Monday, June 02, 2008


Yame prthvimuttare ksetrapalam ataka dhanyasyopari
Vidrumabharanam daksinamukham trikonakara
Mandalam dharmadeviyuktam mesa vrscika rasisam
Bharadhvaja gotram daksine ajavahana vanditesadhipam:

maìgala béja mantra --
om kraà kréà krauà sah bhaumäya namaù

1. om mahisutäya namaù
2. om mahäbhagäya namaù
3. om maìgaläya namaù
4. om maìgalapradäya namaù
5. om mahävérayaà namaù
6. om mahäçuräya namaù
7. om mahäbalaparäkramäya namaù
8. om mahäraudräya namaù
9. om mahäbhadräya namaù
10. om mananiyäya namaù
11. om dayakaräya namaù
12. om manad ya namaù
13. om aparvaëäya namaù
14. om krüräya namaù
15. om täpatrayävivarjitäya namaù
16. om supratipäya namaù
17. om sutäàrakñäya namaù
18. om subrahmaëyäya namaù
19. om sukhapradäya namaù
20. om vakrastambhädigamanäya namaù
21. om vareëyäya namaù
22. om varadäya namaù
23. om sukhine namaù
24. om vérabhadräya namaù
25. om virüpäkñäya namaù
26. om vidurasthäya namaù
27. om vibhavasave namaù
28. om nakñatracakrasaïcariëe namaù
29. om kñätrapäya namaù
30. om kñätravarjitäya namaù
31. om kñayavåddhivinirmuktäya namaù
32. om kñamäyuktäya namaù
33. om vicakñaëäya namaù
34. om akñiëaphaladäya namaù
35. om caturvargaphalapradäya namaù
36. om vétarägäya namaù
37. om vitabhayäya namaù
38. om vijvaräya namaù
39. om viçvakaraëäya namaù
40. om nakñatraräçisaïcaräya namaù
41. om nänäbhayänikåntanäya namaù
42. om vandarujanamandaräya namaù
43. om vakrakuïcitamurdhajäya namaù
44. om kämaniyäya namaù
45. om dayasaräya namaù
46. om kanatkanakabhüñaëäya namaù
47. om bhayaghnäya namaù
48. om bhavyaphaladäya namaù
49. om bhaktabhayavarapradäya namaù
50. om çatruhantre namaù
51. om çamopetäya namaù
52. om çaraëagatapoçanäya namaù
53. om sahäsine namaù
54. om sadguëädhyakñäya namaù
55. om sädhave namaù
56. om samaradurjayäya namaù
57. om duñöadüräya namaù
58. om çiñöapüjyäya namaù
59. om sarvakañöanivärakäya namaù
60. om duçceñöhavarakäya namaù
61. om duùkhabhaïjanäya namaù
62. om durdharäya namaù
63. om haraye namaù
64. om duùsvapnahantre namaù
65. om durdharñäya namaù
66. om duñöagarvavimocanäya namaù
67. om bharadväjakulamadbhutäya namaù
68. om bhüsutäya namaù
69. om bhavyabhüñaëäya namaù
70. om raktavaräya namaù
71. om raktavapuçe namaù
72. om bhaktapälanatatparäya namaù
73. om caturbhujäya namaù
74. om gadädhäriëe namaù
75. om meñavahäya namaù
76. om çétaçanäya namaù
77. om çaktiçüladharäya namaù
78. om çäktäya namaù
79. om çästravidyäviçäradäya namaù
80. om tarkakäya namaù
81. om tamasadharäya namaù
82. om tapasvine namaù
83. om tämralocanäya namaù
84. om taptakäïcanasaìkäçäya namaù
85. om raktakiïjalkamannibhäya namaù
86. om gotra adhideväya namaù
87. om gomadhyacaräya namaù
88. om guëavibhüñaëäya namaù
89. om asåje namaù
90. om aìgärakäya namaù
91. om avantideçädhéçäya namaù
92. om janärdanäya namaù
93. om süryayamyapradeçasthäya namaù
94. om ghune namaù
95. om yamyahariëmukhäya namaù
96. om trikoëamaëòalagatäya namaù
97. om tridaçädhipasannutäya namaù
98. om çucaye namaù
99. om çucikaräya namaù
100. om çüräya namaù
101. om çucivañyäya namaù
102. om çubhavahäya namaù
103. om meñavåçcikaräçiçäya namaù
104. om medhävine namaù
105. om mitabhäñaëäya namaù
106. om sukhapradäya namaù
107. om surüpäkñäya namaù
108. om sarvabhiñöaphalapradäya namaù

