Kuber is regarded as the god of wealth, in Hindu mythology. Lord Kubera is also known as the god of yakshas (savage beings). Kubera is always remembered with the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi. Chanting of Kuber Mantra blesses the worshipper with money and prosperity by drawing new avenues and sources of income and wealth. Mantra of Kubera helps to increase the flow of funds and the ability to accumulate wealth. Kubera Mantra is as follows:
''Rajadhi rajaya Prasahya Sahine
Namo Vayam Vai Sravanaya Kurmahe
Samekaman Kama Kamaya mahyam
Kamesvaro Vai Sravano dadatu
Kuberaya Vai Sravanaya
Maha rajaya Namah."
Kubera (also Kuvera or Kuber) is the god of wealth and the lord of Uttaradisha in Hindu mythology. He is also known as Dhanapati, the lord of riches. He is one of the Ashta-Dikpalas, representing the north. Kubera is also the son of Sage Vishrava (hence also called Vaisravana), and in this respect.
He is also the elder brother of the Lord of Lanka, Ravana. He is said to have performed austerities for a thousand years, in reward for which Brahma, the Creator, gave him immortality and made him god of wealth , guardian of all the treasures of the earth,
Hindu Mythology, Kubera is the god of wealth and god’s treasurer, residing in a palace on Mount Kailasa. He is the lord of the Yakshas. Kubera watches over the earth’s treasure of gold, silver, jewels, pearls, and nine Nidhis (buried treasure). He has a white, dwarfish body, two to four hands, three legs and eight teeth. This lord uses Pushpak, a flying chariot, for moving around. His attributes include a mace, a purse containing money, a fruit and a bowl.
Whoever hears the name Kubera will remember Lord Venkateswara, because, according to Hindu mythology, Lord Venkateswara borrowed money from Kubera for his marriage and is still paying only the interest.
KUBERA STORY Lord Shiva, he found Him with Goddess Parvathi. Kubera was stunned to see the splendour and beauty of Goddess Parvathi. He felt sorry that he had not worshipped such a fine goddess for so long and one of his eyes shut itself.
Goddess Parvathi got angry that Kubera was winking at Her, and looking at Her with evil intention. She made his eye burst. Kubera lost sight in one eye and was also cursed that he would always look ugly. Lord Kubera pleaded with Lord Siva to forgive him and explained that he had not seen the Goddess with any evil intention. Lord Siva left the choice to His consort. Goddess Parvathi forgave Kubera and let the eye grow back, but it was smaller than the other one.
So one eye of Kubera is smaller than the other. Kubera was rewarded by Lord Siva with the post of being one of the guards of the eight directions -
The North.. The Goddess made him the lord of wealth and material.
As the God of wealth and material, his responsibilities are to distribute them while creating wealth is with Goddess Lakshmi. Kubera is mostly painted with his family and seen showering gold coins and navaratnas.
Performing pooja to Lord Kubera is believed to enrich one's life. To have a wealthy and comfortable life, one has to perform Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja. There are separate mantras and rituals for the pooja. Poojas performed on Full Moon Day and half-moon days in November are supposed to bring good results.
The auspicious date to worship Kubera is between October 15 and November 15 (Tamil month Aippasi). Thursday is the most auspicious day for Kubera. Anyone who wants to achieve his/her goal should worship Kubera for 48 days by chanting the Kubera sloka 108 times a day.
Thursdays and Friday are very auspicious for Kuberar.
Honey, White jaggery, Dry fruitsLight two lamps with gheeProcedure for Kubera Puja
One has to take bath in the wee hours and perform puja to Lord Ganesh and then keep a Kubera Yantra in front of you. Light two lamps with ghee and offer prayers. Keep Naivedyam of Honey, white jaggery and dry fruits. Then pray the following Dyanam
"Manuja baahya vimana varustitam –
Garuda ratna nibam nidinayakam
Sivasakha mukutadi vibhooshitam-
varadehyatam bhajam tamthilam
Agasya Deva Devesa Martsyaloka hithechyaa-
poojayami vidhanena prasanna sumukobhava"
Kubera Astottara Satanamavali.
Om Kuberayanamaha
Om DanadayaOm Srimate
Om Yakeshsaya
Om Kuhyakeswaraya
Om Nidisaya
Om Sankarasakaya
Om Malalakshminivasa bhuvaye
Om Mahapadmanideesaya
Om Poornaya
Om Samkyakya nidinadhayaa
Om Mukyarakya nidi priyaya
Om Sukhashousta nidinayakaya
Om Mukunda nidi nayakaya
Om Kundakya nidinadaya
Om Neela nityadepaya
Om MahateOm Varanityadipaya
Om Pujyaya
Om Lakshmisamrajyadhayakaya
Om IlipilapatayeOm Kulochitaya
Om Aswaroopaya
Om Viswavamdyaya
Om Visheshagyanaya
Om Visaradaya
Om NashakoobranadhayA
Om Manigreevapritaye
Om Ghudamantraya
Om Vaisravanaya
Om Ekapinkaya
Om Alakadhisaya
Om Poulastyaya
Om Kailasyasilanilayaya
Om Rayadhaya
Om ravanagrajaya
Om Chitraradhaya
Om Udyanaviharaya
Om Vihara Sukutoohalaya
Om Mahotsyahaya
Om Mahapragnaya
Om Anganadhaya
Om Somaya
Om Sowmyadigweeswaraya
Om Punayatamne
Om Puroohatasritraya
Om Sarwapunyaneswaraya
Om Nityakeertaya
Om Paramasantatamneya
Om Yaksharaje
Om Yakshinivrutaya
Om Kinnresaya
Om Kadgayudhaya
Om Vasine
Om Eesanadakshapardhastaya
Om Dharmasmuk Samstitaya
Om Niteswaraya
Om Danadakshaya
Om Astalakshmi Asritayaa
Om ManushyadharamnyeOm Skrutaya
Om Kosalakshmi samstitaya
Om Danalakshmi Nityvasaya
Om Danyalakshmi Nivasabhuvaye
Om Aswalakshmi sadavasaya
Om Gajalakshmi Stiralaya
Om Rajyalakshmi Janmagehaya
Om Dairyalakshmi Krupasrayaa
Om Akandeswaryasamyuktaya
Om Nityanandaya
Om Sukhasrayaya
Om Nityatruptaya
Om Nithitarai
Om Nrasaya
Om Nirupapradaya
Om Nityakamaya
Om Nirakshasaya
Om Nirupadikvasa
Om Bhuvaaye
Om Santaya
Om Sarvagunopetaya
Om Kuberaya
Kubera Mantra
"Om Yakshaya, Kuberaya, Vysravanaaya, Danadaanyathipatiye,
Dhanadaanya Samudrye Dehi Daapaya Swaha"
Om Sreem Kareem Aum Kubera LakshmiKamala Daveenyai Dhanakashinyai SowahaIf the Above mantra is changed 108 mmes before starting business schiving wealth will increase....
"Om Sreem Kareem Aum Kubera Lakshmi
Kamala Daveenyai Dhanakashinyai Sowaha"
Om Shreem Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteswaraay Namah.
Om Yaksha Rajaya Vidhmaya Alikadeesaya Deemahe Tanna Kubera Prechodayath.
This mantra is changed 108 times before starting business schiving wealth will increase.
Om Hrim Yakshaaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaaya
Danadaanyathi Pathayae Danadaanya
Samruddhimmae Daehi Tapaya Swahaa
Om Tatrha Raajaya Vidmahae Alakadiisaya Dimahi
Tanno Kuberappracodayaat.
POOJAVIDHI The `Amavasaya' day in the month of November is auspicious for the Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja. The Yanthra of Sri Lakshmi Kubera should be placed on a clean cloth and plantan leaf spread over wooden plank on a Friday or Tuesday at the appropriate time on the Easten side. Kalasa should be placed on the plank near the yanthira on the right side. It should be filled with clean water mango leave should be placed in the Kailasa Kumkum, Chandan should be applied pushpa Mala should be put.
Dhana Danya Namasthubyam Nidhi Padma Te Namah
Bhavanthu Tvat Prasadan me Dhanadanyathi Sampatha
Kuberam Pushpagatham Nidhin Navabiryutham
Svarna Vanram pingasham means a Dhavanamyaham!!
Naravahana Yakhsesa serva puniya laniaswara
Avasitho Maya Bandhya Pujam Ma sapalam Kuru!!
Sri Kuberaya Wamah Shodaka Pujam Karishey
Sri Kubera Namah Avahayami
Sri Argyam Samarpayami
Sri Padyam Achamaniyam Samarpayami
Sri Snanam Samarpayami
Sri Vastram Samarpayami
Sri Gandan Darayami Samarpayami
Sri Pushpani Samarpayami
Sri Dhoopa Deepam Samarpayami
Sri Naivedhyam Samarpayami
Sri Karpura Neerajanam Samarpayami
Om Bhu, Om Bhu, Om suvah, Om Mahah, Om Janah, Om Jayaka, Om Taph Om Satyam,Om Tatsavithurvarenyam, Bargodevasya Demahi, Deeyajone Prochodayat....
Performing pooja to Lord Kubera is believed to enrich one's life. To have a wealthy and comfortable life, one has to perform Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja. There are separate mantras and rituals for the pooja.
Poojas performed on Full Moon Day and half-moon days in November are supposed to bring good results.
Those who offer Pooja to Lord Kubera
He stays in their respective houses. Combination of the mentioned is very very rare so, which every occurs, by placing Lord Kubera's photo with proper Yantra by placing Northern direction, do the pooja for 48 days with the following Mantra daily 108 times with proper Naivedhyam to achieve the goal.
North- The central north part in a house in the abode of the wealth God KUBERA.
so keep the photo or picture KUBERA in that place . He faces Northern direction.
Sri Lakshmi and Kubera together in Kubera's Pooja when both the deites are worshipped descried result will be fully achieved as Kubera is dear to Sri Lakshmi.
Before starting kubera puja worshipped sri Lakshme and vishnu.
When you need help with finances, a job, success, happiness and love .worshipped Ganesh,Lakshmi and Vishnu
Sree Lakshmi Kubera Manthraha .
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Maha Ashta Iswarya Sampathu Aadhi Dhiyudha
Maha Kubera Managala Sarva Bhagya Sudharsana Sanka
ChakraPadma Ghadhayudha
Sree Lakshmi Narayana Dhevaya Namaha
Kubera Mantra
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Dhana Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Gnana Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Veera Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Yoga Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Sarva Sowbhagya Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Sarva Thejesa Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Jana Vasya Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Kantha Sakthi Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Jaya Vijaya Kubera Dhevaya Namahaya
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Iem Sree Lakshmee
Kamala Dharinye Simha Vahinye Namaha.
'Om Yaksha Rajaya Vidhmaya Alikadeesaya Deemahe Tanna Kubera Prechodayath."
Sri Lakshmi Gayathri Mantra:
'Om Mahadeviaisa Vidmagahe Vishnu Patneeysa deemahee Thanno lakshmi prachothyyath Samen Ka Maan Ka Mahaa ma yamagnam Kaameshvaro vai Shravanothadhatu Kuberaaya Vai Shravanaaya Mahaaraja "

Kubera (the God of wealth) invited Shiva and Parvati to dinner wishing to show off his riches. But, the couple denied Kubera's request and said that he could feed Ganesha instead. Kubera laughed and said 'I can feed thousands of children like this."Ganesha went to his palace and sat down to eat. He started eating all the food placed in front of him. As was the custom, more and more food was served to him, as he did not say that he had enough. Soon there was no more food in the palace and so Kubera ordered his troops to get more food from the surrounding villages. But Ganesha continued eating and there was no more food to be found. Still very hungry, Ganesha started eating all the furniture.Kubera became very frightened. Ganesha told him, " You promised my parents you will feed me. Now, I have to eat you up as I am still very hungry ". Kubera ran away and pleaded with Shiva to save him from Ganesha. Shiva asked Kubera to give up his pride and serve Ganesha a handful of rice. Kubera went back to his palace. By this time, Ganesha's stomach had become very huge but the child was still hungry. When Kubera served a cup of rice with humility, Ganesha's hunger was satisfied.


Ishanya (North-East)
Agneya (South-East)
Nairutya (South-West)
Vayavya (North-West)
Urdhwa (Skywards)
Adhastha (Downwards)
Northward shift of sun (Uttarayan)
Southward is (Dakshinayan).
East - East is the direction supposedly belonging to Lord Indra, the king of gods. Sun rises in the east. It is considered most auspicious & holy of all directions.
West - Westward beginnings bring failure in any undertaking. Lord Varuna lives in this direction.
The North is ruled by Kubera. You can place your assets like jewellery, cash, bank cheque books, property papers and other important documents in a central north room of the house with the almirahs kept in the south - west corners of the room and opening towards the North. This way the revenue of the family can stabilize.
North - The north is supposed to be the direction of Lord Kubera, the deity of prosperity. The owner of a house, which has the entrance facing north, certainly becomes prosperous. While retiring in the night, one must place one's feet towards the north & one's head in the direction of the south so that one gets to see the north immediately on waking up in the morning & is blessed by Lord Kubera.
South - Yama, the Lord of death, is presumed to be the lord of the south direction. Houses with entrance doors in the south bring ill-luck to the occupants.
North-East - North-east is supposed to be the direction of the Gods & deities. A pooja room or the place of worship in the house, should be kept in the north-eastern direction. If the entrance of a house is placed in this direction it heralds prosperity, peace & progress for the residents.
North-West - Lord Varuna is stated to be the Swami of this direction. Wind originates from this direction & flows towards the east, this direction is favoured by Lord Hanuman. For immediate & certain success, this direction is chosen as the point of beginning in any undertaking.
South-East - The God of fire ( Agni), is supposed to be the lord of this direction, placed between the east & the south. The kitchen of the house should be situated in this direction. For ensuring their durability, electronic gadgets & appliances should be kept in this direction.
South-West - The corner between the south and the west direction is known as south-west direction 'Nairuti'. Demons have the authority to this direction. Therefore, it is banned for all auspicious functions. This direction should be filled with heavy unmovable goods.

Kubera - Buddhists
Kubera is also worshipped by the Buddhists, where he is looked upon as the guardian of the North. His characteristic symbol is the mongoose, often shown vomiting jewels. In the Buddhist pantheon he is also known as Jambhala, probably from the jambhara (lemon) he carries in his hand. He is always represented corpulent and covered with jewels. His right foot is generally pendant and supported by a lotus-flower on which is a conch shell.
Jambhala is the Buddhist form of the Hindu god of wealth, Kubera. He is fat and covered with jewels and holds a mongoose in one hand and a flaming jewel in the others
Make Yantra either in Copper, Silver or God 3 X 3 Size with Nine Squares and numbers to be there by adding to stand be 72 and place or parasa Leaves and do pay a with Lots leaf, and offer ingredients side as milk, scented water, place on Green shawl, in front of lamp (5 faces - wish) with ghee, perform pooja for 72 days by chanting the mantra.
All the rich people wise etc will be at your doorstep. This Yantra Pooja gives success at once.
The specially of this Yantra is their No. 72 should come by winning the Number from any side the joint on of 72 Total 9.
EXAMPLE:- 27+20+23=72,25+24+23=72, 23+28+21=72 (7+2=9)
27+20+25= 72
22+24+26 = 72
23+28+21 = 72
Also you have to follow one method of put this kolam.
You have to start from the center. That is you have to start from 24 and then 28 then 23,22,27,20,25,26,and last 21. That is you have to fill up these holy numbers like the tamil letter ' எ ' Then you have to keep one rupee coin on each number and you can even keep white flower on them. Only white flower or red flower. and rice with turmeric.
Draw this kolam in a square and in each square write the above nos. Take 9 coins and put each coin on the no. with the coin value facing the no. Put red colour flower ,white flower on each coin and 2 flowers on Kuberar. Lit a small light and fragrant vathis and sambrani.
Chant the above mantras for 11 times. Red colour is flower to be used for Kuberar.
Try to do the pooja on every tuesday / friday. .
The Kubera-Kolam is a floor painting used in India which is in the form of a magic square
Those who offer Pooja to Lord Kubera He stays in their houses. by placing Lord Kubera's photo with proper Yantra by placing Northern direction, do the pooja for 48 days with the following Mantra daily 108 times with proper Naivedhyam to achieve the goal.
Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaisranana
Danadhanya Pathaya
Danadhanya Sumrumthimene
Dehi Thapayaswah

Kuber is regarded as the god of wealth, in Hindu mythology. Lord Kubera is also known as the god of yakshas (savage beings). Kubera is always remembered with the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi. Chanting of Kuber Mantra blesses the worshipper with money and prosperity by drawing new avenues and sources of income and wealth. Mantra of Kubera helps to increase the flow of funds and the ability to accumulate wealth. Kubera Mantra is as follows:
''Rajadhi rajaya Prasahya Sahine
Namo Vayam Vai Sravanaya Kurmahe
Samekaman Kama Kamaya mahyam
Kamesvaro Vai Sravano dadatu
Kuberaya Vai Sravanaya
Maha rajaya Namah."
Kubera (also Kuvera or Kuber) is the god of wealth and the lord of Uttaradisha in Hindu mythology. He is also known as Dhanapati, the lord of riches. He is one of the Ashta-Dikpalas, representing the north. Kubera is also the son of Sage Vishrava (hence also called Vaisravana), and in this respect.
He is also the elder brother of the Lord of Lanka, Ravana. He is said to have performed austerities for a thousand years, in reward for which Brahma, the Creator, gave him immortality and made him god of wealth , guardian of all the treasures of the earth,
Hindu Mythology, Kubera is the god of wealth and god’s treasurer, residing in a palace on Mount Kailasa. He is the lord of the Yakshas. Kubera watches over the earth’s treasure of gold, silver, jewels, pearls, and nine Nidhis (buried treasure). He has a white, dwarfish body, two to four hands, three legs and eight teeth. This lord uses Pushpak, a flying chariot, for moving around. His attributes include a mace, a purse containing money, a fruit and a bowl.
Whoever hears the name Kubera will remember Lord Venkateswara, because, according to Hindu mythology, Lord Venkateswara borrowed money from Kubera for his marriage and is still paying only the interest.
KUBERA STORY Lord Shiva, he found Him with Goddess Parvathi. Kubera was stunned to see the splendour and beauty of Goddess Parvathi. He felt sorry that he had not worshipped such a fine goddess for so long and one of his eyes shut itself.
Goddess Parvathi got angry that Kubera was winking at Her, and looking at Her with evil intention. She made his eye burst. Kubera lost sight in one eye and was also cursed that he would always look ugly. Lord Kubera pleaded with Lord Siva to forgive him and explained that he had not seen the Goddess with any evil intention. Lord Siva left the choice to His consort. Goddess Parvathi forgave Kubera and let the eye grow back, but it was smaller than the other one.
So one eye of Kubera is smaller than the other. Kubera was rewarded by Lord Siva with the post of being one of the guards of the eight directions -
The North.. The Goddess made him the lord of wealth and material.
As the God of wealth and material, his responsibilities are to distribute them while creating wealth is with Goddess Lakshmi. Kubera is mostly painted with his family and seen showering gold coins and navaratnas.
Performing pooja to Lord Kubera is believed to enrich one's life. To have a wealthy and comfortable life, one has to perform Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja. There are separate mantras and rituals for the pooja. Poojas performed on Full Moon Day and half-moon days in November are supposed to bring good results.
The auspicious date to worship Kubera is between October 15 and November 15 (Tamil month Aippasi). Thursday is the most auspicious day for Kubera. Anyone who wants to achieve his/her goal should worship Kubera for 48 days by chanting the Kubera sloka 108 times a day.
Thursdays and Friday are very auspicious for Kuberar.
Honey, White jaggery, Dry fruitsLight two lamps with gheeProcedure for Kubera Puja
One has to take bath in the wee hours and perform puja to Lord Ganesh and then keep a Kubera Yantra in front of you. Light two lamps with ghee and offer prayers. Keep Naivedyam of Honey, white jaggery and dry fruits. Then pray the following Dyanam
"Manuja baahya vimana varustitam –
Garuda ratna nibam nidinayakam
Sivasakha mukutadi vibhooshitam-
varadehyatam bhajam tamthilam
Agasya Deva Devesa Martsyaloka hithechyaa-
poojayami vidhanena prasanna sumukobhava"
Kubera Astottara Satanamavali.
Om Kuberayanamaha
Om DanadayaOm Srimate
Om Yakeshsaya
Om Kuhyakeswaraya
Om Nidisaya
Om Sankarasakaya
Om Malalakshminivasa bhuvaye
Om Mahapadmanideesaya
Om Poornaya
Om Samkyakya nidinadhayaa
Om Mukyarakya nidi priyaya
Om Sukhashousta nidinayakaya
Om Mukunda nidi nayakaya
Om Kundakya nidinadaya
Om Neela nityadepaya
Om MahateOm Varanityadipaya
Om Pujyaya
Om Lakshmisamrajyadhayakaya
Om IlipilapatayeOm Kulochitaya
Om Aswaroopaya
Om Viswavamdyaya
Om Visheshagyanaya
Om Visaradaya
Om NashakoobranadhayA
Om Manigreevapritaye
Om Ghudamantraya
Om Vaisravanaya
Om Ekapinkaya
Om Alakadhisaya
Om Poulastyaya
Om Kailasyasilanilayaya
Om Rayadhaya
Om ravanagrajaya
Om Chitraradhaya
Om Udyanaviharaya
Om Vihara Sukutoohalaya
Om Mahotsyahaya
Om Mahapragnaya
Om Anganadhaya
Om Somaya
Om Sowmyadigweeswaraya
Om Punayatamne
Om Puroohatasritraya
Om Sarwapunyaneswaraya
Om Nityakeertaya
Om Paramasantatamneya
Om Yaksharaje
Om Yakshinivrutaya
Om Kinnresaya
Om Kadgayudhaya
Om Vasine
Om Eesanadakshapardhastaya
Om Dharmasmuk Samstitaya
Om Niteswaraya
Om Danadakshaya
Om Astalakshmi Asritayaa
Om ManushyadharamnyeOm Skrutaya
Om Kosalakshmi samstitaya
Om Danalakshmi Nityvasaya
Om Danyalakshmi Nivasabhuvaye
Om Aswalakshmi sadavasaya
Om Gajalakshmi Stiralaya
Om Rajyalakshmi Janmagehaya
Om Dairyalakshmi Krupasrayaa
Om Akandeswaryasamyuktaya
Om Nityanandaya
Om Sukhasrayaya
Om Nityatruptaya
Om Nithitarai
Om Nrasaya
Om Nirupapradaya
Om Nityakamaya
Om Nirakshasaya
Om Nirupadikvasa
Om Bhuvaaye
Om Santaya
Om Sarvagunopetaya
Om Kuberaya
Kubera Mantra
"Om Yakshaya, Kuberaya, Vysravanaaya, Danadaanyathipatiye,
Dhanadaanya Samudrye Dehi Daapaya Swaha"
Om Sreem Kareem Aum Kubera LakshmiKamala Daveenyai Dhanakashinyai SowahaIf the Above mantra is changed 108 mmes before starting business schiving wealth will increase....
"Om Sreem Kareem Aum Kubera Lakshmi
Kamala Daveenyai Dhanakashinyai Sowaha"
Om Shreem Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteswaraay Namah.
Om Yaksha Rajaya Vidhmaya Alikadeesaya Deemahe Tanna Kubera Prechodayath.
This mantra is changed 108 times before starting business schiving wealth will increase.
Om Hrim Yakshaaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaaya
Danadaanyathi Pathayae Danadaanya
Samruddhimmae Daehi Tapaya Swahaa
Om Tatrha Raajaya Vidmahae Alakadiisaya Dimahi
Tanno Kuberappracodayaat.
POOJAVIDHI The `Amavasaya' day in the month of November is auspicious for the Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja. The Yanthra of Sri Lakshmi Kubera should be placed on a clean cloth and plantan leaf spread over wooden plank on a Friday or Tuesday at the appropriate time on the Easten side. Kalasa should be placed on the plank near the yanthira on the right side. It should be filled with clean water mango leave should be placed in the Kailasa Kumkum, Chandan should be applied pushpa Mala should be put.
Dhana Danya Namasthubyam Nidhi Padma Te Namah
Bhavanthu Tvat Prasadan me Dhanadanyathi Sampatha
Kuberam Pushpagatham Nidhin Navabiryutham
Svarna Vanram pingasham means a Dhavanamyaham!!
Naravahana Yakhsesa serva puniya laniaswara
Avasitho Maya Bandhya Pujam Ma sapalam Kuru!!
Sri Kuberaya Wamah Shodaka Pujam Karishey
Sri Kubera Namah Avahayami
Sri Argyam Samarpayami
Sri Padyam Achamaniyam Samarpayami
Sri Snanam Samarpayami
Sri Vastram Samarpayami
Sri Gandan Darayami Samarpayami
Sri Pushpani Samarpayami
Sri Dhoopa Deepam Samarpayami
Sri Naivedhyam Samarpayami
Sri Karpura Neerajanam Samarpayami
Om Bhu, Om Bhu, Om suvah, Om Mahah, Om Janah, Om Jayaka, Om Taph Om Satyam,Om Tatsavithurvarenyam, Bargodevasya Demahi, Deeyajone Prochodayat....
Performing pooja to Lord Kubera is believed to enrich one's life. To have a wealthy and comfortable life, one has to perform Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja. There are separate mantras and rituals for the pooja.
Poojas performed on Full Moon Day and half-moon days in November are supposed to bring good results.
Those who offer Pooja to Lord Kubera
He stays in their respective houses. Combination of the mentioned is very very rare so, which every occurs, by placing Lord Kubera's photo with proper Yantra by placing Northern direction, do the pooja for 48 days with the following Mantra daily 108 times with proper Naivedhyam to achieve the goal.
North- The central north part in a house in the abode of the wealth God KUBERA.
so keep the photo or picture KUBERA in that place . He faces Northern direction.
Sri Lakshmi and Kubera together in Kubera's Pooja when both the deites are worshipped descried result will be fully achieved as Kubera is dear to Sri Lakshmi.
Before starting kubera puja worshipped sri Lakshme and vishnu.
When you need help with finances, a job, success, happiness and love .worshipped Ganesh,Lakshmi and Vishnu
Sree Lakshmi Kubera Manthraha .
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Maha Ashta Iswarya Sampathu Aadhi Dhiyudha
Maha Kubera Managala Sarva Bhagya Sudharsana Sanka
ChakraPadma Ghadhayudha
Sree Lakshmi Narayana Dhevaya Namaha
Kubera Mantra
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Dhana Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Gnana Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Veera Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Yoga Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Sarva Sowbhagya Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Sarva Thejesa Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Jana Vasya Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Kantha Sakthi Kubera Dhevaya Namaha
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Jaya Vijaya Kubera Dhevaya Namahaya
Om Sreem Hreem Cleem Iem Sree Lakshmee
Kamala Dharinye Simha Vahinye Namaha.
'Om Yaksha Rajaya Vidhmaya Alikadeesaya Deemahe Tanna Kubera Prechodayath."
Sri Lakshmi Gayathri Mantra:
'Om Mahadeviaisa Vidmagahe Vishnu Patneeysa deemahee Thanno lakshmi prachothyyath Samen Ka Maan Ka Mahaa ma yamagnam Kaameshvaro vai Shravanothadhatu Kuberaaya Vai Shravanaaya Mahaaraja "

Kubera (the God of wealth) invited Shiva and Parvati to dinner wishing to show off his riches. But, the couple denied Kubera's request and said that he could feed Ganesha instead. Kubera laughed and said 'I can feed thousands of children like this."Ganesha went to his palace and sat down to eat. He started eating all the food placed in front of him. As was the custom, more and more food was served to him, as he did not say that he had enough. Soon there was no more food in the palace and so Kubera ordered his troops to get more food from the surrounding villages. But Ganesha continued eating and there was no more food to be found. Still very hungry, Ganesha started eating all the furniture.Kubera became very frightened. Ganesha told him, " You promised my parents you will feed me. Now, I have to eat you up as I am still very hungry ". Kubera ran away and pleaded with Shiva to save him from Ganesha. Shiva asked Kubera to give up his pride and serve Ganesha a handful of rice. Kubera went back to his palace. By this time, Ganesha's stomach had become very huge but the child was still hungry. When Kubera served a cup of rice with humility, Ganesha's hunger was satisfied.

Ishanya (North-East)
Agneya (South-East)
Nairutya (South-West)
Vayavya (North-West)
Urdhwa (Skywards)
Adhastha (Downwards)
Northward shift of sun (Uttarayan)
Southward is (Dakshinayan).
East - East is the direction supposedly belonging to Lord Indra, the king of gods. Sun rises in the east. It is considered most auspicious & holy of all directions.
West - Westward beginnings bring failure in any undertaking. Lord Varuna lives in this direction.
The North is ruled by Kubera. You can place your assets like jewellery, cash, bank cheque books, property papers and other important documents in a central north room of the house with the almirahs kept in the south - west corners of the room and opening towards the North. This way the revenue of the family can stabilize.
North - The north is supposed to be the direction of Lord Kubera, the deity of prosperity. The owner of a house, which has the entrance facing north, certainly becomes prosperous. While retiring in the night, one must place one's feet towards the north & one's head in the direction of the south so that one gets to see the north immediately on waking up in the morning & is blessed by Lord Kubera.
South - Yama, the Lord of death, is presumed to be the lord of the south direction. Houses with entrance doors in the south bring ill-luck to the occupants.
North-East - North-east is supposed to be the direction of the Gods & deities. A pooja room or the place of worship in the house, should be kept in the north-eastern direction. If the entrance of a house is placed in this direction it heralds prosperity, peace & progress for the residents.
North-West - Lord Varuna is stated to be the Swami of this direction. Wind originates from this direction & flows towards the east, this direction is favoured by Lord Hanuman. For immediate & certain success, this direction is chosen as the point of beginning in any undertaking.
South-East - The God of fire ( Agni), is supposed to be the lord of this direction, placed between the east & the south. The kitchen of the house should be situated in this direction. For ensuring their durability, electronic gadgets & appliances should be kept in this direction.
South-West - The corner between the south and the west direction is known as south-west direction 'Nairuti'. Demons have the authority to this direction. Therefore, it is banned for all auspicious functions. This direction should be filled with heavy unmovable goods.
The Meaning of VASTHU in Sankrit in the place where we live. The plan of a house can be divided into Eight parts keeping the Hindu Vasthu Sashtras it is belived that all the Eight parts are protected by divine shakthis and Navagrahas.
The central north part in a house in the abode of the wealth God KUBERA. HE resides there to give prosperity and wealth. In the house working to the north sides generally the business will be very good because KUBERA is capable of increasing the business. According to science also there is more magnetic attraction inthe north side. Hence people benefit by keeping the front door in the north side and that two on top eastern position. Also North
is in the influence of "BUDHAGRAHA" which will ensure good education, welfare of women and general health. It is believed in China also that north is the auspicious side. The improvement of business Generally also we can benefit by keeping productive things in the northern side. Even otherwise by using from Northern side will also be beneficial. So people will hang an ordinary looking glass on the northern side favorite to Lord Kubera to prevent his power from being lost. |

Kubera - Buddhists
Kubera is also worshipped by the Buddhists, where he is looked upon as the guardian of the North. His characteristic symbol is the mongoose, often shown vomiting jewels. In the Buddhist pantheon he is also known as Jambhala, probably from the jambhara (lemon) he carries in his hand. He is always represented corpulent and covered with jewels. His right foot is generally pendant and supported by a lotus-flower on which is a conch shell.
Jambhala is the Buddhist form of the Hindu god of wealth, Kubera. He is fat and covered with jewels and holds a mongoose in one hand and a flaming jewel in the others
Lord Kubera is found in the Scriptures of Buddhisim. In countries like China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan people worship Kubera as laughing Daily to ward off evils. They worship kubera in short, flawless, Smiling forms with fat pouch, Kalasa bag ornaments, Though the religions are different it has been found that Lord Kuberas form is one and the same. |
Make Yantra either in Copper, Silver or God 3 X 3 Size with Nine Squares and numbers to be there by adding to stand be 72 and place or parasa Leaves and do pay a with Lots leaf, and offer ingredients side as milk, scented water, place on Green shawl, in front of lamp (5 faces - wish) with ghee, perform pooja for 72 days by chanting the mantra.
All the rich people wise etc will be at your doorstep. This Yantra Pooja gives success at once.
The specially of this Yantra is their No. 72 should come by winning the Number from any side the joint on of 72 Total 9.
EXAMPLE:- 27+20+23=72,25+24+23=72, 23+28+21=72 (7+2=9)
27+20+25= 72
22+24+26 = 72
23+28+21 = 72
Also you have to follow one method of put this kolam.
You have to start from the center. That is you have to start from 24 and then 28 then 23,22,27,20,25,26,and last 21. That is you have to fill up these holy numbers like the tamil letter ' எ ' Then you have to keep one rupee coin on each number and you can even keep white flower on them. Only white flower or red flower. and rice with turmeric.
Draw this kolam in a square and in each square write the above nos. Take 9 coins and put each coin on the no. with the coin value facing the no. Put red colour flower ,white flower on each coin and 2 flowers on Kuberar. Lit a small light and fragrant vathis and sambrani.
Chant the above mantras for 11 times. Red colour is flower to be used for Kuberar.
Try to do the pooja on every tuesday / friday. .
The Kubera-Kolam is a floor painting used in India which is in the form of a magic square
Those who offer Pooja to Lord Kubera He stays in their houses. by placing Lord Kubera's photo with proper Yantra by placing Northern direction, do the pooja for 48 days with the following Mantra daily 108 times with proper Naivedhyam to achieve the goal.
Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaisranana
Danadhanya Pathaya
Danadhanya Sumrumthimene
Dehi Thapayaswah
Moola Mantra Om Shreem Hreem Im Kubera Lakshmiai Kamaladharinyai Dhana Akrashinyai Swaaha |
Sri Lakshmi Kubera Yantram is worshipped for "Ishwarya Abhivridhi" which means to attain wealth and prosperity.This Yantra is to be placed in the Pooja room and is to be Worshipped everyday by chanting the Moola Mantra.Offerings can be made in the form of Thamboolam (banana and beetal leaves) or sugar candy. Red color flowers are auspicious for this God. | |
Mantras Om Mahadeviaisa Vidmagahe Vishnu Patneeysa deemahee Thanno lakshmi prachothyyathu.Rajaadhi Rajaaye Prasagna Sahiney Namo Vayam Vai Shravanaaya Kurmahey Samen Ka Maan Ka Mahaa ma yamagnam Kaameshvaro vai Shravanothadhatu Kuberaaya Vai Shravanaaya Mahaaraja Yenamaha. |
INCREASE WEALTH WORSHIP OF LORD KUBERA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Om Sreem Kareem Aum Kubera Lakshmi Kamala Daveenyai Dhanakarshinyai Sowaha If the Above mantra is changed 108 mmes before starting business schiving wealth will increase. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
KUBERA GAYATHRI | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Om Yaksha Rajaya Vidhmaya Alakadeesaya Deemahe Tanna Kubera Prechodayath. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
KUBERA MANTRA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Om yakashyaya kuberaya Veaishravanaya dana danyathpathaye danadanya smithirmme dehi tapaya swagah"