17. om krürakaëöhäya namaù
18. om krodhanidhaye namaù
19. om chäyägrahaviçoçakäya namaù
20. om antyagrahäya namaù
21. om mahäçirçäya namaù
22. om süryäraye namaù
23. om puñpavadgrähiëe namaù
24. om varahastäya namaù
25. om gadapanaye namaù
26. om citravastradharäya namaù
27. om citradhvajapatäkäya namaù
28. om ghoräya namaù
29. om citrarathäya namaù
30. om çikhine namaù
31. om kullutthabhakñakäya namaù
32. om vaiduryabharaëäya namaù
33. om utpatajanakäya namaù
34. om çukramiträya namaù
35. om mandasakhäya namaù
36. om gadädharäya namaù
37. om nakapataye namaù
38. om antarvediçvaräya namaù
39. om jaiminigotrajäya namaù
40. om citraguptätmane namaù
41. om dakñiëaukhäya namaù
42. om mukundavarapaträya namaù
43. om mahäsurakulodbhaväya namaù
44. om ghanavarëäya namaù
45. om lambadeväya namaù
46. om måtyuputräya namaù
47. om utpätarüpadhäriëe namaù
48. om adåçyäya namaù
49. om kälägnisannibhäya namaù
50. om nåpéòäya namaù
51. om gåhakäriëe namaù
52. om sarvopadravavarakäya namaù
53. om citraprasutäya namaù
54. om analäya namaù
55. om sarvavyädhivinäçakäya namaù
56. om apasavyapracariëe namaù
57. om navame päpadäyakäya namaù
58. om païcame çokadäya namaù
59. om uparägakhecagäya namaù
60. om atipuruñakarmaëe namaù
61. om turéye sukhapradäya namaù
62. om tåtiye vairadäya namaù
63. om päpagrahäya namaù
64. om sphatakakarakäya namaù
65. om praëanäthäya namaù
66. om païcame çrémakarakäya namaù
67. om dvitéye asphuöavandätre namaù
68. om viçakulitavaktakäya namaù
69. om kämarüpiëe namaù
70. om siàhadantäya namaù
71. om kuçedhmapriyäya namaù
72. om caturthe mätånäçäya namaù
73. om navame pitånäçakäya namaù
74. om antye vairapradäya namaù
75. om sutänandannidhanakäya namaù
76. om sarpakñijatäya namaù
77. om anaìgäya namaù
78. om karmaräçyudbhaväya namaù
79. om upante kirtidäya namaù
80. om saptamekalahapradäya namaù
81. om añöame vyädhikartre namaù
82. om dhane bahusukhapradäya namaù
83. om janane rogadäya namaù
84. om ürdhvamürdhajäya namaù
85. om grahanayakäya namaù
86. om päpadyañöaye namaù
87. om khecaräya namaù
88. om çambhaväya namaù
89. om açeñapujitäya namaù
90. om çaçvatäya namaù
91. om naöäya namaù
92. om çubhäçubhaphalapradäya namaù
93. om dhümräya namaù
94. om sudhapayine namaù
95. om ajitäya namaù
96. om bhaktavatsaläya namaù
97. om siàhäsanäya namaù
98. om ketumürtaye namaù
99. om ravindudyutinäçakäya namaù
100. om amaräya namaù
101. om péòakäya namaù
102. om amartya namaù
103. om viñëudåñöäya namaù
104. om asureçvaräya namaù
105. om bhaktarakñäya namaù
106. om vaicitryakapaöasyandanäya namaù
107. om vicitraphaladäyine namaù
108. om bhaktäbhiñöaphalapradäya namaù
iti ketu añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Propitiation of Ketu (Thursday)
Donate a brown cow with white spots, colored blankets, or a dog to a poor young man on Thursday.
On the first Thursday of the waxing moon, especially during major or minor Ketu periods.
To be chanted on Thursday at midnight, especially during major or minor Ketu periods:
The planetary diety Ketu is propitiated granting victory over enemies, favour from the King or government, and reduction in diseases caused by Ketu.

Ratharudham makara kumbha rasyadhipam daksineti yamottare
Prajapatim nilabharana bhusitam tila dhanyasyopari dhanur
Mandale pascima digbhage kasyapa gotra janya sanisvara devatam:
Sani béja mantra –
------ om praà prià prauà sah çanaiçcaräya namaù ----
1. om çanaiçcaräya namaù
2. om çäntäya namaù
3. om sarvabhistapradäyine namaù
4. om çaraëyäya namaù
5. om vägenyäya namaù
6. om sarveçäya namaù
7. om saumyäya namaù
8. om suraàvandäya namaù
9. om suralokavihäriëe namaù
10. om sukhasonapaviñöäya namaù
11. om sundaräya namaù
12. om ghanäya namaù
13. om ghanarüpäya namaù
14. om ghanabharaëadhäriëe namaù
15. om ghanasaravilepäya namaù
16. om khädyotäya namaù
17. om mandäya namaù
18. om mandaceñöäya namaù
19. om mahäniyaguëätmane namaù
20. om martyapavanapadäya namaù
21. om maheçäya namaù
22. om dhayaputräya namaù
23. om çarväya namaù
24. om çatatuniradhäriëe namaù
25. om carasthirasvabhaväya namaù
26. om acaïcaläya namaù
27. om nélavarëäya namaù
28. om nityäya namaù
29. om néläïjananibhäya namaù
30. om nélämbaravibhüçäya namaù
31. om niçcaläya namaù
32. om vedyäya namaù
33. om vidhirüpäya namaù
34. om virodhadharabhumaye namaù
35. om bhedaspadasvabhaväya namaù
36. om vajradehäya namaù
37. om vairagyadäya namaù
38. om véräya namaù
39. om vétarogabhayäya namaù
40. om vipatparampareçäya namaù
41. om viçvavandyäya namaù
42. om gådhnavahäya namaù
43. om gudhäya namaù
44. om kurmäìgäya namaù
45. om kurüpiëe namaù
46. om kutsitäya namaù
47. om guëadhyäya namaù
48. om gocaräya namaù
49. om avidyämülanäçäya namaù
50. om vidyä'vidyäsvarüpiëe namaù
51. om ayuçyakaraëäya namaù
52. om apaduddhartre namaù
53. om viñëubhaktäya namaù
54. om viçine namaù
55. om vividhagamavedine namaù
56. om vidhistutyäya namaù
57. om vandhyäya namaù
58. om virüpäkñäya namaù
59. om variñöhäya namaù
60. om gariñöhäya namaù
61. om vajräìkuçagharäya namaù
62. om varada bhayahastäya namaù
63. om vämanäya namaù
64. om jyeñöhapatnisameöäya namaù
65. om çreñöhäya namaù
66. om mitabhäñiëe namaù
67. om kañöaughanäçakartre namaù
68. om puñöidäya namaù
69. om stutyäya namaù
70. om stotragamyäya namaù
71. om bhaktivaçyäya namaù
72. om bhänave namaù
73. om bhänuputräya namaù
74. om bhavyäya namaù
75. om pavanäya namaù
76. om dhanurmaëòalasaàsthäya namaù
77. om dhanadäya namaù
78. om dhanuñmate namaù
79. om tanuprakaçadehäya namaù
80. om tamasäya namaù
81. om açeñajanavandyäya namaù
82. om viçeçaphaladäyine namaù
83. om vaçikåtajaneçäya namaù
84. om paçünäà pataye namaù
85. om khecaräya namaù
86. om khageçäya namaù
87. om ghananélämbaräya namaù
88. om käöhiëyamänasäya namaù
89. om äryagaëastutyäya namaù
90. om nélacchäträya namaù
91. om nityäya namaù
92. om nirguëäya namaù
93. om guëätmane namaù
94. om nirämayäya namaù
95. om nandyäya namaù
96. om vandanéyäya namaù
97. om dhéräya namaù
98. om divyadehäya namaù
99. om dénärtiharaëäya namaù
100. om dainyanäçakaräya namaù
101. om äryajanagaëyäya namaù
102. om krüräya namaù
103. om krüraceñöäya namaù
104. om kämakrodhakaräya namaù
105. om kalatraputraçatruttvakaraëäya
106. om paripoñitabhaktäya namaù
107. om paräbhitiharäya namaù
108. om bhaktasaìghamano'bhiñöaphaladäya namaù
--------------- iti çani añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Donate leather, farm land, a black cow, a cooking oven with cooking utensils, a buffalo, black mustard or black sesamum seeds, to a poor man on Saturday evening.
