Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Uma Maheswara Stotram

Uma Maheswara Stotram

Translated by P. R. RamachanderNama Sivabhyam,
Nava Youvanabhyam,
Paraspara slishta Vapurtharabhyam,
Nagendra Kanya vrusha Kethabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam
(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,
Who are always in fresh stage of youth,
Who cling to each other in tight embrace,
Of whom one is the daughter of the mountain,
And the other is one whose symbol is a bull,
Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess )Parvathy.
Nama Shivaabhyam sarasothsavabhyam,
Namaskruthabheeshta vara prathabhyam,
Narayanenarchitha padukabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam
(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,
Whose playful love is a festival,
Who grant boons to those who salute them,
And whose feet is worshipped by Lord Narayana,
Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy.)
Nama Shivaabhyam vrusha vahanabhyam,
Virinchi vishnveendra su poojithaabhyam,
Vibhoothi pattera vilepanaabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam.
(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,
Who ride on the divine bull,
Who are worshipped by Vishnu, Brahma and Indra,
And whose bodies are anointed with Sandal and holy ash,
Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy.)
Nama Shivaabhyam Jagadeeswarabhyam,
Jagat pathibhyabhyam ,
Jaya vigrahabhyam,
Jambhari mukhyair abhi vandidabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam.
(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,
Who are the lord and lady of the universe,
Who are always victorious,
And who are worshipped by Indra and his chiefs,
Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy)
Namashivaabhyam paramoushadabhyam,
Panchakshari panjara ranjithabhyam,
Prapancha srushti sthithi samhruthibhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam.
(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,
Who are themselves the greatest medicine
Who are happy to hear panchakshari repeated,
And who create , rule and destroy the universe,
Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy)
Namashivaabhyam Athi sundarabhyam,
Athyanthamasaktha hrudambujabhyam,
Asesha lokaika hithamkarabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam.

Subrahmanya Bhujangam

Subrahmanya Bhujangam

Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[This great stotra was supposed to have been composed by Adi Sankara when he visited the Subrahmanya temple at Thiruchendur (Holy city of sandal) which is in the sea shore. The Acharya it seems became very emotional and the Lord of Thiruchendur personally approved this great stotra. It is also believed that Lord gave darshan to Adi Sankara at Thiruchendur.]

Sada balaroopapi vignaadri hantri,
Mahadanthi vakthrapi panchasyamaanya,
Vidheendraadhi mrugya ganesabhidha may,
Vidathaam sriyam kaapi kalyana murthy.
(Let Him who is called the giver of good things,Who though forever looks like a small child,Powders mountains of great obstacles,Who though having a huge elephants head,Is much respected by Lord Shiva,Who is being searched by Gods like Brahma,And who is called the lord of Ganas,Bless me with great prosperity.(The first sloka is a prayer to Lord Ganapathi to help to complete this venture of writing a prayer to Lord Subramanya)
Na janaami sabdham, na janaami cha artham,
Na janami padyam, na janami gadhyam,
Chideka shadaasyaa hrudhi dyothathe may,
Mukhanthissaranthe giraschapi chithram.
(Though I do not know words,Nor the meanings of words,Nor the form of prose or verse,The six headed one shines in my heart,And wonder of wonders,Words flow from my heart without a stop,And make a pretty picture using words.)
Mayurathi roodam Maha vakhya goodam,
Manohari deham, mahaschitha geham,
Mahee deva devam, maha veda bhavam,
Maha deva balam, Bhaje loka palam.
(I sing the praise of that protector of the world,Who rides on a peacock,Who is the meaning of great Vedic sayings,Who has a very pretty mien,Who resides in the minds of great ones,Who is the god of all gods,Who is the tenor of the Vedas,And who is the great son of Lord Shiva.)
Yada sannidhanaam gatha maanaava may,
Bhavaambhodhi paaram gathaasthe thadaiva,
Ithi vyanjayan Sindhu there ya asthe,
Thameede pavithram Parashakthi puthram.
(I sing the praise of that pure son of the great Shakthi,Who sits in the end of all seas and tells,“Once you come in front of me,You have crossed the ocean of painful day- to- day life.”(Lord Subrahmanya has a temple in a place called “Thiruchendur”, which is situated in the beech at the end of India. The waves of the ocean keeping on beating the outer walls of this temple.)
Yadabhdhe stharanga layam yanthi thunga,
Sthadivaa pada sannidhou sevathaam may,
Ithivormepankthirnrunaam darsayantham,
Sadaa bhavaye hruthsaroje guham thaam.
(Like the waves of the sea, beating on the shore,Becomes weakened and disappears.The worries of Him who visits his temple,Disappears in to small dusts,And so I make the great Lord Subramanya,Reside in the lotus of my heart always.)
Girou mannivase nara yea dhirooda,
Sthada parvathe sarvadha thedhirooda,
Itheeva broovan gandha sailathi rooda,
Sa devo mudha may sada Shanmukhosthu.
(He who climbs to my mountain abode,Feels that he has climbed the greatest mountain,”So says the God who lives on the sandal mountain,And let him offer me perennial protection.(Lord Subramanya has very many temples built on the mountain top)
Mahaabhodhi theere maha papachore,
Muneendranukoole sugandhakhya shaile,
Guhayaam vasantham swabhasa lasantham,
Janaarthim harantham srayamo guham tham.
(That Guha, the stealer of all sins in the banks of the ocean,Who resides in caves of sandal mountain,For the sake of his sage devotees.,Who shines because of his own light,Who kills the sorrows of all people,Is being sought of as the refuge.
Lasad swarna gehe nrunaam kaamadhohe,
Sumasthoma sanchanna manikya manche,
Samudhyath sahasrarka thulya prakasam,
Sada bhavaye karthikeyam suresam.
(I always worship that lord of all devas,Who was looked after by Karthika maidens,Who fulfills the wishes of all people,Who is covered by mountains of flowers,When he sits on his throne of gems and rubies,In his residence of Gold,And looks like light of thousands of suns.)Ranadwamsake manjule athyantha sone,
Manohari lavanya peeyusha poorne,
Mana shat padho may bhava klesa thaptha,
Sada modathaam skanda they pada padma.
(Let my mind which is like a bee,Burdened with the sorrows of this life,Hover round thine lotus like feet, Skanda,Which are adorned by anklets,Which are of pretty red colour,Which steal my mind,And which are full of the nectar of prettiness.)
Suvarnaabha divya ambarair basa maanaam,
Kwanath kinkini mekhala shobhamaanaam,
Lasadhema pattena vidhyotha maanaam,
Katim bhavaye skanda thedeepya maanaam.
(Oh, Skanda, I meditate on your waist,Which is covered by golden sacred cloth,Which has a belt with tingling bells,And which has glistening and glittering belt.)
Pulindesa kanya ghanaa bhoga thunga,
Sthanalingana aasaktha kasmeera ragam,
Namasyanyaham tharakare thavora,
Swa bakthavane sarvadhaa sanuragam.
(Salutations to thee, Of slayer of Tharaka,When in passionate embrace of the busts,Of the daughter of the hunter,Which are very dense and high,Your chest gets the red colour of the saffron,And to your devotees dear to you, It is the sign of your love to them.)
Vidhow Knuptha dandaan, swaleela druthaandaan,
Nirasthebha sundaan, dwishath kala dandaan,
Hathedraari shandaan, jagat thrana soundaan,
Sadaa they prachandaan, srayee bahu dandan.
(Oh Lord Subramanya,I meditate on your long armsWhich punished Lord Brahma,Which playfully carried the entire universe,Which are longer than the trunk of the elephant,Which are like the bolt of the God of death to your enemies,Which killed the collection of Asuras,Which are capable of taking care of the world,And which are extremely strong.)
Sadaa Saradaa shanmugangaa yadisu,
Samudhyantha eva sdithascheth samanthaath,
Sada poorna bimbaa, kalangaischa heena,
Sthadha thwanmukhaanaam bruve skanda samyam.
(If six faces of moon which are full,And which are without blemish,Shine together and permanently,Then Oh, Skanda, They can possibly be told,To be of some comparison to you.)
Sphuran manda hasai sahamsaani chanjal,
Kadakshavaleem brunga sangojjwalani,
Sudhasyandhee bimbaadaraneesa soono,
Thavalokaye Shanmukhomburuhaani.
(Oh son of the Lord, I see thine six lotus like faces,Shining like a group of swans,With the rising pretty smiles,With your side long glances,Flowing like a bevy of bees,And thine blood red lips,With ever flowing nectar.)
Visaaleshu karnanthabheer geshwajasram,
Dayasyandeeshu dwadasasweekshaneshu,
Mayeeshat kadaksha sakrud pathithasched,
Bhavethey daya sheela kaa naama hani.
(Oh Lord, what will you loose by ,Showering small side glances on me,By those twelve broad eyes,Which extend up to your ears,And which forever rain the nectar of mercy)
Sudhangothbhavo may asi jeevethi shadsa,
Japan mantrameeso mudha jigrathe yaan,
Jagad bhaara brudhbhyo jagannatha thebhya,
Kireetojjwalebhyo namo masthakebhya.
(Oh Lord of the universe,I salute those six shining crowned heads,Which are kissed by the Lord Shiva,With a joyful prayer repeated six times,That this child who is born out of him,Should live forever.)