iti maìgala añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà

Lord Mangal (Mars) is one of the nine planets or navagrahas. He is also known by the names Angaraka and Kuja. According to Vedic mythology, Lord Mangal is born of Sarva and Vikesi (Earth goddess). He is associated with strength, valor, and courage. Lord Mangal is the protector of dharma (righteousness), and the purpose of life.Lord Mangal has four hands, and carries a trident and mace as weapons. He wears red ornaments. Worshiping Lord Mangal frees one from skin illnesses, debts, and poverty. The gemstone of Lord Mangal is the red coral, and his day is Tuesday. He is the guardian of the south direction.In Vedic astrology Mars is know as MANGAL, ANGARAKA and KUJA. These names in Sanskrit mean, "auspicious, burning coal, and the fair one". Mars is a malefic.
He rules over the two sidereal signs of Aries and Scorpio. He is exalted in Capricorn and fallen in the opposite sign of Cancer. Mars is often depicted as a god with a red body exemplifying the natural color of the astronomical body in the sky.
Kuja is a karaka, or indicator, of brother and siblings, assertion, aggressiveness, soldiers and military endeavors, mechanical ability, engineers and surgeons, commanders and rulers, accidents, violence and war, ambition, strength, arguments and conflict, passion and desire.
Red Coral - Treasure of the sea, Mars stone.
Wearing red coral on the index or ring finger of the right hand resists the malevolent influence of the 'Evil Eye'. It also provides relief to heart problems, haemorrhages and contagious infections.

This mantra should be recited every Tuesday during the first hour from Sunrise for 9 Tuesdays continuously . The main ruling deity for red coral is Bhoomi or Earth Goddess and the main deity is Lord Skanda, the commander in chief of the army of Devas. The Mars God who rules red coral has a goat as his vehicle. The main grain pertaining to Lord Kuja is RED DHALS hence include them in all your poojas pertaining to red coral.
Propitiation of Mars (Tuesday)
Donate wheat bread, sweets made from sugar mixed with white sesamum seeds, or masoor dal (red lentils) to a celibate on Tuesday at noon.
On Tuesdays, especially during Mars transits and major or minor Mars periods.Tuesday or Mangalvar is dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Upvaas (fasting) on the day is dedicated to Hanuman and Mangal or Mars. Mangalwar, Tuesday, takes its name from the god Mangal or Mars who rules the day and is considered to be a trouble maker, and the fast is to ward off the harmful effects. Red is the preferred color on the day. Durga pujaa on raku kalam friday and Tuesday also good for mars.Tuesday raku kalam is good time for pujaas for mars.worship parvathi ,karthik,hanuman is good for mars.

Mangalvar Vrat is observed by those couples who wish to have a son. Other benefits include happiness in the family. People who believe in astrology observe fast to alleviate the harmful effects associated with the planet mangal or mars.
Those who undertake the fast on Tuesdays only take a single meal. It is a whole day fast. The single meal on the day is usually any food made of wheat and jaggery. Most people observe the fast for 21 Tuesdays without a break

To be chanted on Tuesday, one hour after sunrise, especially during major or minor Mars periods:
The planetary diety Mangala is propitiated increasing determination and drive, and protecting one from violence. Mars is best placed in Makara (Capricorn) where it is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Karka (Cancer) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. Mars is lord of the sign Mesha (Aries) and Vrischika (Scorpio) and also of the houses where these signs are located
Mangala Temple
Vaitheswaran Koil, With the Vaitheswaran Koil, there is a special shrine dedicated to Ankarakan or Sevvai or Mars. It is situated 55 kms from Paradise Resort. The belief is that if prayers are offered to Ankarakan, he will bestow valour, victory and strength to the person. Upon entering the temple, devotees first go the Siddamrita tank. The water is said to have curative properties for various skin ailments. There ia also a widespread belief that a visit here would remove obstacles that delay marriage. Mars is regarded as a God of martial character, red in every aspect. Even the Romans held him as their Guru. He is the Son of Earth and is ruled by Lord Subramanya. This town is also called as Pull-irukku-Veloor. Jadayu - the eagle who made a gallant attempt to stop. Ravana from proceeding to Lanka with Sita, got relieved of his wings by Ravana, fell down here and eventually got Moksha. Even today we can see the place where Jadayu was cremated - 'Jadayu Kundam'.