On Saturday during Saturn transits, and especially major or minor Saturn periods.
To be chanted on Saturday, two hours and forty minutes before sunrise,
especially during major or minor Saturn periods:
The planetary diety Shani is propitiated insuring victory in quarrels,
over coming chronic pain, and bringing success to those engaged in the iron or steel trade.
Sooryaya seetharuchay dharanee suthaaya,
Sanichyaraya, Chayasuna, Souri, Tarunitanaya, Suryasuvana
Moola Trikona-Kumba
Uttacha Rasi--Tula
Neecha Rasi--Mesha
Direction --West
Aspects--3,7, 10 houses
Friendly planets--Budha and Sukra
Enemy planets --Ravi, Chandra and Kuja
Gem and Rudraksha--Blue Sapphire and Saptamukhi
Brother--Yamadharma Raju
Sister --Yamuna
Guru--Lord Shiva
Native place--Saurastra
Friends---Kalabhiravudu, Hanuman, Budhudu and Rahuvu
Friendly houses--Kumba and Makara
Favorable day---Saturday
Favorable Thithi---Amavasya
Sani Stars---Anuradha, Pushyami and Uttarabhadra
Favorable colors and items ---Black, black grams, jaggery, black oil etc.
Favorable professions---Iron, Steel, Cement, Coal, Petroleum, Medical and hardware
Diseases---Paralysis, Cancer, Kidney, Mental problems and skin diseases
Remedies----Donate the favorable items to physically challenged persons on Saturday evenings and at night times

Sameta daksinerindranimuttare indra sahitam suka
Vahanam rajamasa dhanyasyopari tula vrsabha rasisa
Vajrabharanam ravi purve pancakone purvabhimukham sukram:
çukra béja mantra –
om draà drià drauà sah çukräya namaù
1. om çukräya namaù
2. om çucaye namaù
3. om çubhaguëäya namaù
4. om çubhadäya namaù
5. om çubhalakñaëäya namaù
6. om çobhanakñäya namaù
7. om çubravahäya namaù
8. om çuddhasphadikabhasvaräya namaù
9. om dénärtiharakäya namaù
10. om daityagurave namaù
11. om deväbhivanditäya namaù
12. om kävyäsaktäya namaù
13. om kämapaläya namaù
14. om kavaye namaù
15. om kalyäëadäyakäya namaù
16. om bhadramurtaye namaù
17. om bhadraguëäya namaù
18. om bhargaväya namaù
19. om bhaktapälanäya namaù
20. om bhogadäya namaù
21. om bhuvanädhyakñäya namaù
22. om bhuktimuktiphalapradäya namaù
23. om cäruçéläya namaù
24. om cärurüpäya namaù
25. om cärucandranibhananäya namaù
26. om nidhaye namaù
27. om nikhilaçästrajïäya namaù
28. om nétividyädhurandharäya namaù
29. om sarvalakñaëasampannäya namaù
30. om sarvavaguëavarjitäya namaù
31. om samänädikanirmuktäya namaù
32. om sakalagamaparägäya namaù
33. om bhågave namaù
34. om bhogakaräya namaù
35. om bhümisurapälanatatparäya namaù
36. om manasvine namaù
37. om manadäya namaù
38. om manyäya namaù
39. om mäyätétäya namaù
40. om mahäyaçase namaù
41. om baliprasannäya namaù
42. om abhayadäya namaù
43. om baline namaù
44. om satyaparäkramäya namaù
45. om bhavapäçaparityägäya namaù
46. om balibandhavimocakäya namaù
47. om ghanäçayäya namaù
48. om ghanädhyakñäya namaù
49. om kambhugriväya namaù
50. om käladharäya namaù
51. om käruëyarasasampürëäya namaù
52. om kalyäëaguëavardhanäya namaù
53. om çvetambaräya namaù
54. om çvetavapuñe namaù
55. om caturbhujasamanvitäya namaù
56. om akñamälädharäya namaù
57. om acintyäya namaù
58. om akñiëaguëabhäsuräya namaù
59. om nakñatragaëasaïcaräya namaù
60. om nayadäya namaù
61. om nétémärgadäya namaù
62. om varçapradäya namaù
63. om håñikeçäya namaù
64. om kleçanäçakaräya namaù
65. om kavaye namaù
66. om cintitaryapradäya namaù
67. om çäntamataye namaù
68. om cittasamadhikåte namaù
69. om adhivyädhiharäya namaù
70. om bhurivikramäya namaù
71. om puëyadäyakäya namaù
72. om puräëapuruñäya namaù
73. om püjyäya namaù
74. om purühutädisannutäya namaù
75. om ajeyäya namaù
76. om vijitarataye namaù
77. om vividhabharanjjvaläya namaù
78. om kundapuñpapratikaçäya namaù
79. om mandahasäya namaù
80. om mahämataye namaù
81. om muktaphalasamanabhäya namaù
82. om muktidäya namaù
83. om munisannutäya namaù
84. om ratnasiàhäsanärüòhäya namaù
85. om rathasthäya namaù
86. om rajataprabhäya namaù
87. om süryaprägdeçasaïcaräya namaù
88. om suraçatrusuhåde namaù
89. om kavaye namaù
90. om tulävåñabharäçiçäya namaù
91. om durdharäya namaù
92. om dharmapalakäya namaù
93. om bhagyadäya namaù
94. om bhavyacariträya namaù
95. om bhavapäçavimotrakäya namaù
96. om gauòadeçeçvaräya namaù
97. om goptre namaù
98. om guëite namaù
99. om guëavibhüñaëäya namaù
100. om jyeñöhanakñatrasambhutäya namaù
101. om jyeñöhäya namaù
102. om çreñöhäya namaù
103. om çucismitäya namaù
104. om apavargapradäya namaù
105. om anantäya namaù
106. om santänaphaladäyakäya namaù
107. om sarvaiçvaryapradäya namaù
108. om sarvagérväëagaëasannutäya namaù
iti çukra añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Propitiation of Venus (Friday)
Donate silk clothes, dairy cream, yogurt, scented oils, sugar, cow dung, or camphor to a poor young woman on Friday evening.