Sphurad rathna keyoora haaradhi rama,
Schalath kundala sree lasad ganda bhaga,
Katou peetha vasa, kare charu shakthi,
Purasthan mamasthaam puraresthanuja.
(Oh Lord who is the son of God who destroyed Tripura.Who shines with the garlands of rubies and gems,Who has pretty cheeks, over which the ear studs play,Who wears yellow silk on his waist.And who holds the pretty spear,Be pleased to appear before me.(It is told that Lord Subrahmanya appeared before Adhi Sankara while he was reciting this sloka.)
Ihayaahi vathsethi hasthou prasarya,
Hyayathya darachchangare mathurangath,
Samuthpathya thatham srayantham kumaram,
Haraslishta gathram bhaje bala moorthim.
(I salute that child Subrahmanya,Who rushed from his mother’s lap,To the embrace of his father,Parameshwara’s extended arms,When he lovingly called to him,“Come, my darling son.”
Kumaresa soono, Guha, skanda, senaa,
Pathe shakthipane mayooradhi rooda,
Pulindathmaja kantha bhaktharthi haarin,
Prabho, tharakare, sada Raksha maam thwam.
(Oh Kumara, of son of the lord of the universe,Oh God who dwells in the cave of my heart,Oh Skanda, Oh chief of the army of devas,Oh wielder of the holy spear, Oh God who rides on the peacock chariot,Oh beloved of the hunter’s daughter,Oh destroyer of the sins of his devotees,Oh Lord who is the enemy of Tharakasura,Please provide protection to me for ever.)
Prasanthendriye, nashta samgne, vicheshte,
Kaphod gari vakthre, bhayath kambhi gathre,
Praynayan unmughe, mayyanadhe thadaneem,
Drutham may dayalo bhavagre guha thwam.
(When all my senses have calmed down,When I have lost my intelligence,When I am not capable of any movement,When my throat is full of phlegm,When my body is shivering due to fear,And when my soul is preparing to depart,Without any one to help me,Oh Lord of mercy, please come fast,For I want to be in thine presence, Lord Guha.)
Kruthanthasya dhootheshu chandeshu kopaa,
Ddaha Chindi bhindeethi maam tharjayadsu,
Mayooram samaruhyamaa bhaireethi thwam,
Pura shakthi panir mama yahi seegram.
(When the fearsome messengers of the God of death,Angrily shout, “burn him, tear him in to pieces, cut”,Please come swiftly riding on the peacock ,Armed with your holy spear,And give me consolation, )
Pranamya sakruth padayosthe padhithwa,
Prasadhya prabho prarthane aneka veeram,
Na Vakthum kshmo aham thadaneem krupabdhe,
Nea Karanthakale maagapyupekshaa.
(I now fall at your feet and salute you,And pray and salute you several times,For at that time, I may not have the power to pray,So, Oh, ocean of mercy. please do not,Show no indifference at that time of my departure.)
Sahasranda bhoktha thwaya soora nama,
Hathastharaka simha vakthrascha daithya,
Mamantha hrudistham mana klesa mekam,
Na hamsi, prabho kim karomi, kwa yami.
(You killed Soorapadma who ruled Over Thousands of universes,You destroyed ogres Tharaka and the Lion faced Asura,But you are not bothered about the one worry in my mind,Oh Lord, What should I do, Where shall I go?
Aham sarvadha Dukha baravasanna,
Bhavan dheena bandhusthwadanyam nay ache,
Bhavat bakthi rodham, sadha knuptha baadham,
Mamadhim drutham nasayo umasutha thwam.
(Since I am always drowned in sorrows,And you being the friend of all those who are helpless,I would not like to request any other.Oh son of Uma, destroy my deep set sorrows,Which are always troubling me,And interfere in my devotion to you.)
Apasmara, kushta, kshayarsa prameha,
Jwaronmadhagulmaadhi rogo mahantha,
Pisachascha sarve bhavath pathra bhootheem,
Vilokya kshanaa tharakare dravanthe. )
(Epilepsy, leprosy, tuberclosis,Consumption, diabetes, fever, madness,Venereal diseases which are sickness great,And the evil spirits that trouble one,Run away within a second,On seeing the leaf with thine holy ash, Oh enemy of Tharaka.
Drusi skanda murthy sruthou skanda keerthir,
Mukhe may pavithram, sada thacharithram,
Kare thasya kruthyam, vapusthasya bruthyam,
Guhe santhu leena mamaa sesha bhavaa.
(Let my eye always see the holy form of Skanda,Let my ears hear the holy story of Skandha,Let my mouth always tell the pure sacred story of Skanda,Let my hand be engaged in the works of Skanda,Let my body be always servant of Skanda,And let all my actions be devoted to Skanda.)
Muneenamuthaho nrunaam bhakthi bhaja,
Mabeeshtapradhaa santhi sarvathra deva,
Nrunamanthya janam api swartha dane,
Guha deva manyam na jane na jane.
(For all the great sages and all great devotees,There are all gods ready to satisfy their wishes,But I do not know any God except Lord Subramanya,Who satisfies the wishes to the greatly down trodden, I do not know, I do not know.)
Kalthram suthaa bandhu vargaa pasurvaa,
Nari vaadha naaree gruhe yea madheeya,
Yajantho namantha sthuvantho bhavantham,
Smaranthascha they santhu sarva kumara.
(Let my wife, my children, my relatives, my animals,Not only that, all the gents and ladies of my house,Worship, salute sing thine praise, and meditate on thee,For always, Oh my god Kumara.
Mruga pakshino damsaka ye cha dushtaa,
Sthadha vyadhayo bhadahakaa ye madange,
Bhavaschakthi theeshnagra binna sudhoore,
Vinasyanthu they choornitha krouncha saila.
(Oh lord who powdered the Krouncha mountain,Please use your holy spear with sharp point,To break and destroy those Animals,Birds, insects and diseases,That cause harm to my body.)
Janithri pithaa cha swaputhra aparadham,
Sahethe na kim deva senathinadha,Aham cha athi balo,
Bhavan loka thatha,Kshmaswaparadham samastham mahesa.
(Oh God who is the chief of the army of devas,Would not a father pardon the mistakes of the son.Since I am a small child and you are the father of the world,Please pardon all my omissions and commissions.)

Nama kekine sakthaye chaapi thubhyam,
Nama chaga thubhyam, nama kukkudaya,
Nama sindhave sindhu desaya thubhyam,
Nama skanda murthe, punasthe namosthu.
(Salutations to the peacock,Salutations to your holy spear,Salutations to the sheep,Salutations to the rooster,Salutations to the ocean,Salutations to the temple by the sea side,Salutations to Skanda,Again and again.(Peacock- Is his vahana and symbol of Vedas, Holy spear-Vel is his weapon and the Goddess Parvathi herself , Sheep-Is animal protected by him and Symbol of Maya, Rooster- Sits on his flag and is symbol of ego, Ocean-It is where his temple is and is the symbol of happiness.)
Jayananda bhuman jyapaara dhaman,
Jayamogha keerthe, jayananda murthe,
Jayananda sindho jayasesha bandho,
Jaya thwam sada mukthi danesa soono.
(Victory to the source of happiness,Victory to thy limitless light,Victory to thine boundless fame,Victory to the personification of happiness,Victory to the sea of bliss,Victory to the friend of all,Victory always to you,Who is the son of the God,Who grants salvation.)
PhalasruthiBhunjangakhya vruthena knuptham sthavam ya,
Padeth bhakthi yuktho guham sampranamya,
SA puthraan kalathram dhanam deergam ayur,
Llabeth skanda sayujyamanthe nara sa.
(Results which can be obtained He who worships daily with devotion the great Guha,By reading these poems written in Bhujanga style,Would be blessed with good sons, wife, wealth, long life,And would attain the eternal bliss with Skanda. )


Five jewels about Ganesa
Translated By P. R. Ramachander.
Mudha karatha modhakam, sada vimukthi dayakam,
Kaladaravathamsakam, vichithra loka rakshakam,
Anayakaika nayakam vinasithebha daithyakam,
Nathashubha pranasakam, namami tham vinayakam.
(I salute that remover of obstacles, Who has modakas in his hand, Who always bestows salvation, Who wears a part of moon on his head,Who protects this world which is varied,Who is the leader of those who cannot be lead,Who is the cause of destruction of asuras,And who destroys all things which are not good.)
Nathetharathi bheekaram navodhitharka bhaswaram,
Namath surari nirjaram nathadhikapadhugdharam,
Sureswaram Nidheeswaram Gajeswaram Ganeswaram,
Maheswaram thamasraye parathparam nirantharam.
(I bow before that great Lord permanently,Who creates fear in the enemies of his devotees,Who sparkles like the just risen sun,Who is saluted by Gods and Asuraswho destroys obstacles of his devotees,Who is the God of all devas,Who is the God of all wealth,Who is the God of all elephants,And Who is the leader of the army of Lord Shiva.)
Samastha loka sankaram, nirastha daithya kunjaram,
Daretharodaram varam varebhavakthramaksharam,
Krupakaram, Kshamakaram, Mudhakaram,
Yasaskaram,Namaskaram Namaskrutham namaskaromi bhaskaram.
(I bow to that Ganapati who shines like the Sun,Who bestows peace to all the worlds,Who removed the Gajamukhasura from this worldWho has a very big paunch,Who has an elephant-face which blesses,And who is the one who shows kindnessWho is patient,Who is full of blessing,And who showers great fame,To those who salute Him.)
Akinchanarthimarjanam chiranthanokthi bhajanam,
Purari purva nandanam surari garva charvanam,
Prapancha nasa bheeshanam danamjayadhi bhooshanam,
Kapola dhana vaaranam Bhaje purana varanam.
(I salute the very ancient elephant-godWho destroys the wants of the have nots,Who has been worshipped since ancient times,Who is the eldest son of the lord who destroyed cities,Who eats away the pride of the enemies of the gods,Who is awesome at the time of final deluge,Who wears serpents like Dananjaya as ornaments,And who is fierce like the elephant in rut.)
Nithanta kanthi dantha kantha manthakantha kathmajam,
Achinthya roopamantha heena mantha raya krunthanam,
Hrudanthare nirantharam vasanthameva yoginaam ,
Tham eka dantha meka meva chinthayami santhatham.
(I always meditate only on that God with single tusk,,Who is ever lustrous tusk is very pretty,Who is the son of Lord who killed the god of death,Who has a form beyond ones imagination,Who is endless,Who tears asunder all obstacles, And who dwells forever in the heart of Yogis ,Like the season of spring.)
PhalasruthiMaha ganesa pancha rathna maadharena yo anvaham,
Prajalpathi prabhathake hrudhi smaran ganeswaram,
Arogadhamadhosadham susahitheem suputhratham,
Samahithayurshta bhoothi mapyupaithi sochiraath.
(The resultant benefit.He, who remembers with respect every morning,These five gems of the great Lord Ganapati,and who meditates in his heart the leader of ganas,Will soon be blessed with a healthy life,Free of all problems, endowed with great peaceGreat sons, longevity and spiritual and physical wealth.)

Ganesha Pancha Ratnam

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Meenakshi Pancharathnam

Meenakshi Pancharathnam

1--Udyadhbhaanu sahasrakotisadrishaam keyuurahaarojjvalaam
Bimboshhthiim smitadantapanktiruchiraam piitaambaraalamkritaamh Vishhnubrahmasurendrasevitapadaam tatvasvaruupaam shivaam
Miinaakshiim pranatoasmi santatamaham kaarunyavaaraamnidhimh

2-Muktaahaaralasatkiriitaruchiraam puurnenduvaktra prabhaam
Shijnjannuupurakimkinimanidharaam padmaprabhaabhaasuraamh Sarvaabhiishhtaphalapradaam girisutaam vaaniiramaasevitaam
Miinaakshiim pranatoasmi santatamaham kaarunyavaaraamnidhimh

3-Shriividyaam shivavaamabhaaganilayaam hriimkaaramantrojjvalaam
Shriichakraankita bindumadhyavasatim shriimatsabhaanaayakiimh
Shriimatshhanmukhavighnaraajajananiim shriimajjaganmohiniim
Miinaakshiim pranatoasmi santatamaham kaarunyavaaraamnidhimh

4-Shriimatsundaranaayakiim bhayaharaam gyaanapradaam nirmalaam
Shyaamaabhaam kamalaasanaarchitapadaam naaraayanasyaanujaamh
Viinaavenumridangavaadyarasikaam naanaavidhaadaambikaam
Miinaakshiim pranatoasmi santatamaham kaarunyavaaraamnidhimh

5-Naanaayogimuniindrahrinnivasatiim naanaarthasiddhipradaam
Naanaapushhpaviraajitaanghriyugalaam naaraayanenaarchitaamh
Naadabrahmamayiim paraatparataraam naanaarthatatvaatmikaam
Miinaakshiim pranatoasmi santatamaham kaarunyavaaraamnidhimh

Lakshmi Narasimha Stotram

Lakshmi Narasimha Stotram

Shriimatpayonidhiniketana chakrapaane
bhogiindrabhogaramaniranjita punyamuurte
Yogiisha shaashvata sharanyabhavaabdhipota
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

2-Sansaaraghoragahane charato muraare
Aartasya matsaranidaaghanipiiditasya
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

sampraapya duhkhashatasarpasamaakulasya
Diinasya deva kruipanaapadamaagatasya
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

Vyagrasya raagarasanorminipiiditasya
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

shaakhaashatan karanapatramanangapushhpamh
Aaruhaa duhkhaphalitam patato dayaalo
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

danshhtraakaraalavishhadagdhavinashhtamuurteh .
Naagaarivaahana sudhaabdhinivaasa shaure,
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

8-Sansaarajaalapatitasya jagannivaasasarvendriyaarthabadishaarthajhashhopamasya Protkhanditaprachurataalukamastakasya
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

nishhpishhtamarmavapushhah sakalaarthinaasha
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

10-Andhasya me hruitvivekamahaadhanasyachoraih prabho balibhirindriyanaamadheyaih Mohaandhakuupakuhare vinipaatitasya
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

11-Baddhvaa gale yamabhataa bahutarjayantah
karshhanti yatra bhavapaashashatairyutam maamh
Ekaakinam paravashan chakitan dayaalo
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

12-Lakshmiipate kamalanaabha suresha vishhno
vaikuntha kruishhna madhusuudana pushhkaraaksha
Brahmanya keshava janaardana vaasudeva
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

13-Ekena chakramaparena karena shankha
manyena sindhutanayaamavalambya tishhthanh
Vaame karena varadaabhayapadmachihnam
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

diinan vilokaya vibho karunaanidhe maamh
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

vyaasaadi bhagavatpungava hruinnivaasa
lakshmiinruisinha mama dehi karaavalambamh

16-Lakshmiinruisinha charanaabjamadhuvratena
stotran kruitan shubhakaram bhuvi shankarena
Ye tatpathanti manujaa haribhaktiyuktaa
steyaanti tatpadasarojamakhandaruupamh

Surya Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram

Surya Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram
Om Arunaya namah
Om Sharanyaya namah
Om Karuna-rasa-sindhave namah
Om Asmanabalaya namah
Om Arta-raksa-kaya namah
Om Adityaya namah
Om Adi-bhutaya namah
Om Akhila-gamavedine namah
Om Acyutaya namah
Om Akhilagnaya namah
Om Anantaya namah
Om Inaya namah
Om Visva-rupaya na mah
Om Ijyaya namah
Om Indraya namah
Om Bhanave Namah
Om Indriramandiraptaya namah
Om Vandaniyaya namah
Om Ishaya namah
Om Suprasannaya namah
Om Sushilaya namah
Om Suvarcase namah
Om Vasupradaya namah
Om Vasave namah
Om Vasudevaya namah
Om Ujjvalaya namah
Om Ugra-rupaya namah
Om Urdhvagaya namah
Om Vivasvate namah
Om Udhatkiranajalaya namah
Om Hrishikesaya namah
Om Urjasvalaya namah
Om Viraya namah
Om Nirjaraya namah
Om Jayaya namah
Om Urudvayavirnimuktanijasarakrashivandyaya namah
Om Rugdhantre namah
Om Kraksacakracaraya namah
Om Krajusvabhavavittaya namah
Om Nityastutyaya namah
Om Krukaramatrikavarnarupaya ujjvalatejase namah
Om Kruksadhinathamitraya namah
Om Pushakaraksaya namah
Om Luptadantaya namah
Om Shantaya namah
Om Kantidaya namah Aum dhanaya namah
Om Kanatkanaka sushanaya namah
Om Khalotaya namah
Om Lunit-akhila-daityaya namah
Om Satya-ananda-svarupine namah
Om Apavarga-pradaya namah
Om Arta-sharanyaya namah
Om Ekakine namah
Om Bhagavate namah
Om Sushtisthityantakarine namah
Om Gunatmane namah
Om Dhrinibhrite namah
Om Brihate namah
Om Brahmane namah
Om Esvaryadaya namah
Om Sharvaya namah
Om Haridashvaya namah
Om Shauraye namah
Om Dashadiksam-prakashaya namah
Om Bhakta-vashyaya namah
Om Ojaskaraya namah
Om Jayine namah
Om Jagad-ananda-hetave namah
Om Taya janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-varji
Om Aounnatyapadasamcararathasthaya-asuraraye namah
Om Kamaniyakagaya namah
Om Abjaballabhaya namah
Om Antar-bahih prakashaya namah
Om Acintyaya namah
Om Atma-rupine namah
Om Acyutaya namah
Om Amareshaya namah
Om Parasmai jyotishe namah
Om Ahaskaraya namah
Om Ravaye namah
Om Haraye namah
Om Param-atmane namah
Om Tarunaya namah
Om Tarenyaya namah
Om Grahanam pataye namah
Om Bhaskaraya namah
Om Adimadhyantara-hitaya namah
Om Saukhyapradaya namah
Om Sakalajagatam pataye namah
Om Suryaya namah
Om Kavaye namah
Om Narayanaya namah
Om Pareshaya namah
Om Tejorupaya namah
Om Shrim hiranyagarbhaya namah
Om Hrim sampatkaraya namah
Om Aim istarthadaya namah
Om Am suprasannaya namah
Om Shrimate namah
Om Shreyase namah
Om Saukhyadayine namah
Om Diptamurtaye namah
Om Nikhilagamavedhyaya namah
Om Nityanandaya namah

Monday, February 02, 2009


Ganesha Astottara Shatanamavali

Ganesha Astottara shatanamavali

  1. Om Gajananaya namah

  2. Om Ganadhyakshaya namah

  3. Om Vignarajaya namah

  4. Om Vinayakaya namah

  5. Om Dwimaturaya namah

  6. Om Dwimukhaya namah

  7. Om Pramukhaya namah

  8. Om Sumukhaya namah

  9. Om Krutine namah

  10. Om Supradeepaya namah

  11. Om Sukhanidhaye namah

  12. Om Suradhyakshaya namah

  13. Om Surarighnaya namah

  14. Om Mahaganapataye namah

  15. Om Manyaya namah

  16. Om Mahakalaya namah

  17. Om Mahabalaya namah

  18. Om Herambaya namah

  19. Om Lambajatharaya namah

  20. Om Haswagrivaya namah

  21. Om Mahodaraya namah

  22. Om Madotkataya namah

  23. Om Mahaviraya namah

  24. Om Mantrine namah

  25. Om Mangalaswarupaya namah

  26. Om Pramodaya namah

  27. Om Pradhamaya namah

  28. Om Pragnaya namah

  29. Om Vignagatriye namah

  30. Om Vignahantre namah

  31. Om Viswanetraya namah

  32. Om Viratpataye namah

  33. Om Sripataye namah

  34. Om Vakpataye namah

  35. Om Srungarine namah

  36. Om Ashritavatsalaya namah

  37. Om Shivapriyaya namah

  38. Om Sheeghrakarine namah

  39. Om Saswataya namah

  40. Om Balaya namah

  41. Om Balodhitaya namah

  42. Om Bhavatmajaya namah

  43. Om Puranapurushaya namah

  44. Om Pushne namah

  45. Om Pushkarochita namahya

  46. Om Agraganyaya namah

  47. Om Agrapujyaya namah

  48. Om Agragamine namah

  49. Om Mantrakrutaye namah

  50. Om Chamikaraprabhaya namah

  51. Om Sarvaya namah

  52. Om Sarvopasyaya namah

  53. Om Sarvakartre namah

  54. Om Sarvanetraya namah

  55. Om Sarvasiddhipradaya namah

  56. Om Sarvasiddaye namah

  57. Om Panchahastaya namah

  58. Om Parvatinadanaya namah

  59. Om Prabhave namah

  60. Om Kumaragurave namah

  61. Om Akshobhyaya namah

  62. Om Kunjarasurabhanjanaya namah

  63. Om Pramodaptanayanaya namah

  64. Om Modakapriya namah

  65. Om Kantimate namah

  66. Om Dhrutimate namah

  67. Om Kamine namah

  68. Om Kavidhapriyaya namah

  69. Om Brahmacharine namah

  70. Om Brahmarupine namah

  71. Om Brahmavidhyadhipaya namah

  72. Om Jishnave namah

  73. Om Vishnupriyaya namah

  74. Om Bhaktajivitaya namah

  75. Om Jitamanmadhaya namah

  76. Om Ishwaryakaranaya namah

  77. Om Jayase namah

  78. Om Yakshakinnerasevitaya namah

  79. Om Gangansutaya namah

  80. Om Ganadhisaya namah

  81. Om Gambhiraninadaya namah

  82. Om Vatave namah

  83. Om Abhishtavaradaya namah

  84. Om Jyotishe namah

  85. Om Bhktanidhaye namah

  86. Om Bhavagamyaya namah

  87. Om Mangalapradaya namah

  88. Om Avyaktaya namah

  89. Om Aprakrutaparakramaya namah

  90. Om Satyadharmine namah

  91. Om Sakhye namah

  92. Om Sarasambhunidhaye namah

  93. Om Mahesaya namah

  94. Om Divyangaya namah

  95. Om Manikinkinimekhalaya namah

  96. Om Samastadivataya namah

  97. Om Sahishnave namah

  98. Om Satatodditaya namah

  99. Om Vighatakarine namah

  100. Om Viswadrushe namah

  101. Om Viswarakshakrute namah

  102. Om Kalyanagurave namah

  103. Om Unmattaveshaya namah

  104. Om Avarajajite namah

  105. Om Samstajagadhadharaya namah

  106. Om Sarwaishwaryaya namah

  107. Om Akrantachidakchutprabhave namah

  108. Om Srivigneswaraya namah

Saturday, January 31, 2009



Prayer to Sun God

1. Udayagiri mupetam bhaskaram padmahastam Sakala bhuvana netram Nutva ratnou padheyam Timira Kavi mrugendram bhodhakam padmineenam Suravara mabhivandyam Sundaram Visvarupam
2. Nama ssavitre Jagadeka cakhusi Jagatprasuti sthitinasa hetave Trayi maya yatri gunatma dharini Virinci Narayana Sankaratmane
3. Raktambara raktavarnam Rakta Netrabja yugmakam Cchaya sakti samayuktam Ghruni Ssurya maham bhaje
4. Sasamkha cakram Ravi mandalastham Kusesaya Kranta mananta macyutam Bhajami budhya tapaniya murtim Surottamam citra vibhusanojvalam
5. Bhano Bhaskara martanda canda rasme divakarah Arogya marvijayam sriyam putransca dehime
OM ‘Gam’ Ganapataye Namah
1. OM Namaste Kamala nadhaya, Namaste Kamala priya Namaste Kamala hastaya, Bhaskaraya Namo Namah
2. OM Namaste Brahma rupaya, Namaste Visnu rupine Namaste Rudrarupaya, Bhaskaraya Namo Namah
3. OM Namo dharma Vidhanaya, Namah Sukruta Sakshine Namah punya Svarupaya, Bhaskaraya
4. OM Sarva lokaika purnaya, Kala karmapa harine Namah punya Svarupaya, Bhaskaraya
5. OM Vedangaya patangaya Vihangarudha murtaye Hari dvarna turangaya, Bhaskaraya
6. OM Lokaloka prakasaya sarva lokaika cakshuse Lokattora caritraya Bhaskaraya
7. OM Sapta loka, prakasaya, saptasvaradhayaca Sapta dvipa prakasaya, Bhaskaraya
8. OM Martandaya dyumanaya bhanave citra bhanave Prabhakaraya mitraya Bhaskaraya
9. OM Satya Jnana Svarupaya, Sahasra kiranaya ca Girvani Bhitinasaya, Bhaskaraya
10. OM Sahasra patra Netraya, Sahasraksha strutaya ca Sahasra Nama dheyaya, Bhaskaraya
11. OM Nityaya, Niravadhyaya, Nirmala Jnana murtaye Nigamardha prakasaya Bhaskaraya
12. OM Adi madhyanta sunyaya, Veda Vedanta Vedine Nada bindu svarupaya Bhaskaraya
13. OM Nirmala Jnanarupaya, ramyatejah svarupine Brahma tejah svarupaya, Bhaskaraya
14. OM Nitya Jnanaya Satyaya, Nirmala jnana murtaye Nigmardha prakasaya, Bhaskaraya
15. OM Kara rupaya kalyana, murtaye Karanayaca Vidhyayai bhaya samhartyai, Bhaskaraya
16. OM Hamsaya bhuvana dhvanta, dhvansaya miti tejase Hamsa Vahana rupaya, Bhaskaraya
17. OM Bhutanatraya diptaya, bhukti mukti pradaya ca Bhaka daridriya nasaya, Bhaskaraya
18. OM Daridriya dosa nasaya, ghorapapa harayaca Dusfasistana dhuryaya, Bhaskaraya
19. OM Sarva sampratpradatreca, Sarva dukha Vinasine Sarvopadrava nasaya Bhaskaraya
20. OM Sarva dukhopa santaya, Sarva papa harayaca Sarva Vyadhi Vinasaya Bhaskaraya
21. OM Kustu Vyadhi Vinasaya, dusta vyadhi tarayaca Istardha dayine tasmai Bhaskaraya
22. OM Bhaga roga Vaidyaya, Sarva rogapaharine Eka netra svarupaya, Bhaskaraya
23. OM Homanustana rupena, Kalamrtyu harayaca Hiranya varna devaya, Bhaskaraya
24. OM Dvam Dva Vyadhi Vinasaya, Sarva dukha Vinasine Samasta patrayaghna, nasaya Bhaskaraya
25. OM Jagannetra Jagannadha, Jagatkarana mavyaya Tamohara namastubhyam bhaskaraya
26. OM Saptasvaratha maruddham, pracandam kasyapatmajam Sveta padma dharam Devam, tam Suryam pranamamyaham
27. OM Loka hitam radhama rudham, sarva loka pitamaham Maha papaharam Devam, tam Suryam pranamamyaham
28. OM Trigunyamca maha suram Brahma visnu Mahesvaram Maha papa haram, tam suryam pranamamyaham
29. OM brumhitam tejah punjanca vayurakasa mevaca Prabhutvam Sarva lokanam, tam Suryam pranamamyaham
30. OM Bunduka puspa samkasam, hara kundala bhusitam Eka cakra dharam Devam tam suryam pranamamyaham
31. OM Tam Suryam loka kartaram, maha tejah pradipanam Mahapapa haram devam, tam suryam pranamamyaham
32. OM Tam Suryam Jagatam Nadham Jnana prakasa mokshakam Maha papa haram Devam, tam suryam pranamamyaham
33. OM Adideva Namstubhyam, prasiddha mama Bhaskaram Divakara Namastubhyam, prabhakara Namostute

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


According to Vedic astrology, certain parts of the day, called Rahu Kalam, are inauspicious periods and one should not undertake any auspicious work during these periods - especially any new undertaking.
Rahukalam differs from place to place depending on Sun-rise & Sun-set time. The day duration from Sun-rise to Sun-set, at a particular location, is divided into eight equal parts. There is no Rahu Kalam during the first period of any weekday. On Monday it falls on the 2nd period, Saturday 3rd period, Friday 4th period, Wednesday 5th period, Thursday 6th period, Tuesday 7th period & Sunday 8th period.
The following are the details of the Rahukalam (also known as rahukal or rahu kal) periods in in operation during the various week days. This is based on 6:00 AM local Sun-rise time and 6:00PM local Sun-set time. If the Sun-rise and Sun-set times are different, you can take the Day duration, divide it in to 8 equal parts and apply the above given formula.
Since the Raahu Kalam is dependent on the Sun-rise and Sun-set times of your particular location, you must calculate it for each day using the bellow method.
Your local Sun-rise & Sun-set times are usually given in the local news papers.

Raahu Kaalam Calculation
Week day
Example 1:Sunrise 6:00 a.m.Sunset 6:00 p.m.1/8 of Day = 90 minutes
Example 2:Sunrise 5:58 a.m.Sunset 8:14 p.m.1/8 of Day = 107 minutes
Example 3:Sunrise 6:36 a.m.Sunset 6:10 p.m.1/8 of Day = 87 minutes

How to remember Rahu Kalam
Since all Rahu kalams are of 1 hour 30 minutes duration, it very easy to remember the exact times through a mnemonic.
All you need to remember is the phrase " [--Mother Saw Father Wearing The Turban Slowly.]"
M-other = Monday = 7:30 to 9:00

S-aw = Saturday = 9:00 to 10:30

F-ather = Friday = 10:30 to 12:00

W-earing = Wednesday = 12:00 to 13:30

T-he = Thursday = 13:30 to 15:00

T-urban = Tuesday = 15:00 to 16:30

S-lowly = Sunday = 16:30 to 18:00

Rahu kalam
Sunday -4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. -
Monday -7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday -3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday -12 noon to 1:30 p.m.
Thursday -1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday -10:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Saturday -9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

"Mother Saw Father Wearing The Turban"
M(other)- 7:30 - 9:00 - MONDAY
S(aw) - 9:00 - 10:30 -SATURDAY
F(ather) - 10:30 - 12:00 - FRIDAY
W(earing) - 12:00 - 1:30 -WEDNESDAY
TH(e) - 1:30 - 3:00 - THURSDAY
TU(rban) - 3:00 - 4:30- TUESDAY
Left with Sunday - 4:30 - 6:00

Like Rahukalam the following periods known as Yamagandam during which it is considered to be inauspicious to start any important work.
Monday ------10-30 --AM --to --12 -00--PM
Tuesday ------9-00 --AM --to--10 -00---AM
Wednesday ---07-30 --AM --to 09--oo-- AM
Thursday----- 06-00-- AM -to- -07-30 ---AM
Friday---------03-00 PM --to---4-30 -----PM
Saturday ------1-30 PM ---to---- 03 -00---PM
Sunday-12 -00 PM TO 1-30 PM

According Hindu Astrology, there are seven days in a week viz., from Sunday to Saturday. Each day is being ruled by a particular planet and has its own ruling deity. The ancient texts says that ruler of the day is prescribed that is as under:
Sunday is ruled by Ravi
Monday is ruled by Chandra
Tuesday is ruled by Kuja
Wednesday is ruled by Budha
Thursday is ruled by Guru
Friday is ruled by Sukra
Saturday is ruled by Saturn

In addition to the above, the ancient rushies have given equal importance to Rahu and Ketu. However, they did not give any specific day for them as they treated Rahu and Ketu as nodes. However, Rahu and Ketu will be given one and half hours time in a day resulting three hours for Rahu and Ketu.
Out of 24 hours time, if we deduct three hours (one and half-hours for Rahu and another one and half-hours for Ketu) comes to 21 hours, which is shared by the seven planets. However, Rahu and Ketu have been given equal powers by rushies. If we calculate the time, the total time given to Rahu and Ketu in a week is 21 hours. Let us see how to calculate.
Rahu Kalam = 1.30 x 7 = 10.30
Yama Kalam = 1.30 x 7 = 10.30
Total time: 21.00 hours
For calculating Rahu Kalam and Yama Kalam, from Sun rise to Sunset will be divided into 8 equal parts.
The first part will become the day of the ruler. For example, if we take Sunday, the first part is Ravi and hence, the day is ruled by Ravi. After deducting the first part of the day, the time of Rahu Kalam is calculated within the seven parts. For easy calculating of Rahu Kalam, we remember the following sentence.

'Mother Saw Father Wearing The Turban on Sunday'
If we want to calculate the Rahu Kalam, if the Sunrise is 6am, as we discussed earlier, leave first one and half hours. The rest of the seven can be divided into seven parts. On any day, the first part is called Rahu Kalam.
Ex. Mother = Monday - 7.30 to 9.00amSaw = Sunday - 9.00 to 10.30amFather = Friday - 10.30 to 12.00 noonWearing = Wednesday - 12.00 to 1.30pmThe = Thursday - 1.30 to 3.00pmTurban = Tuesday - 3.00 to 4.30pmSunday = Sunday - 4.30 to 6.00pm
Therefore, before calculating the Rahu Kalam one has to take into consideration of the Sun rise time.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


NAVA DURGA Nava – means 'new' – denotes 'nine' the number to which sages attach special significance.

Nava-ratri (9 nights),

Nava-patrika (9 leaves / herbs / plants),

Nava-graha (9 planets),

Nava-Durga (9 appellations)
Goddess Durga is worshipped in different forms . She is a form of " Shakti" .The evolution of Shri MahaSaraswati, Shri Mahalaxshmi & Shri Mahakali ( the main 3 forms of Shakti) took place from Shri Brahma , Shri Vishnu & Shri Mahesh respectively.Each of these 3 deities gave rise to 2 more forms.So , in all , these 9 forms together are known as " Navadurga ".

Long back there lived a daemon king named " Mahishasur " ( also called as Daemon with a face of buffalo) who was very strong.He harrassed God Indra , fought with him and captured his throne.He was very proud of his strength.Indra went to the almighty gods - Brahma , Vishnu , & Mahesh , for help.These gods decided to teach a lesson to Mahishasur.They unitedly created a goddess "Shakti" and offered her their weapons to fight Mahishasur, who had become untolerable.Goddess Shakti fought with Mahishasur for full 9 days and ultimately killed him with her spear.Hence Durga is also known as " Mahishasur-Mardini ".The 9 days for which the goddess fought & Killed the evil daemon Mahishasur are celebrated as a major festival called " Navaratra".This festival is celebrated in a big way all over India in the month of " Aashwin" ( as per Hindu Calender)for the first 9 days .During the festival of Navratri, Goddess Durga Devi is worshipped in nine avatars. During these nine holy days, each day one of the forms of goddess Durga Mata is worshipped. On these days, devotees perform Durga pooja .

Names of Navadurga : (9)

1) Durga Shailputri:
Shailputri means the daughter of the mountain, Himalaya. In this form we see the divine Mother holding a trident in her right hand and a lotus on her left. She is seen seated on an ox.

In her previous birth, she was called Sati, Bhavani and was the daughter of King Daksha. After a lot of penance, she married Lord Shiva. But her father King Daksha was not too pleased. He had arranged for a Yagya/Yagna (Ritual done around the sacrificial fire) where he invited everyone except his son-in-law, Lord Shiva. Upset and feeling humiliated, Sati decided to attend the event uninvited. There, her father insulted Lord Shiva and in fury she stood on the sacrificial fire and burnt herself alive.
Lord Shiva enraged, ordered his followers to demolish the Yagya. Sati was reborn as the daughter of the king of the mountains, Himalaya in the name of Parvati - Hemvati and got married with Lord Shiva again. Her this Swaroop is worshipped on the first day of the Navratri celebrations.

2) Brahmacharini: Brahmacharini or Tapasyacharini is Goddess’s second form. The name holds the meaning of true penance and meditation. Her form depicts her holding a rosary beads in her right hand and a Kamandalu, a pot containing holy water in her left. In her previous life, when she was reborn as the daughter of Himalaya, she performed severe penance to have Lord Shiva as her husband. Narad Muni, the divine sage advised her to take up meditation to win Him. Her intense devotion, steadfastness and strict meditation for years under extreme conditions, gave her the name of Brahmacharini.

3) Chandraghanta: Goddess Durga’s third form is known as Chandraghanta or Shakti. Chandra means moon and Ghanta is the bell. This name finds its explanation in the half-circular moon on the temple of the Goddess that resembles a bell. She is three eyed with ten hands. Each hand holds ten different weapons. She is seated on lion and is worshipped on the third day of the Navratri celebration. Her hue is golden and her appearance always spreads a calm and eternal peace all round. She is unprecedented image of bravery. The frightful sound of her bell terrifies all the evil and demon. Worship of this deity helps to eliminate the sorrow, hazards and dangers in ones life.

4) Kushmanda:Kush means happiness and she created the universe with a smile. She is radiant as the Sun and rides a lion. She is Ashtabhuja or eight handed. Her seven hands hold the holy pot, Kamandul, a bow, an arrow, a lotus, a pot containing wine, a disc and a club. The eighth hand holds a string of rosary beads that is believed to provide success and prudence.

5) Skanda Mata: Lord Kartik/Kartikeyan/Karthikeyan is also known as Skanda. As Goddess Durga is his mother, she is referred to as Skanda Mata. She is a deity of fire with four arms. She holds her son Skanda with the top right hand and lotus in her lower hand. The top left hand is positioned in a blessing gesture or Abhaya Mudra. She is fair complexioned, seated on a lotus and so also referred to as Padmasana.

6) Katyayani: Sage Katyaayan was the son of the great sage Kat. He observed rigorous penance and worship of Bhagavati Paramba with a desire to get Paramba as his daughter. His wish was granted. The daughter born was named Katyayani. She has four hands. The top right hand is positioned in a gesture of providing courage while the other hand is positioned in a gesture of rendering a boon. The top left hand holds a sword and the other a lotus. The goddess rides a lion and worshiped on the sixth day of the Durga puja.

7) Kalratri: Ratri means night so her complexion is as dark as the night. She has long, unmated hair with her three eyes that are shiny and bright. She has four arms and is seen mounted on a Shav/Shava or dead body. Her right hand holds a sword, while her lower hand is in a blessing stance. The left hand holds a burning torch and the lower left hand is in fearless position. She is known as Shubhamkari or the auspicious one. