Parvati is the power and consort of Siva, the god of disintegration and destruction.
A majority of goddesses of Hinduism are aspects and variations of Parvati.
She is known by different names like Uma, Gauri, Kali, Durga, Haimavati etc.
Shiva, who is Mahadeva or the Greatest God, is also known as Sarvajna and Vageesha. Sarvajna means one who knows all, Omniscient. Vageesha is the lord of knowledge. Parvati had, during her days as a student, learnt the material as will as the spiritual branches of knowledge through well-qualified teachers. Still she had the desire to learn more. She was not only proud that her husband was Sarvajna, but also had the learner's curiosity to know more.Through her own learning she desired the spread of knowledge the arts and the intellect all over the world. In Shiva's assembly, not only Parvati but the angels and other divine beings as well as sages learnt wisdom by listening to the educative stories, the morals and doctrines, and histories and poems, narrated by Shiva. The one who requested Him to narrate all those was Parvati.
Parvati learnt the Sanskrit language and grammar from Shiva. The rules of grammar taught by Shiva are famous as "Maheshwara Sutras." Later a sage by the name of Panini publicised them on the earth. It is well known as Panini’s Grammar ('Paniniya Vyakarana').
Prosody, or metrical science, important for poetry. It explains poetical structure. As Parvati desired to know it, Shiva taught that to Parvati first Then a sage by name Pingala learnt it and made it known on the earth. His work on 'Chandas' or prosody was written in Kannada as'Chandombudhi' (in 990 A. D.) by the poet Nagavarma. Similarly several other branches of knowledge like dance, architecture, astrology, spells, painting and so on - are said to have been taught by Shiva to Parvati and then became known to others. Parvati had great curiosity to know philosophy also. She wanted the Ramayana to be taught to her with its philosophical content. Pleased with this request, Shiva taught her "Adhyatma Ramayana.' Brahma learnt it and in turn taught Narada. Narada narrated the story to sage Valmiki who passed it on to Lava and Kusha the twin sons of Sri Rama. This is known as "Srimadlyana." Later the sage Vedavyasa composed Adhyatma Ramayana in Sanskrit. It is well known to this day.
The 'Panchatantra' also, which is full of moral stories eagerly listened to and enjoyed by children even today, is also believed to be a collection of talest told by Shiva to Parvati in the first instance.
No only was Parvati often discussing philosophy and matters of this world with Shiva, but was also sometimes venturing into deeds of bravery. The Mahabharata says that when Shiva went to Indrakeelaka in the guise of a tribal king of huntsmen to see Arjuna's valour directly, Parvati also went with him as his tribal wife.
Goddess Chamundeswari is believed to be one of the incarnations of Parvati She took that form to kill a rakshasa by name Mahishasura. The wicked Mahishasura was harassing human beings and the angels. Chamundeswari killed him on the Vijayadashami day. Then she took abode on a hill in Mahishamandala where the demon ruled earlier. This is the Chamundi Hill near Mysore City in Karnataka. The hill is 3489 feet above sea level. The present- day Mysore is theMahishamandala over which Mahishasura reigned.
Kali and Durga are also incarnations of Parvati. As her devotees believe, Parvati assumed all these forms to kill the wicked in the world and protect the virtuous.ike her consort Siva, she also has two aspects: the mild and the terrible. When shown along with Siva she has only two hands, the right one holding a blue lotus and the left hanging loosely by the side. When represented independently she is shown with four hands, two hands holding red and blue lotuses and the other two exhibiting the varada and Abhaya mudras.
Her vehicle is Lion.
Parvati was Daksayani, the daughter of Daksa. She was married to Lord Siva. When Daksa undertook the performance of a great sacrifice, he insulted Siva by not inviting him or his wife. However, Daksayani went to the sacrifice uninvited and being insulted she ended her life by igniting herself through the fire of yaga. Hence she came to be known as Sati, the chaste one.
She was next reborn as Parvati, the daughter of Himavan and Mena. After performing intense austerities she succeeded in pleasing Siva and making him accept her again as his consort. As the mother of the universe, Parvati is known as Amba and Ambika which means 'mother'.
Aspects of Parvati
Ten aspects of Sakti are termed as Dasamahavidya's.
These are the representations of transcendent knowledge and power.
1-Kali who is the goddess of time that destroys everything.
2- Tara is the power of golden embryo from which the universe evolves. She also stands for void or the boundless space.
3-Sodasi literally means 'one who is sixteen years old and she is the personification of fullness and perfection.
4- Vidya Bhuvanevari represents the forces of the material world.
5- Bhairavi stands for desires and temptations leading to destruction and death.
6-Vidya Chinnamasta represents the continued state of self-sustenance of the created world in which are seen continuous self-destruction and self-renewal, in a cyclic order. She is a naked deity holding her own severed head in hand and drinking her own blood.
7-Dhumavati, one personifies the destruction of the world by fire, when only smoke (dhuma) from its ashes remains.
8- Vidya Bagala is a crane - headed goddess represents the ugly side of living creatures like jealously, hatred and cruelty.
9-Matangi, the ninth Vidya is the embodiment power of domination.
10-The last Vidya Kamala is the pure consciousness of the self, bestowing boons and allaying the fears of the supplicants. She is identified with Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune.
The three major aspects of Parvati or Sakti (Devi) are Durga, Kali and Lalita.
Durga and Kali represent the aspects of power of the goddess and Lalita represents the aspect of beauty.
Parvati is the mother of the gods Ganesha and Skanda

The Puranas repeatedly tell the tale of Sati's marriage to Shiva against her father Daksha's wishes and her subsequent self-immolation at Daksha's Yajna (fire offering) leaving Shiva grief-stricken and having lost interest in worldly affairs. In Brahma Vaivarta Purana Sati appears before Shiva, in her divine form, and reassures him that she will return as the daughter of Himavan.Sati is reborn as Parvati, the daughter of Himavan, and the apsaras Menā and is named "Kali", the dark one as per her complexion. Sati as well as Parvati are considered manifestations of Mahadevi, the "great Goddess".In Ramayana, the river Ganga is depicted as the elder sister of Parvati; while in Harivamsa Parvati has two younger sisters called Ekaparna and Ekapatala.
Parvati is depicted as interested in Shiva's tales and appearance from her very birth and finally remembering her last life as Sati.As Parvati grew into a young woman, she began tapas (austerities) to please Shiva to grant her wish to reunite with him. She is portrayed as surpassing all other ascetics in penance, undergoing mortifications. Finally, Shiva tests her devotion by sending an attendant or appearing himself in disguise to criticize Shiva. Untouched by the act, Parvati retains her desire for Shiva compelling him to marry her. After the marriage, Parvati moves to mount Kailash, the residence of Shiva.
Kalidasa's epic Kumarasambhavam ("Birth of Kumara") details with matchlessly lyrical beauty the story of the maiden Parvati; her devotions aimed at gaining the favour of Shiva; the subsequent annihilation of Kamadeva; the consequent fall of the universe into barren lifelessness; the subsequent nuptials, in these circumstances, of the partners of many previous births; the immaculate birth of Skanda(Kumara, Shiva's first son) and the eventual resurrection of Kamadeva after intercession by Parvati to Shiva in his favour.
Kali and Durga are also incarnations of Parvati. As her devotees believe, Parvati assumed all these forms to kill the wicked in the world and protect the virtuous
When shown along with Shiva, Goddess Parvati has only two hands, the right one holding a blue lotus and the left hanging loosely by the side. When represented independently, Parvati Ma is shown with four hands, two hands holding red and blue lotuses and the other two exhibiting the varada and Abhaya mudras. Goddess Parvati has a charming personality. Married women adore Parvati for her happy married life. With parvati by his sidr,Shiva became a family man,Inspired by his beauty.
The name Kali comes from the word "kala," or time. She is the power of time which devours all.
She has a power that destroys and should be depicted in awe-inspiring terror. Kali is found in the cremation ground amid dead bodies. She is standing in a challenging posture on the prostrate body of her husband Shiva. Kali cannot exist without him, and Shiva can't reveal himself without her. She is the manifestation of Shiva's power, energy.Kali has three eyes, the third one stands for wisdom.
Kali's tongue is protruding, a gesture of coyness-because she unwittingly stepped on the body of her husband Shiva. Kali's tongue, symbolizing rajas (the color red, activity), is held by her teeth, symbolizing sattva (the color white, spirituality).
Kali has four arms. The posture of her right arms promises fearlessness and boons while her left arms hold a bloody sword and a freshly severed human head. Looking at Kali's right, we see good, and looking at her left, we see bad.Kali is portrayed as naked (clad in space) except for a girdle of human arms cut off at the elbow and a garland of fifty skulls. The arms represent the capacity for work, and Kali wears all work (action), potential work, and the results thereof around her waist. The fifty skulls represent the fifty letters of the alphabet, the manifest state of sound from which all creation evolved.
While Shiva's complexion is pure white, Kali is the color of the darkest night-a deep bluish black. As the limitless Void, Kali has swallowed up everything without a trace. Hence, she is black.
Kali who is the goddess of time that destroys everything.Kali means "black" and is also the female form of the word "kala." which means "time" (hence, calendar). The Kali-kala pun gave rise to the idea that black Kali. Kali is typically shown as a deranged or wrathful half naked woman, and is often depicted dancing upon the corpse of her consort, the god Siva. She is multi-armed; her tongue protrudes; she wears a garland of skulls, holds a severed head in one hand, and brandishes a hooked blade called a kartri, along with other weapons.
The Divine Mother is known as Kali-Ma, the Black Goddess, Maha Kali, Nitya Kali, Smashana Kali, Raksha Kali, Shyama Kali, Kalikamata, and Kalaratri. Among the Tamils she is known as Kottavei,Bathra kali, Maha Kali and Nitya Kali
Durga, typically characterized by twelve weapons:
Sword (Khadga)
Trident (Trishula)
Thunderdisc (Chakra)
Arrow (Tir)
Javelin (Bharji)
Club (Khitaka)
Bow (Dhanush)
Noose (Pasha)
Goad (Ankush)
Shield (Sipar)
Axe (Parashu)
The Ten aspects of Parvati, termed as Dasamahavidyas. These are the representations of transcendent knowledge and power.
1- Kali who is the goddess of time that destroys everything.
2- Tara is the power of golden embryo from which the universe evolves. She also stands for void or the boundless space.
3. Sodasi literally means 'one who is sixteen years old’. She is the personification of fullness and perfection.
4- Vidya Bhuvanevari represents the forces of the material world.
5- Bhairavi stands for desires and temptations leading to destruction and death.
6-Vidya Chinnamasta represents the continued state of self-sustenance of the created world in which is seen continuous self-destruction and self-renewal, in a cyclic order. She is a naked deity holding her own severed head in hand and drinking her own blood.
7-Dhumavati, the seventh one personifies the destruction of the world by fire, when only smoke (dhuma) from its ashes remains.
8- Vidya Bagala is a crane - headed goddess. She represents the ugly side of living creatures like jealously, hatred and cruelty.
9-Matangi, Vidya is the embodiment power of domination.
10-The last Vidya Kamala is the pure consciousness of the self, bestowing boons and allaying the fears of the supplicants. She is identified with Lakshmi, the Goddess of Fortune.
Worship and Festivals
Parvati worshipped as Gauri ,Durga,Meenashi,kamakshi,visalashi,Bavani,Pagavati.
The Gauri Festival is celebrated on the seventh, eighth, ninth of Bhadrapada Shukla. She is worshipped as the goddess of harvest and protectress of women. Her festival, chiefly observed by women, is closely associated with the festival of her son Ganesha (Ganesh Chaturthi). The festival is popular in Maharashtra and Karnataka.
In Rajasthan the worship of Gauri happens during the Gangaur festival. The festival starts on the first day of Chaitra the day after Holi and continues for 18days. Images of Issar and Gauri are made from Clay for the festival.
Another very popular festival in regard to the Mother Parvati is Navratri, inwhich all her menfestations are worshiped for nine days. Actually the festival is associated with Her warrior appearance is Mother Durga, with her nine forms .(1)Shailputri,2) Brahmacharini, 3)Chandraghanta, 4)Kashmunda, 5)Skandmata, 6)Katyani, 7)Kalratri, 8)Mahagauri,9) Siddhidaatri.)
Another festival Gauri tritiya is celebrated from Chaitra shukla third to Vaishakha shukla third. It is believed that Parvati spends a month at her parent's home now. This festival is popular in Maharashtra.
Annaporna is the goddess of food and cooking.she is empowered with ability to suppley to food to an unlimited amount of people.
ANNAPURNA(parvati) the wife of god Siva.
PARVATI is the MOTHER of gods Ganesh and Skanda(Kartikeya)

Famous temples
Some of the famous temples where Parvati forms are predominantly worshipped include,
1) 51 Shakti Peeths (Shaki peethas)
2) Meenakshi temple at Madurai in Tamilnadu, India
3) Kamakshi Amman temple at Kanchipuram in Tamilnadu, India
5) Visalakshi temple at Banaras,Uttar Pradesh,India