On Friday, especially during Venus transits and major or minor Venus periods.
To be chanted on Friday at sunrise, especially during major or minor Venus periods:
The planetary diety Shukra is propitiated increasing riches and conjugal bliss.
In Astrology, the planet Venus stands for our sense of aesthetics, the arts (especially music) and how we interact in our intimate relationships. Venus is often in the same sign as the Sun, since it can never be more than 45 degrees from the natal sun sign. When Venus is in the same sign as your Sun sign, there is a consistency in how you relate in your romantic relationships, as well as in your day to day relationships. When the Sun and Venus are in two different signs, there may be a marked difference in how you relate to your significant other, showing them a different side of you than is usually revealed to the outside world. Venus is associated with the signs of Libra and Taurus.
Venus is called love planet and stands for sense of aesthetics, arts (generally music). Venus is said to be often in the same sign as the Sun, since it can never be more than 45 degrees from the natal sun sign. Venus is associated with the signs of Libra and Taurus. Kanchanoor temple is located 18 km in the Kallanai-Poompuhar highway. It is idea to pray Lord Shukran by giving away white clothes, white lotus, diamond for betterment in lifestyles, work, it is widely believed the unemployed gets job if He is worshipped.
Shukran : Venus
Vehicle : Crocodile
Place : Kanchanoor
Direction : Southeast
Color : Pure white
Metal : Copper & Silver
Grain : Mochai,Chana
Gem : diamond

Indra marutva daksine brahmanamuttare canaka dhanye
Dirgha caturmandale dhanurminadhipatim pusyaragabharanam
Gaiarudham kubera digbhage uttarabhimukham suracarvam:
guru béja mantra –
om graà grià grauà sah gurave namaù
1. om gurave namaù
2. om guëakaräya namaù
3. om goptre namaù
4. om gocaräya namaù
5. om gopatipriyäya namaù
6. om guëive namaù
7. om guëavataà çrepthäya namaù
8. om gurunaà gurave namaù
9. om avyayäya namaù
10. om jetre namaù
11. om jayantäya namaù
12. om jayadäya namaù
13. om jiväya namaù
14. om anantäya namaù
15. om jayavahäya namaù
16. om aìgirasäya namaù
17. om adhvaramaktäya namaù
18. om viviktäya namaù
19. om adhvarakåtparäya namaù
20. om väcaspataye namaù
21. om vaçine namaù
22. om vaçyäya namaù
23. om variñöhäya namaù
24. om vägvacakñaëäya namaù
25. om cittaçuddhikaräya namaù
26. om çrémate namaù
27. om caiträya namaù
28. om citraçikhaëòijäya namaù
29. om båhadrathäya namaù
30. om båhadbhänave namaù
31. om båhaspataye namaù
32. om abhiñöadäya namaù
33. om suracaryäya namaù
34. om surärädhyäya namaù
35. om surakäryakåtodyamäya namaù
36. om girvanapoçakäya namaù
37. om dhanyäya namaù
38. om giçpataye namaù
39. om giriçäya namaù
40. om anaghäya namaù
41. om dhévaräya namaù
42. om dhéçanäya namaù
43. om divyabhüñaëäya namaù
44. om devapüjitäya namaù
45. om dhanurddharäya namaù
46. om daityahantre namaù
47. om dayasaräya namaù
48. om dayakaräya namaù
49. om däridryanäçanäya namaù
50. om dhanyäya namaù
51. om dakñiëäyanasambhaväya namaù
52. om dhanurménädhipäya namaù
53. om deväya namaù
54. om dhanurbäëadharäya namaù
55. om haraye namaù
56. om aìgarovarñasaïjatäya namaù
57. om aìgiraù kulasambhaväya namaù
58. om sindhudeçädhipäya namaù
59. om dhémate namaù
60. om svarëakayäya namaù
61. om caturbhujäya namaù
62. om hemäìgadäya namaù
63. om hemavapuçe namaù
64. om hemabhüñaëabhüñitäya namaù
65. om puñyanäthäya namaù
66. om puñyarägamaëimandanamandi
67. om käçapuñpasamanabhäya namaù
68. om indrädyamarasaìghapäya namaù
69. om asamanabaläya namaù
70. om satvaguëasampadvibhavasave
71. om bhusurabhiçtadaya namaù
72. om bhuriyaçase namaù
73. om puëyavivardhanäya namaù
74. om dharmarüpäya namaù
75. om dhanädhyakñäya namaù
76. om dhanadäya namaù
77. om dharmapalanäya namaù
78. om sarvavedärthatattvajïäya namaù
79. om sarvapadvinivärakäya namaù
80. om sarvapäpapraçamanäya namaù
81. om svramatanugatamaräya namaù
82. om ågvedapäragäya namaù
83. om rikñaraçimargapracaravate
84. om sadänandäya namaù
85. om satyasandhäya namaù
86. om satyasaìkalpamanasäya namaù
87. om sarvagamajïäya namaù
88. om sarvajïäya namaù
89. om sarvavedantavide namaù
90. om brahmaputräya namaù
91. om brahmaëeçäya namaù
92. om brahmavidyäviçäradäya namaù
93. om samänädhikanirbhuktäya namaù
94. om sarvalokavaçaàvadäya namaù
95. om sasuräsuragandharvavanditäya
96. om satyabhäñaëäya namaù
97. om båhaspataye namaù
98. om suracaryäya namaù
99. om dayavate namaù
100. om çubhalakñaëäya namaù
101. om lokatrayägurave namaù
102. om çrémate namaù
103. om sarvagäya namaù
104. om sarvato vibhave namaù
105. om sarveçäya namaù
106. om sarvadatuñöäya namaù
107. om sarvadäya namaù
108. om sarvapüjitäya namaù
iti guru añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Jupiter is best placed in Karka (Cancer) where is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Makara (Capricorn) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. Jupiter is lord of the signs Dhanus (Saggitarius) and Meena(Pisces) and also of the house where these sign are located. Jupiter aspects 3 signs, the 5th, 7th and 9th signs from its own position.
