Surya- Sun -God
Vakratunda Mahakaya, SuryaKoti Samaprabha,Neervighna Kurume Deva, Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada,
Om Ekdantaye Vidmahe, Vakratundaaya Dheemahi,
Tanno Dhanti Prachodayaat,
Om Gum Ganapataya Namah!
Aum Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha,
Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devesya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat (Gayatri Mantra)
Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow, The Bestower of happiness, Oh! Creator of the Universe, May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light, May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction. (Gayatri Mantra in English)
Purvabhimukham manikyamaninibham simha rasisam
Sri Renukayakta saptasvaratham kasyapagotram
Daksineragnim uttare rudra sahitam godumasye
Grahamandala madhye vartu1akaram kaldingadhipam:
süryaà sundara lokanäthamamåtaà vedäntasäraà çivam jïänaà brahmamayaà sureçamamalaà lokaikacittaà svayam
indräditya narädhipaà suraguruà trailokyacüòämaëim brahmä viñëu çiva svarüpa hådayaà vande sadä bhäskaram
1. om aruëäya namaù
2. om çaraëyäya namaù
3. om karuëärasasindhave namaù
4. om asamänabaläya namaù
5. om ärtarakñakäya namaù
6. om ädityäya namaù
7. om ädibhütäya namaù
8. om akhilägamavedine namaù
9. om acyutäya namaù
10. om akhilajïäya namaù 10
11. om anantäya namaù
12. om inäya namaù
13. om viçvarüpäya namaù
14. om ijyäya namaù
15. om indräya namaù
16. om bhänave namaù
17. om indirämandiräptäya namaù
18. om vandanéyäya namaù
19. om éçäya namaù
20. om suprasannäya namaù 20
21. om suçéläya namaù
22. om suvarcase namaù
23. om vasupradäya namaù
24. om vasave namaù
25. om väsudeväya namaù
26. om ujjvaläya namaù
27. om ugrarüpäya namaù
28. om ürdhvagäya namaù
29. om vivasvate namaù
30. om udyatkiraëajäläya namaù 30
31. om håñékeçäya namaù
32. om ürjasvaläya namaù
33. om véräya namaù
34. om nirjaräya namaù
35. om jayäya namaù
36. om ürudvayäbhävarüpayuktasärathaye namaù
37. om åñivandyäya namaù
38. om rugghantre namaù
39. om åkñacakracaräya namaù
40. om åjusvabhävacittäya namaù 40
41. om nityastutyäya namaù
42. om åkäramätåkävarëarüpäya namaù
43. om ujjvalatejase namaù
44. om åkñädhinäthamiträya namaù
45. om puñkaräkñäya namaù
46. om luptadantäya namaù
47. om çäntäya namaù
48. om käntidäya namaù
49. om ghanäya namaù
50. om kanatkanakabhüñäya namaù 50
51. om khadyotäya namaù
52. om lünitäkhiladaityäya namaù
53. om satyänandasvarüpiëe namaù
54. om apavargapradäya namaù
55. om ärtaçaraëyäya namaù
56. om ekäkine namaù
57. om bhagavate namaù
58. om såñöisthityantakäriëe namaù
59. om guëätmane namaù
60. om ghåëibhåte namaù 60
61. om båhate namaù
62. om brahmaëe namaù
63. om aiçvaryadäya namaù
64. om çarväya namaù
65. om haridaçväya namaù
66. om çauraye namaù
67. om daçadiksamprakäçäya namaù
68. om bhaktavaçyäya namaù
69. om ojaskaräya namaù
70. om jayine namaù 70
71. om jagadänandahetave namaù
72. om janmamåtyujarävyädhivarjitäya namaù
73. om uccasthäna samärüòharathasthäya namaù
74. om asuräraye namaù
75. om kamanéyakaräya namaù
76. om abjavallabhäya namaù
77. om antarbahiù prakäçäya namaù
78. om acintyäya namaù
79. om ätmarüpiëe namaù
80. om acyutäya namaù 80
81. om amareçäya namaù
82. om parasmai jyotiñe namaù
83. om ahaskaräya namaù
84. om ravaye namaù
85. om haraye namaù
86. om paramätmane namaù
87. om taruëäya namaù
88. om vareëyäya namaù
89. om grahäëämpataye namaù
90. om bhäskaräya namaù 90
91. om ädimadhyäntarahitäya namaù
92. om saukhyapradäya namaù
93. om sakalajagatämpataye namaù
94. om süryäya namaù
95. om kavaye namaù
96. om näräyaëäya namaù
97. om pareçäya namaù
98. om tejorüpäya namaù
99. om çréà hiraëyagarbhäya namaù
100. om hréà sampatkaräya namaù 100
101. om aim iñöärthadäya namaù
102. om anuprasannäya namaù
103. om çrémate namaù
104. om çreyase namaù
105. om bhaktakoöisaukhyapradäyine namaù
106. om nikhilägamavedyäya namaù
107. om nityänandäya namaù
108. om süryäya namaù 108
Iti sürya añöottaraçatanämävaliù sampürëaà
Aditya Hrudayam StotraTato yuddhaparishraantam samare chinmayaa sthitam.
raavanam chaagrato drushtva yuddhaaya samupasthitam.1
(Rama, exhausted and about to face Ravana ready for a fresh battle was lost deep in contemplation.)
Daivataishcha samaagamya drashhtumabhyaagato ranam..
upaagamyaa braviidraama magastyo bhagavaan rishhi..2
(The all knowing sage Agastya who had joined the Gods to witness the battle spoke to Rama thus)
Raama Raama mahaabaaho shrnu guhyam sanaatanam .
yena sarvaanariinvatsa samare vijayishhyasi .. 3
(Oh Rama, mighty-armed Rama, listen to this eternal secret, which will help you destroy all your enemies in battle )
Aaditya hrudayam punyam sarva shatru vinaashanam .
Jayaavaham japennityam akshayyam paramam shivam 4
(This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun deity will result in destroying all enemies and bring you victory and never ending supreme bliss.)
Sarvamangalamaangalyam sarvapaapapranaashanam .
Chintaashokaprashamanam aayurvardhanamuttamam .. 5
(This hymn is supreme and is a guarantee of complete prosperity and is the destroyer of sin, anxiety, anguish and is the bestower of longevity.)
Rashmimantam samudyantam devaasuranamaskritam .
Puujayasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvaneshvaram.. 6
(Worship the One, possessed of rays when he has completely risen, held in reverence by the devas and asuras, and who is the Lord of the universe by whose efflugence all else brighten.)
Sarvadevaatmako hyeshha tejasvii rashmibhaavanah .
Eshha devaasuraganaa.nllokaan paati gabhastibhi .. 7
(He indeed represent the totality of all celestial beings. He is self-luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds and the race of Devas and Asuras.)
Eshhah brahmaa cha vishhnushcha shivah skandah prajaapati .
Mahendro dhanadah kaalo yamah somo hyapaam patim .. 8
(He is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skands, Prajapati. He is also Mahendra, kubera, kala, yama, soma and varuna.)
Pitaro vasavah saadhyaa hyashvinau maruto manuh .
Vaayurvanhih prajaapraana ritukartaa prabhaakarah .. 9
(He is the pitrs, vasus, sadhyas, aswini devas, maruts, manu, vayu, agni, prana and, being the source of all energy and light, is the maker of all the six seasons.)
Aadityah savitaa suuryah khagah puushhaa gabhastimaan .
Suvarnasadrsho bhaanu rvishvaretaa divaakarah .. 10
(He is the son of Aditi, creator of the universe, inspirer of action, transverser of the heavens. He is the sustainer, illumination of all directions, the golden hued brilliance and is the maker of the day. )
Haridashvah sahasraarchih saptasaptirmariichimaan..
Timironmathanah shambhustvashhtaa maartandam anshumaan 11
(He is the Omnipresent One who pervades all with countless rays. He is the power behind the seven sense organs, the dispeller of darkness, bestower of happiness and prosperity, the remover of misfortunes and is the infuser of life. )
Hiranyagarbhah shishirastapano bhaaskaro ravih .
Agnigarbhoaditeh putrah shankha shishiranaashanah 12
(He is the primordial being manifesting as the Trinity. He ushers in the Day and is the teacher (of Hiranyagarbha), the fire-wombed, the son of Aditi, and has a vast and supreme felicity.)
Vyomanaatha stamobhedii rig yajuh saama paaragah .
Ghana vrishhti rapaam mitro vindhya viithii plavangamah .. 13
(He is the remover of intellectual dull-headedness. He is the Lord of the firmament, dispeller of darkness. Master of all the vedas, he is a friend of the waters and causes rain. HE has crossed the vindya range and sports in the Brahma Nadi.)
Aatapii mandalii mrityuh pingalah sarvataapanah .
Kavirvishvo mahaatejaa raktah sarva bhavod hbhavah .. 14
(He, whose form is circular and is colored yellow, is intensely absorbed and inflicts death. He is the destroyer of all and is the Omniscient one being exceedingly energetic sustains the universe and all action. )
Nakshatra grahataaraanaam adhipo vishva bhaavanah .
Tejasaamapi tejasvii dvaadashaatman namostute .. 15
(He is the lord of stars, planets and all constellations. He is the origin of everything in the universe and is the cause of the lustre of even the brilliant ones. Salutations to Thee who is the One being manifest in the twelve forms of the Sun. )
Namah puurvaaya giraye pashchimaayaadraye namah .
Jyotirganaanaam pataye dinadhipataye namah .. 16
(Salutations to the Eastern and western mountain, Salutations to the Lord of the stellar bodies and the Lord of the Day.)
Jayaaya jayabhadraaya haryashvaaya namo namah .
Namo namah sahasraa.nsha aadityaaya namo namah .. 17
(Salutations to the One who ordains victory and the prosperity that follows. Salutations to the one possessed of yellow steeds and to the thousand rayed Lord, and to Aditya. )
Namah ugraaya viiraaya saarangaaya namo namah .
Namah padma prabodhaaya maartandaaya namo namah .. 18
(Salutations to the Terrible one, the hero, the one that travels fast. Salutations to the one whose emergence makes the lotus blossom and to the fierce and omnipotent one.)
Brahmeshaana achyuteshaaya suuryaayaadityavarchase .
Bhaasvate sarvabhakshaaya raudraaya vapushhe namah .. 19
(Salutations to the Lord of Brahma, shiva and Achyuta, salutations to the powerful and to the effulgence in the Sun that is both the illuminator and devourer of all and is of a form that is fierce like Rudra.)
Tamoghnaaya himagnaaya shatrughnaaya amitaatmane .
Kritaghnahanaaya devaaya jyotishhaam pataye namah .. 20
(Salutations to he transcendental atman that dispels darkness, drives away all fear, and destroys all foes. Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies.)
Tapta chaamiika raabhaaya haraye vishvakarmane .
Namastamo.abhinighnaaya ruchaye lokasaakshine .. 21
(Salutations to the Lord shining like molten gold, to the transcendental fire, the fire of supreme knowledge, the architect of the universe, destroyer of darkness and salutations again to the effulgence that is the Cosmic witness.)
Naashayatyeshha vai bhuutam tadeva srijati prabhuuH .Paayatyeshha tapatyeshha varshhatyeshha gabhastibhih .. 22
(Salutations to the Lord who destroys everything and creates them again. Salutations to Him who by His rays consumes the waters, heats them up and sends them down as rain.)
Eshha supteshhu jaagarti bhuuteshhu parinishhthitah .
Eshha evaagnihotramcha phalam chaivaagnihotrinaamh .. 23
(Salutations to the Lord who abides in the heart of all beings keeping awake when they are asleep. He is both the sacrificial fire and the fruit enjoyed by the worshippers.)
Vedaashcha kratavashchaiva kratuunaam phalameva cha .
Yaani krityaani lokeshhu sarva eshha ravih prabhuh .. 24
(The Sun is verily the Lord of all action in this universe. He is verily the vedas, the sacrifices mentioned in them and the fruits obtained by performing the sacrifices.)
Phala stutiEnamaapatsu krichchhreshhu kaantaareshhu bhayeshhu cha.
kiirttayanh purushhah kashchin naavasiidati raaghava .. 25
(Raghava, one who recites this hymn in times of danger, during an affliction or when lost in the wilderness and having fear, he will not lose heart (and become brave). )
Puujayasvainamekaagro devadevam jagathpatimh.
Etat.h trigunitam japtvaa yuddheshhu vijayishhyasi .. 26
(Raghava, worship this Lord of all Gods and the Universe with one-pointed devotion. Recite this hymn thrice and you will win this battle.)
Nasminkshane mahaabaaho raavanam tvam vadhishhyasi.
Evamuktavaa tadaa.agastyo jagaamh cha yathaagatamh .. 27
(O mighty armed one, you shall truimph over Ravana this very moment. Having spoken this, Agastya returned his original place. Raghava became free from worry after hearing this.)
Etachchhritvaa mahaatejaa nashhtashoko abhavattadaa.
Dhaarayaamaasa supriito raaghavah prayataatmavaanh .. 28
(He was greatly pleased and became brave and energetic.)
Aaadityam prekshya japtvaa tu param harshhamavaaptavaanh.
Triraachamya shuchirbhuutvaa dhanuraadaaya viiryavaanh .. 29
(Gazing at the sun with devotion, He recited this hymn thrice and experienced bliss.)
Rraavanam prekshya hrushhtaatmaa yuddhaaya samupaagamath.
Sarva yatnena mahataa vadhe tasya dhritoabhavath .. 30
(Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His bow with His mighty arms. Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his effort with a determination to destroy Ravana.)
Atha ravi ravadanam nirikshyam raama
Muditamanaah paramam prahrishhyamaanah.
Nishicharapatisa nkshayam viditvaa
Suragan amadhyagato vachastvareti .. 31
(Then knowing that the destruction of the lord of prowlers at night (Ravana) was near, Aditya, who was at the center of the assembly of the Gods, looked at Rama and exclaimed 'Hurry up' with great delight. Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His bow with His mighty arms. Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his effort with a determination to destroy Ravana.)
Surya- sun Sun is the father of the entire Solar System. For the earthlings, it is the nearest Star and is about 93 million miles away from earth. It is the largest Celestial body in the Solar system and is nearly 750 times larger than all the planets put together.
Astrological Significance: Some important significance as per Uttara Kalamrita is a) Soul b) Power or Strength c) Worship of Shiva d) Trees having thorns e) Favor of the king or the Ruler f) Father g) Awakening of knowledge or enlightenment h) Bones I) Eye j) Bile k) Feverish or inflammatory complaints l) Body m) Timber n) Ornaments o) Rulership over eastern direction p) Copper q) Ruby r) East s) Face
The Sun is best placed in Mesha (Aries) where it is called exalted. Opposite from there, in Tula (Libra) it is least auspicious and called debilitated. The sun is lord of the sign Simha (Leo) and also of the house where Simha is located.
The Sun, according to the Vedas, is the parent of all existing phenomena in the solar system. He is the ruler of all the planets that rotate around him. The Sun is considered to be the soul of Kala Purusha (Kala = time, Purusha = being; combined, it means the being that binds himself to Time).
Its colored is bloodred, its nature is bile-dominated, and it is the lord of the direction East.
It is the ruler of the zodiacal sign, Leo, and is exalted in the sign Aries, debilitated in Libra, and exiled in Aquarius. The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are its natural friends, and Venus, Saturn, Rahu (dragon’s head, or the north node of the Moon), and Ketu (dragon’s tail, the south node of the Moon) are its natural enemies.
Nakshatras Kritika, Uttra Phalguni, and Uttra Khad are ruled by the Sun.
Surya namaskar
Suryanamaskar combines Yogasanas and Pranayama and brings about the general flexibility of the body preparing it for further Asanas and Pranayama. This is usually done both at sunrise and sunset, facing the Sun.
Suryanamaskar (an ancient Indian yoga) is the art of solar vitalization. It is a complete meditative technique in itself as it includes Asanas, Pranayama, Mantras and Mudras. It has got three aspects: form, vital energy and rhythm. It is the easiest way for a person to get used to Yoga. It should be done along with chanting of mantras in every posture. In simple words, Suryanamaskar is a combination of 12 different postures, followed in a particular sequence with a specific breathing pattern. It helps an individual to vitalize and unblock the whole system. It reduces fat from almost all parts of the body, as it stretches each and every muscle and tones it.
Wash your face & hands after waking up. Then go to a place where you can stand facing the rising Sun. Fold your hands as in "Namaste". With your eyes closed, pray silently to Lord Sun -
" Hey Surya Dev , Mera Pranaam sweekar karen , Samasta Bhaagya Janit Sankaton Se meri raksha karen"( O Lord Sun , Salutation to you . Please protect me from all ill effects that fate may have in store for me).
You can keep a small carpet or piece of cloth to stand on. But it should be clean & kept safely after the entire activity is over.
There are 12 names of lord Sun, that need to be chanted during the entire exercise. One name/prayer before commencement of each round. Each round consists of 12 postures/positions and there are 12 rounds.
Position 1
Stand with your feet together and palms folded in front of your chest. Close your eyes and chant the Mantra Om Mitrayah Namaha..... breath normally.
Position 2
Raise your arms over your head and shoulders with the palms touching each other and biceps touching your ears. Stretch your abdomen as much as possible and lean backwards. Inhale and chant Om Khagaya Namaha.....
Position 3
Bend forward and place your palms at the side of your feet. Touch the knee with your forehead and exhale deeply, while chanting Om Suryaya Namaha.....
Position 4
Take one leg back and place the other leg in the front with palms firm on the ground. Raise your head and inhale, while chanting Om Bhanuvae Namaha.....
Position 5
Bring the leg that was in front next to other one and keep the hips off the floor, with your hands supporting the body in a push-up position. Exhale and chant Om Ravi Namaha.....
Position 6
Lower your knees, chest and forehead, with your palms firmly on the ground next to your chest and elbows bent upwards. Hold the breath here and chant Om Pushnae Namaha.....
Position 7
Lower your waist and raise your upper body. Look upwards and keep your arms straight. Inhale and chant Om Hiranya-Garbhaya Namaha.....
Position 8
Raise your hips and bring your head to the floor with eyes on the navel and heel on the floor - like an inverted 'V'. Exhale and chant
Om Marichiye Namaha.....
Position 9
In this step the posture is the same as in step 4.
Take one leg back and place the other leg in the front with palms firm on the ground.
Raise your head and Inhale and chant Mantra Om Adityaya Namaha.
Position 10
In this step the posture is the same as in step 3.Bend forward and place your palms at the side of your feet. Touch the knee with your forehead and exhale deeply, Exhale while chanting Om Savitre Namaha.....
Position 11
In this step the posture is the same as in step 2.Raise your arms over your head and shoulders with the palms touching each other and biceps touching your ears. Stretch your abdomen as much as possible and lean backwards. Inhale and chant Om Arkaya Namaha.....
Position 12
In this step the posture is the same as in step 1.Stand with your feet together and palms folded in front of your chest. Close your eyes and chant the Mantra . Breathe normally and chant Om Bhaskaraya Namaha.....