Chandra Grah (Moon Planet) lies in the fact that it controls five senses of human life. Moon is the ruler of mind and all the senses are controlled by the mind. The worship of Chandra can be started from any Monday of the bright fortnight. One should sit facing the northwest direction and chant the following mantra of Chandra.
Aum Shraam Shreem Shroum Sah Chandraay Namah
The jaap of 18 Malas is usually recommended. People can observe fast on Mondays which would be beneficial. They can take meal for one time avoiding salt and grains, if possible. One should offer milk mixed with sugar on Shiva lingam on Mondays.
Chandra Mantras:
Cryptic Mantra :
"Dadhi shankha tushaarabham ksheero darnava sambhavam
Namami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhushanam"
''Yamunadesa mauktikamani vibhusitam daksinenapah
Uttare gauri sahitam caturmandalam dasacvarada
Vahanam rohinisam atreya gotra pascima mukham
Tandula dhanyopari karkataka devam agneye candram:
candra béja mantra --
om sraà sréà srauà sah candräya namaù
1. om çrémate namaù
2. om çaçadharäya namaù
3. om candräya namaù
4. om tärädhéçäya namaù
5. om niçäkaräya namaù
6. om sukhanighaye namaù
7. om sadärädhya namaù
8. om satpataye namaù
9. om sädhupüjitäya namaù
10. om jitendriyäya namaù
11. om jayodhyogäya namaù
12. om jyotiçcakrapravartakäya namaù
13. om vikartananujäya namaù
14. om véräya namaù
15. om viçveçäya namaù
16. om viduçaà pataye namaù
17. om doçakaräya namaù
18. om duñöadüräya namaù
19. om puñöimate namaù
20. om çiñöapalakäya namaù
21. om añöamürtipriyäya namaù
22. om anantäya namaù
23. om kañöadarukutarakäya namaù
24. om svaprakäçäya namaù
25. om prakäçätmane namaù
26. om dyucaräya namaù
27. om devabhojanäya namaù
28. om käladharäya namaù
29. om kälahetave namaù
30. om kämakåte namaù
31. om kämadäyakäya namaù
32. om måtyusahärakäya namaù
33. om amartyäya namaù
34. om nityänuñöhanadäyakäya namaù
35. om kñäpakaräya namaù
36. om kñéëapäpäya namaù
37. om kñayavåddhisamanvitäya namaù
38. om jaivatrikäya namaù
39. om çucaye namaù
40. om çubhräya namaù
41. om jayine namaù
42. om jayaphalapradäya namaù
43. om sudhämayäya namaù
44. om surasvämine namaù
45. om bhaktanämiñöhadäyakäya namaù
46. om bhuktidäya namaù
47. om muktidäya namaù
48. om bhadräya namaù
49. om bhaktadaridhya bhaïjanäya namaù
50. om sämagänapriyäya namaù
51. om sarvarakñakäya namaù
52. om sägarodbhaväya namaù
53. om bhayantakåte namaù
54. om bhaktigamyäya namaù
55. om bhavabandhavimocakäya namaù
56. om jagatprakäçakiraëäya namaù
57. om jagadänandakiraëäya namaù
58. om nissapatnäya namaù
59. om nirähäräya namaù
60. om nirvikaräya namaù
61. om nirämayäya namaù
62. om bhücchayäcchäditäya namaù
63. om bhavyäya namaù
64. om bhuvanapratipälakäya namaù
65. om sakalärtaharäya namaù
66. om saumyajanakäya namaù
67. om sädhuvanditäya namaù
68. om sarvagamajïäya namaù
69. om sarvajïäya namaù
70. om sanakädimunistutäya namaù
71. om çitachatradhvajopetäya namaù
72. om çétäìgäya namaù
73. om çitabhusanäya namaù
74. om çvetamälyämbaradharäya namaù
75. om çvetagandhänulepanäya namaù
76. om daçasvarathasamådhäya namaù
77. om daëòapananye namaù
78. om dhanurdharäya namaù
79. om kundapuñyojjvalakaräya namaù
80. om nayanäbjasamudbhaväya namaù
81. om atreyagotrajäya namaù
82. om atyantavinayäya namaù
83. om priyadäyakäya namaù
84. om karuëärasasampürëäya namaù
85. om karkaöaprabhave namaù
86. om avyayäya namaù
87. om caturäçrasänärüòhäya namaù
88. om caturäya namaù
89. om divyavähanäya namaù
90. om vivasvän maëòalajïeyavasäya namaù
91. om vasusamåddhidäya namaù
92. om maheçvarapriyäya namaù
93. om dantäya namaù
94. om merugotrapradakñiëäya namaù
95. om grahamaëòalamadhyasthäya namaù
96. om grasitarkäya namaù
97. om grahadhipäya namaù
98. om dvijaräjäya namaù
99. om dyutilakäya namaù
100. om dvibhujäya namaù
101. om dvijapüjitäya namaù
102. om audumbaranägavasäya namaù
103. om udaräya namaù
104. om rohiëépataye namaù
105. om nityodayäya namaù
106. om munistutyäya namaù
107. om nityänandaphalapradäya namaù
108. om sakalählädanakaräya namaù
109. om palaçedhmapriyäya namaù
iti candra añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Chandra is the name for moon in Vedic astrology. In Sanskrit, Chandra means "bright and shining". The Moon is also known as Soma, named after the intoxicating sacred drink used in Vedic sacrifice. Chandra gives a calm and soothing affect to our life. The Moon's day is Monday. The Moon comes into her full maturity at age 24. In Vedic myth the Moon, or CHANDRA, is depicted as Male. He is married to the 27 lunar mansions or NAKSHATRAS as they are called in Sanskrit that makes up the sidereal cycle of the Moon. This is how long it takes the Moon to move through all the signs, some 27 odd days. Each night he stays in one of the mansions until he has visited all 27 wives and the sidereal cycle is completed. But, having 27 wives, Chandra does not treat them all equally. He is especially fond of the lunar mansion ROHINI, in Taurus where the Moon is exalted.
Hindus do not celebrate their birthday on the calendar day on which they were born. Instead, they celebrate their birthday in the month they were born when the Moon enters the part of the sign it was in at birth. Such is the importance of the Moon in Vedic culture. The bright Moon is considered a benefic of the highest order, and the dark Moon is considered a malefic. The Moon is known as a hare, or rabbit in Vedic lore, as he jumps faster than any of the other grahas. The Moon rules over the sidereal sign of Cancer. He is exalted in Taurus, and fallen in the opposite sign of Scorpio. Shani controls physical-body survival while Chandra controls emotional-body survival.Chandra applies the warm embrace of belonging - in the form of unconditional love - to all beings regardless of status or achievement, through their mother.
Propitiation of the Moon (Monday)
Donate water, cow's milk or white rice to a female leader on Monday evening.Donations of Rice, grains, Camphor, White-cloth, silver, conch, white sandal, white flower, sugar, bullock, curd and pearls should be made to please him.
On Mondays, especially during Moon transits and major or minor Moon periods. Offering poojas to Lord Shiva on Mondays. performing Milk Abhishekam to Shiv Ling on mondays and reciting "Om Namah Shivaya" 108 times daily will help. Visiting Lord Shiva temples on Monday and Thursdays is advised. Goddess Parvathi rules the planet.worship devi pooja also good for moon.
To be chanted on Monday evening, especially during major or minor Moon periods:
The planetary diety Chandra is propitiated increasing mental health and peace of mind.
The Moon is best placed in the first few degrees of Vrishabha (Taurus) where it is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Vrishika (Scorpio) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. The Moon is lord of the sign Karka (Cancer) and also of the house where Cancer is located.
Moon god Temple
The Somnath Temple located in the Prabhas Kshetra near Veraval in Saurashtra, on the western coast of Gujarat, India is one of the twelve Jyotirlings (lingas of light) symbols of the God Shiva. It is mentioned in the Rig Veda. Somnath means "The Protector of Moon God". The Somnath Temple is known as 'the Shrine Eternal', as although the temple has been destroyed six times it has been rebuilt every single time. It has been said that The Moon God Chandra, being arrogant about his beauty, was cursed by his father-in-law Daksha to wane. The Moon then prayed to Lord Shiva at the Prabhas tirth who then removed the curse partially, thus causing the periodic waning of moon. It's been said that Somnath Temple was first built with gold by Moon God, with silver by Ravana, with sandalwood by Lord Krishna, and with stone by Bhimdeva (Solanki Ruler of Gujarat) The present temple is the seventh temple reconstructed on the original site. The first temple of Somnath is said to have existed before the beginning of the Christian era. The second temple, built by the Maitraka kings of Vallabhi in Gujarat, replaced the first one on the same site aro
Thingalur is one of the Saiva Tirupatis in Tamil Nadu. This place's name finds a place in 'Thevaram'. Thingal means 'Chandran' and as this place is dedicated to God Chandran (Moon), it is named after him. Thingalur is situated on the Thiruvaiyaru-Kumbakonam route. It lies about one-and-a-half km south of Tirupazhanam, which lies 8 km from Tiruvaiyaru.
Thingalur, Though there is a question about when this temple was built, historians agree that it must have been in existence since before the beginning of the Bhakti period, which was well before the seventh century A.D. Dedicated to the Moon or Chandran in Sanskrit and Thingai in Tamil, a visit to this temple is said to grant a confortable and long lilfe. In astrology, Chandran