Guru Sloka
Devanam cha
Rishinam cha
Gurum kaanchana
Sannibham Buddhimantam Trilokesham
Tam namaami Brishaspatim.
Alangudi - Jupiter - Guru Temple.It is located in Thanjavur district of Tamilnadu, India. Alangudi is 17 kms away from Kumbakonam enroute to Mannargudi.
This is about 40 kms from Mayuram near Needamangalam.

Simha vahanam magadhadesisam atreya gotra kanya
Mithunadhipam mudga dhanyasyopari daksine vishnum
Uttare narayanam banakara mandale yasasvinyukta
Uttarabhimukham marakatabharanam isanya kone srimatam:
budha béja mantra –
om braà brià brauà sah budhäya namaù
1. om budhäya namaù
2. om budharcitäya namaù
3. om saumyäya namaù
4. om saumyacittäya namaù
5. om çubhapradäya namaù
6. om dåòhavratäya namaù
7. om hadaphaläya namaù
8. om çrutijalaprabodhakäya namaù
9. om satya väsäya namaù
10. om satyavacase namaù
11. om çreyasaà pataye namaù
12. om abhayäya namaù
13. om somajäya namaù
14. om sukhadäya namaù
15. om çrémate namaù
16. om somavaàçapradipakäya namaù
17. om vedavide namaù
18. om vedatattväçäya namaù
19. om vedäntajïanabhäskaräya namaù
20. om vidyävicakñaëäya namaù
21. om viduçe namaù
22. om vidvatprétikaräya namaù
23. om krajave namaù
24. om viçvänukulasaïcaräya namaù
25. om viçeñavinayänvitäya namaù
26. om vividhagamasarajïäya namaù
27. om véryavate namaù
28. om vigatajvaräya namaù
29. om trivargaphaladäya namaù
30. om anantäya namaù
31. om tridaçädépapüjitäya namaù
32. om buddhimate namaù
33. om bahuçästrajïäya namaù
34. om baline namaù
35. om bandhavimocakäya namaù
36. om vakativakagamanäya namaù
37. om väsaväya namaù
38. om vasudhädhipäya namaù
39. om prasannavadanäya namaù
40. om vandhyäya namaù
41. om vareëyäya namaù
42. om vägvilakñaëäya namaù
43. om satyavate namaù
44. om satyasaìkalpäya namaù
45. om satyabandhave namaù
46. om sadädaräya namaù
47. om sarvarogapraçamanäya namaù
48. om sarvamåtyunivärakäya namaù
49. om väëijyanipüëäya namaù
50. om vaçyäya namaù
51. om vätäìgäya namaù
52. om vätarogahåte namaù
53. om sthuläya namaù
54. om sthairyaguëädhyakñäya namaù
55. om sthulasukñmädikaraëäya namaù
56. om aprakäçäya namaù
57. om prakäçätmane namaù
58. om ghanäya namaù
59. om gaganabhüñaëäya namaù
60. om vidhistutyäya namaù
61. om viçälakñäya namaù
62. om vidvajjanamanoharäya namaù
63. om cäruçéläya namaù
64. om svaprakäçäya namaù
65. om capaläya namaù
66. om jitendriyäya namaù
67. om udanmukhäya namaù
68. om bukhamakkäya namaù
69. om magadhädhipataye namaù
70. om haraye namaù
71. om saumyavatsarasaïjätäya namaù
72. om somapriyakaräya namaù
73. om mahate namaù
74. om siàhädhirüòhäya namaù
75. om sarvajïäya namaù
76. om çikhivarëäya namaù
77. om çivaìkaräya namaù
78. om pétämbaräya namaù
79. om pétavapuçe namaù
80. om pitaccatradhvajankitaya
81. om khaìgacarmadharäya namaù
82. om käryakartre namaù
83. om kaluñahärakäya namaù
84. om atreyagotrajäya namaù
85. om atyantavinayäya namaù
86. om viçvapavanäya namaù
87. om campeyapuñpasaìkäçäya namaù
88. om caranäya namaù
89. om cärubhüñaëäya namaù
90. om vétarägäya namaù
91. om vétabhayäya namaù
92. om viçuddhakanakaprabhäya
93. om bandhupriyäya namaù
94. om bandhuyuktäya namaù
95. om vanamaëòalasaàçritäya namaù
96. om arkesananiväsasthäya
97. om tarkaçästraviçäradmaya namaù
98. om praçäntäya namaù
99. om prétisaàyuktäya namaù
100. om priyakåte namaù
101. om priyabhüñaëäya namaù
102. om medhävine namaù
103. om mädhavasaktäya namaù
104. om mithunädhipataye namaù
105. om sudhiye namaù
106. om kanyäräçipriyäya namaù
107. om kämapradäya namaù
108. om ghanaphaläçrayäya namaù
iti budha añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Propitiation of Mercury BUDHA(Wednesday)
Donate small green lentils, a green pumpkin, a goat, or green clothes to a poor student on Wednesday at noon.
On Wednesday, especially during Mercury transits and major or minor Mercury periods.
To be chanted on Wednesday, two hours after sunrise, especially during major or minor Mercury periods:
The planetary diety Budha is propitiated increasing health and intelligence.
Mercury best placed in Kanya (Virgo) where is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Meena (Pisces) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. Mercury is lord of the sign Kanya (Virgo) and Mithuna (Gemini) and also of the houses where these signs are placed.
Mercury is known as Budha in Vedic astrology. Budha is known as ''Grahapati'', or lord of the planets. Budha is considered wisest among the planets. Nature of mercury is Airy. Mercury refers to the intellect and intellect comes from mind.
Budha Puja - Worship of Mercury
Worship of Mercury is recommended to those who are weak at studies, find lack of concentration and suffer from blood pressure and sugar problem etc. Reciting this mantra will help to minimize the evil influence of afflicted Mercury.
Aum hram krom aim grahanathaya budhay savaha
One can recite the following mantra on Wednesdays, facing the northeast direction. It is advisable to wear green clothes on such day.marakatham green stone
Position of Budha
Mercury rules over two signs of the sidereal zodiac, Gemini and Virgo. Budha exalts in Virgo and falls in the sign of Pisces. Mercury is most comfortable in the 1st house. Mercury represents the speech, intellect and friends of the individual. It is a very, adaptable and curious planet. If afflicted, it gives speech problems and a poor discriminative ability. If well placed it makes a person witty, easy going and skillful. Mercury id best placed in Kanya (Virgo) where is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Meena (Pisces) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. Mercury is lord of the sign Kanya (Virgo) and Mithuna (Gemini) and also of the houses where these signs are placed. He was the son of Chandra and either Tara or Rohini.
Budhan Temple
Thiruvenkadu - Mercury - Budhan
This is about 24 kms east of Mayuram. Lord Shiva resides here in the name of Swetharanyar. This temple is referred in 'Saiva Thirumurais' and Sastras. This place is similar to Kasi with all the Snana Ghats. One can do all the karmas here, that is supposed to be done in kasi. We can find a separate sanctum sanctorum for bhudan. Bhudan holds the portfolio of Education and Arts and it is the next popular place students prefer to go after Tuition centers.Thiruvenkadu or Swetaranya is situated close to the rivers Kaveri and Manikarnika, about 9 km from the Shiyali Railway Station, Thanjavur. It is accessible by road from Vaitheeswaran Koil and Semponnar Koil railway stations as well.
The name Thiruvenkadu, as also its Sanskritic equivalent Swetaranya, literally means ‘sacred white forest’. The place is differently known as Jnana-aranya, (forest of wisdom), Patala Kailas, Adi Chidambaram etc. The temple enshrines Lord Shiva - Swetaranyeswara - Thiru-ven-kaatu-eswara - and His consort Brahma Vidyanayaki. The shrine is associated with prominent devotees like Meikandar, Pattinathaar and Swetaketu. In fact, Pattinathaar had the childhood name of Thiruvenkadar.

Vidrumabharanam daksinamukham trikonakara
Mandalam dharmadeviyuktam mesa vrscika rasisam
Bharadhvaja gotram daksine ajavahana vanditesadhipam:
maìgala béja mantra --
om kraà kréà krauà sah bhaumäya namaù
1. om mahisutäya namaù
2. om mahäbhagäya namaù
3. om maìgaläya namaù
4. om maìgalapradäya namaù
5. om mahävérayaà namaù
6. om mahäçuräya namaù
7. om mahäbalaparäkramäya namaù
8. om mahäraudräya namaù
9. om mahäbhadräya namaù
10. om mananiyäya namaù
11. om dayakaräya namaù
12. om manad ya namaù
13. om aparvaëäya namaù
14. om krüräya namaù
15. om täpatrayävivarjitäya namaù
16. om supratipäya namaù
17. om sutäàrakñäya namaù
18. om subrahmaëyäya namaù
19. om sukhapradäya namaù
20. om vakrastambhädigamanäya namaù
21. om vareëyäya namaù
22. om varadäya namaù
23. om sukhine namaù
24. om vérabhadräya namaù
25. om virüpäkñäya namaù
26. om vidurasthäya namaù
27. om vibhavasave namaù
28. om nakñatracakrasaïcariëe namaù
29. om kñätrapäya namaù
30. om kñätravarjitäya namaù
31. om kñayavåddhivinirmuktäya namaù
32. om kñamäyuktäya namaù
33. om vicakñaëäya namaù
34. om akñiëaphaladäya namaù
35. om caturvargaphalapradäya namaù
36. om vétarägäya namaù
37. om vitabhayäya namaù
38. om vijvaräya namaù
39. om viçvakaraëäya namaù
40. om nakñatraräçisaïcaräya namaù
41. om nänäbhayänikåntanäya namaù
42. om vandarujanamandaräya namaù
43. om vakrakuïcitamurdhajäya namaù
44. om kämaniyäya namaù
45. om dayasaräya namaù
46. om kanatkanakabhüñaëäya namaù
47. om bhayaghnäya namaù
48. om bhavyaphaladäya namaù
49. om bhaktabhayavarapradäya namaù
50. om çatruhantre namaù
51. om çamopetäya namaù
52. om çaraëagatapoçanäya namaù
53. om sahäsine namaù
54. om sadguëädhyakñäya namaù
55. om sädhave namaù
56. om samaradurjayäya namaù
57. om duñöadüräya namaù
58. om çiñöapüjyäya namaù
59. om sarvakañöanivärakäya namaù
60. om duçceñöhavarakäya namaù
61. om duùkhabhaïjanäya namaù
62. om durdharäya namaù
63. om haraye namaù
64. om duùsvapnahantre namaù
65. om durdharñäya namaù
66. om duñöagarvavimocanäya namaù
67. om bharadväjakulamadbhutäya namaù
68. om bhüsutäya namaù
69. om bhavyabhüñaëäya namaù
70. om raktavaräya namaù
71. om raktavapuçe namaù
72. om bhaktapälanatatparäya namaù
73. om caturbhujäya namaù
74. om gadädhäriëe namaù
75. om meñavahäya namaù
76. om çétaçanäya namaù
77. om çaktiçüladharäya namaù
78. om çäktäya namaù
79. om çästravidyäviçäradäya namaù
80. om tarkakäya namaù
81. om tamasadharäya namaù
82. om tapasvine namaù
83. om tämralocanäya namaù
84. om taptakäïcanasaìkäçäya namaù
85. om raktakiïjalkamannibhäya namaù
86. om gotra adhideväya namaù
87. om gomadhyacaräya namaù
88. om guëavibhüñaëäya namaù
89. om asåje namaù
90. om aìgärakäya namaù
91. om avantideçädhéçäya namaù
92. om janärdanäya namaù
93. om süryayamyapradeçasthäya namaù
94. om ghune namaù
95. om yamyahariëmukhäya namaù
96. om trikoëamaëòalagatäya namaù
97. om tridaçädhipasannutäya namaù
98. om çucaye namaù
99. om çucikaräya namaù
100. om çüräya namaù
101. om çucivañyäya namaù
102. om çubhavahäya namaù
103. om meñavåçcikaräçiçäya namaù
104. om medhävine namaù
105. om mitabhäñaëäya namaù
106. om sukhapradäya namaù
107. om surüpäkñäya namaù
108. om sarvabhiñöaphalapradäya namaù
iti maìgala añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
He rules over the two sidereal signs of Aries and Scorpio. He is exalted in Capricorn and fallen in the opposite sign of Cancer. Mars is often depicted as a god with a red body exemplifying the natural color of the astronomical body in the sky.
Kuja is a karaka, or indicator, of brother and siblings, assertion, aggressiveness, soldiers and military endeavors, mechanical ability, engineers and surgeons, commanders and rulers, accidents, violence and war, ambition, strength, arguments and conflict, passion and desire.
Wearing red coral on the index or ring finger of the right hand resists the malevolent influence of the 'Evil Eye'. It also provides relief to heart problems, haemorrhages and contagious infections.
This mantra should be recited every Tuesday during the first hour from Sunrise for 9 Tuesdays continuously . The main ruling deity for red coral is Bhoomi or Earth Goddess and the main deity is Lord Skanda, the commander in chief of the army of Devas. The Mars God who rules red coral has a goat as his vehicle. The main grain pertaining to Lord Kuja is RED DHALS hence include them in all your poojas pertaining to red coral.
Propitiation of Mars (Tuesday)
Donate wheat bread, sweets made from sugar mixed with white sesamum seeds, or masoor dal (red lentils) to a celibate on Tuesday at noon.
On Tuesdays, especially during Mars transits and major or minor Mars periods.Tuesday or Mangalvar is dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Upvaas (fasting) on the day is dedicated to Hanuman and Mangal or Mars. Mangalwar, Tuesday, takes its name from the god Mangal or Mars who rules the day and is considered to be a trouble maker, and the fast is to ward off the harmful effects. Red is the preferred color on the day. Durga pujaa on raku kalam friday and Tuesday also good for mars.Tuesday raku kalam is good time for pujaas for mars.worship parvathi ,karthik,hanuman is good for mars.
Those who undertake the fast on Tuesdays only take a single meal. It is a whole day fast. The single meal on the day is usually any food made of wheat and jaggery. Most people observe the fast for 21 Tuesdays without a break
To be chanted on Tuesday, one hour after sunrise, especially during major or minor Mars periods:
The planetary diety Mangala is propitiated increasing determination and drive, and protecting one from violence. Mars is best placed in Makara (Capricorn) where it is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Karka (Cancer) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. Mars is lord of the sign Mesha (Aries) and Vrischika (Scorpio) and also of the houses where these signs are located

Chandra Grah (Moon Planet) lies in the fact that it controls five senses of human life. Moon is the ruler of mind and all the senses are controlled by the mind. The worship of Chandra can be started from any Monday of the bright fortnight. One should sit facing the northwest direction and chant the following mantra of Chandra.
Aum Shraam Shreem Shroum Sah Chandraay Namah
The jaap of 18 Malas is usually recommended. People can observe fast on Mondays which would be beneficial. They can take meal for one time avoiding salt and grains, if possible. One should offer milk mixed with sugar on Shiva lingam on Mondays.
Chandra Mantras:
Cryptic Mantra :
"Dadhi shankha tushaarabham ksheero darnava sambhavam
Namami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhushanam"
''Yamunadesa mauktikamani vibhusitam daksinenapah
Uttare gauri sahitam caturmandalam dasacvarada
Vahanam rohinisam atreya gotra pascima mukham
Tandula dhanyopari karkataka devam agneye candram:
candra béja mantra --
om sraà sréà srauà sah candräya namaù
1. om çrémate namaù
2. om çaçadharäya namaù
3. om candräya namaù
4. om tärädhéçäya namaù
5. om niçäkaräya namaù
6. om sukhanighaye namaù
7. om sadärädhya namaù
8. om satpataye namaù
9. om sädhupüjitäya namaù
10. om jitendriyäya namaù
11. om jayodhyogäya namaù
12. om jyotiçcakrapravartakäya namaù
13. om vikartananujäya namaù
14. om véräya namaù
15. om viçveçäya namaù
16. om viduçaà pataye namaù
17. om doçakaräya namaù
18. om duñöadüräya namaù
19. om puñöimate namaù
20. om çiñöapalakäya namaù
21. om añöamürtipriyäya namaù
22. om anantäya namaù
23. om kañöadarukutarakäya namaù
24. om svaprakäçäya namaù
25. om prakäçätmane namaù
26. om dyucaräya namaù
27. om devabhojanäya namaù
28. om käladharäya namaù
29. om kälahetave namaù
30. om kämakåte namaù
31. om kämadäyakäya namaù
32. om måtyusahärakäya namaù
33. om amartyäya namaù
34. om nityänuñöhanadäyakäya namaù
35. om kñäpakaräya namaù
36. om kñéëapäpäya namaù
37. om kñayavåddhisamanvitäya namaù
38. om jaivatrikäya namaù
39. om çucaye namaù
40. om çubhräya namaù
41. om jayine namaù
42. om jayaphalapradäya namaù
43. om sudhämayäya namaù
44. om surasvämine namaù
45. om bhaktanämiñöhadäyakäya namaù
46. om bhuktidäya namaù
47. om muktidäya namaù
48. om bhadräya namaù
49. om bhaktadaridhya bhaïjanäya namaù
50. om sämagänapriyäya namaù
51. om sarvarakñakäya namaù
52. om sägarodbhaväya namaù
53. om bhayantakåte namaù
54. om bhaktigamyäya namaù
55. om bhavabandhavimocakäya namaù
56. om jagatprakäçakiraëäya namaù
57. om jagadänandakiraëäya namaù
58. om nissapatnäya namaù
59. om nirähäräya namaù
60. om nirvikaräya namaù
61. om nirämayäya namaù
62. om bhücchayäcchäditäya namaù
63. om bhavyäya namaù
64. om bhuvanapratipälakäya namaù
65. om sakalärtaharäya namaù
66. om saumyajanakäya namaù
67. om sädhuvanditäya namaù
68. om sarvagamajïäya namaù
69. om sarvajïäya namaù
70. om sanakädimunistutäya namaù
71. om çitachatradhvajopetäya namaù
72. om çétäìgäya namaù
73. om çitabhusanäya namaù
74. om çvetamälyämbaradharäya namaù
75. om çvetagandhänulepanäya namaù
76. om daçasvarathasamådhäya namaù
77. om daëòapananye namaù
78. om dhanurdharäya namaù
79. om kundapuñyojjvalakaräya namaù
80. om nayanäbjasamudbhaväya namaù
81. om atreyagotrajäya namaù
82. om atyantavinayäya namaù
83. om priyadäyakäya namaù
84. om karuëärasasampürëäya namaù
85. om karkaöaprabhave namaù
86. om avyayäya namaù
87. om caturäçrasänärüòhäya namaù
88. om caturäya namaù
89. om divyavähanäya namaù
90. om vivasvän maëòalajïeyavasäya namaù
91. om vasusamåddhidäya namaù
92. om maheçvarapriyäya namaù
93. om dantäya namaù
94. om merugotrapradakñiëäya namaù
95. om grahamaëòalamadhyasthäya namaù
96. om grasitarkäya namaù
97. om grahadhipäya namaù
98. om dvijaräjäya namaù
99. om dyutilakäya namaù
100. om dvibhujäya namaù
101. om dvijapüjitäya namaù
102. om audumbaranägavasäya namaù
103. om udaräya namaù
104. om rohiëépataye namaù
105. om nityodayäya namaù
106. om munistutyäya namaù
107. om nityänandaphalapradäya namaù
108. om sakalählädanakaräya namaù
109. om palaçedhmapriyäya namaù
iti candra añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Chandra is the name for moon in Vedic astrology. In Sanskrit, Chandra means "bright and shining". The Moon is also known as Soma, named after the intoxicating sacred drink used in Vedic sacrifice. Chandra gives a calm and soothing affect to our life. The Moon's day is Monday. The Moon comes into her full maturity at age 24. In Vedic myth the Moon, or CHANDRA, is depicted as Male. He is married to the 27 lunar mansions or NAKSHATRAS as they are called in Sanskrit that makes up the sidereal cycle of the Moon. This is how long it takes the Moon to move through all the signs, some 27 odd days. Each night he stays in one of the mansions until he has visited all 27 wives and the sidereal cycle is completed. But, having 27 wives, Chandra does not treat them all equally. He is especially fond of the lunar mansion ROHINI, in Taurus where the Moon is exalted.
Hindus do not celebrate their birthday on the calendar day on which they were born. Instead, they celebrate their birthday in the month they were born when the Moon enters the part of the sign it was in at birth. Such is the importance of the Moon in Vedic culture. The bright Moon is considered a benefic of the highest order, and the dark Moon is considered a malefic. The Moon is known as a hare, or rabbit in Vedic lore, as he jumps faster than any of the other grahas. The Moon rules over the sidereal sign of Cancer. He is exalted in Taurus, and fallen in the opposite sign of Scorpio. Shani controls physical-body survival while Chandra controls emotional-body survival.Chandra applies the warm embrace of belonging - in the form of unconditional love - to all beings regardless of status or achievement, through their mother.
Propitiation of the Moon (Monday)
Donate water, cow's milk or white rice to a female leader on Monday evening.Donations of Rice, grains, Camphor, White-cloth, silver, conch, white sandal, white flower, sugar, bullock, curd and pearls should be made to please him.
On Mondays, especially during Moon transits and major or minor Moon periods. Offering poojas to Lord Shiva on Mondays. performing Milk Abhishekam to Shiv Ling on mondays and reciting "Om Namah Shivaya" 108 times daily will help. Visiting Lord Shiva temples on Monday and Thursdays is advised. Goddess Parvathi rules the planet.worship devi pooja also good for moon.
To be chanted on Monday evening, especially during major or minor Moon periods:
The planetary diety Chandra is propitiated increasing mental health and peace of mind.
The Moon is best placed in the first few degrees of Vrishabha (Taurus) where it is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Vrishika (Scorpio) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. The Moon is lord of the sign Karka (Cancer) and also of the house where Cancer is located.
Moon god Temple
The Somnath Temple located in the Prabhas Kshetra near Veraval in Saurashtra, on the western coast of Gujarat, India is one of the twelve Jyotirlings (lingas of light) symbols of the God Shiva. It is mentioned in the Rig Veda. Somnath means "The Protector of Moon God". The Somnath Temple is known as 'the Shrine Eternal', as although the temple has been destroyed six times it has been rebuilt every single time. It has been said that The Moon God Chandra, being arrogant about his beauty, was cursed by his father-in-law Daksha to wane. The Moon then prayed to Lord Shiva at the Prabhas tirth who then removed the curse partially, thus causing the periodic waning of moon. It's been said that Somnath Temple was first built with gold by Moon God, with silver by Ravana, with sandalwood by Lord Krishna, and with stone by Bhimdeva (Solanki Ruler of Gujarat) The present temple is the seventh temple reconstructed on the original site. The first temple of Somnath is said to have existed before the beginning of the Christian era. The second temple, built by the Maitraka kings of Vallabhi in Gujarat, replaced the first one on the same site aro
Thingalur is one of the Saiva Tirupatis in Tamil Nadu. This place's name finds a place in 'Thevaram'. Thingal means 'Chandran' and as this place is dedicated to God Chandran (Moon), it is named after him. Thingalur is situated on the Thiruvaiyaru-Kumbakonam route. It lies about one-and-a-half km south of Tirupazhanam, which lies 8 km from Tiruvaiyaru.
Thingalur, Though there is a question about when this temple was built, historians agree that it must have been in existence since before the beginning of the Bhakti period, which was well before the seventh century A.D. Dedicated to the Moon or Chandran in Sanskrit and Thingai in Tamil, a visit to this temple is said to grant a confortable and long lilfe. In astrology, Chandran

Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devesya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat (Gayatri Mantra)
Sri Renukayakta saptasvaratham kasyapagotram
Daksineragnim uttare rudra sahitam godumasye
Grahamandala madhye vartu1akaram kaldingadhipam:
süryaà sundara lokanäthamamåtaà vedäntasäraà çivam jïänaà brahmamayaà sureçamamalaà lokaikacittaà svayam
indräditya narädhipaà suraguruà trailokyacüòämaëim brahmä viñëu çiva svarüpa hådayaà vande sadä bhäskaram
1. om aruëäya namaù
2. om çaraëyäya namaù
3. om karuëärasasindhave namaù
4. om asamänabaläya namaù
5. om ärtarakñakäya namaù
6. om ädityäya namaù
7. om ädibhütäya namaù
8. om akhilägamavedine namaù
9. om acyutäya namaù
10. om akhilajïäya namaù 10
11. om anantäya namaù
12. om inäya namaù
13. om viçvarüpäya namaù
14. om ijyäya namaù
15. om indräya namaù
16. om bhänave namaù
17. om indirämandiräptäya namaù
18. om vandanéyäya namaù
19. om éçäya namaù
20. om suprasannäya namaù 20
21. om suçéläya namaù
22. om suvarcase namaù
23. om vasupradäya namaù
24. om vasave namaù
25. om väsudeväya namaù
26. om ujjvaläya namaù
27. om ugrarüpäya namaù
28. om ürdhvagäya namaù
29. om vivasvate namaù
30. om udyatkiraëajäläya namaù 30
31. om håñékeçäya namaù
32. om ürjasvaläya namaù
33. om véräya namaù
34. om nirjaräya namaù
35. om jayäya namaù
36. om ürudvayäbhävarüpayuktasärathaye namaù
37. om åñivandyäya namaù
38. om rugghantre namaù
39. om åkñacakracaräya namaù
40. om åjusvabhävacittäya namaù 40
41. om nityastutyäya namaù
42. om åkäramätåkävarëarüpäya namaù
43. om ujjvalatejase namaù
44. om åkñädhinäthamiträya namaù
45. om puñkaräkñäya namaù
46. om luptadantäya namaù
47. om çäntäya namaù
48. om käntidäya namaù
49. om ghanäya namaù
50. om kanatkanakabhüñäya namaù 50
51. om khadyotäya namaù
52. om lünitäkhiladaityäya namaù
53. om satyänandasvarüpiëe namaù
54. om apavargapradäya namaù
55. om ärtaçaraëyäya namaù
56. om ekäkine namaù
57. om bhagavate namaù
58. om såñöisthityantakäriëe namaù
59. om guëätmane namaù
60. om ghåëibhåte namaù 60
61. om båhate namaù
62. om brahmaëe namaù
63. om aiçvaryadäya namaù
64. om çarväya namaù
65. om haridaçväya namaù
66. om çauraye namaù
67. om daçadiksamprakäçäya namaù
68. om bhaktavaçyäya namaù
69. om ojaskaräya namaù
70. om jayine namaù 70
71. om jagadänandahetave namaù
72. om janmamåtyujarävyädhivarjitäya namaù
73. om uccasthäna samärüòharathasthäya namaù
74. om asuräraye namaù
75. om kamanéyakaräya namaù
76. om abjavallabhäya namaù
77. om antarbahiù prakäçäya namaù
78. om acintyäya namaù
79. om ätmarüpiëe namaù
80. om acyutäya namaù 80
81. om amareçäya namaù
82. om parasmai jyotiñe namaù
83. om ahaskaräya namaù
84. om ravaye namaù
85. om haraye namaù
86. om paramätmane namaù
87. om taruëäya namaù
88. om vareëyäya namaù
89. om grahäëämpataye namaù
90. om bhäskaräya namaù 90
91. om ädimadhyäntarahitäya namaù
92. om saukhyapradäya namaù
93. om sakalajagatämpataye namaù
94. om süryäya namaù
95. om kavaye namaù
96. om näräyaëäya namaù
97. om pareçäya namaù
98. om tejorüpäya namaù
99. om çréà hiraëyagarbhäya namaù
100. om hréà sampatkaräya namaù 100
101. om aim iñöärthadäya namaù
102. om anuprasannäya namaù
103. om çrémate namaù
104. om çreyase namaù
105. om bhaktakoöisaukhyapradäyine namaù
106. om nikhilägamavedyäya namaù
107. om nityänandäya namaù
108. om süryäya namaù 108
Iti sürya añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Tato yuddhaparishraantam samare chinmayaa sthitam.
Aaditya hrudayam punyam sarva shatru vinaashanam .
Surya- sun
The Sun is best placed in Mesha (Aries) where it is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Tula (Libra) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. The sun is lord of the sign Simha (Leo) and also of the house where Simha is located.
The Sun, according to the Vedas, is the parent of all existing phenomena in the solar system. He is the ruler of all the planets that rotate around him. The Sun is considered to be the soul of Kala Purusha (Kala = time, Purusha = being; combined, it means the being that binds himself to Time).
Its colored is bloodred, its nature is bile-dominated, and it is the lord of the direction East.
It is the ruler of the zodiacal sign, Leo, and is exalted in the sign Aries, debilitated in Libra, and exiled in Aquarius. The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are its natural friends, and Venus, Saturn, Rahu (dragon’s head, or the north node of the Moon), and Ketu (dragon’s tail, the south node of the Moon) are its natural enemies.
Suryanamaskar (an ancient Indian yoga) is the art of solar vitalization. It is a complete meditative technique in itself as it includes Asanas, Pranayama, Mantras and Mudras. It has got three aspects: form, vital energy and rhythm. It is the easiest way for a person to get used to Yoga. It should be done along with chanting of mantras in every posture. In simple words, Suryanamaskar is a combination of 12 different postures, followed in a particular sequence with a specific breathing pattern. It helps an individual to vitalize and unblock the whole system. It reduces fat from almost all parts of the body, as it stretches each and every muscle and tones it.
Wash your face & hands after waking up. Then go to a place where you can stand facing the rising Sun. Fold your hands as in "Namaste". With your eyes closed, pray silently to Lord Sun -
" Hey Surya Dev , Mera Pranaam sweekar karen , Samasta Bhaagya Janit Sankaton Se meri raksha karen"( O Lord Sun , Salutation to you . Please protect me from all ill effects that fate may have in store for me).
You can keep a small carpet or piece of cloth to stand on. But it should be clean & kept safely after the entire activity is over.
There are 12 names of lord Sun, that need to be chanted during the entire exercise. One name/prayer before commencement of each round. Each round consists of 12 postures/positions and there are 12 rounds.
Position 1
Stand with your feet together and palms folded in front of your chest. Close your eyes and chant the Mantra Om Mitrayah Namaha..... breath normally.
Position 2
Raise your arms over your head and shoulders with the palms touching each other and biceps touching your ears. Stretch your abdomen as much as possible and lean backwards. Inhale and chant Om Khagaya Namaha.....
Position 3
Bend forward and place your palms at the side of your feet. Touch the knee with your forehead and exhale deeply, while chanting Om Suryaya Namaha.....
Position 4
Take one leg back and place the other leg in the front with palms firm on the ground. Raise your head and inhale, while chanting Om Bhanuvae Namaha.....
Position 5
Bring the leg that was in front next to other one and keep the hips off the floor, with your hands supporting the body in a push-up position. Exhale and chant Om Ravi Namaha.....
Position 6
Lower your knees, chest and forehead, with your palms firmly on the ground next to your chest and elbows bent upwards. Hold the breath here and chant Om Pushnae Namaha.....
Position 7
Lower your waist and raise your upper body. Look upwards and keep your arms straight. Inhale and chant Om Hiranya-Garbhaya Namaha.....
Raise your hips and bring your head to the floor with eyes on the navel and heel on the floor - like an inverted 'V'. Exhale and chant Om Marichiye Namaha.....
Position 9
In this step the posture is the same as in step 4.
Position 10
In this step the posture is the same as in step 3.Bend forward and place your palms at the side of your feet. Touch the knee with your forehead and exhale deeply, Exhale while chanting Om Savitre Namaha.....
Position 11
In this step the posture is the same as in step 2.Raise your arms over your head and shoulders with the palms touching each other and biceps touching your ears. Stretch your abdomen as much as possible and lean backwards. Inhale and chant Om Arkaya Namaha.....
Position 12
In this step the posture is the same as in step 1.Stand with your feet together and palms folded in front of your chest. Close your eyes and chant the Mantra . Breathe normally and chant Om Bhaskaraya Namaha.....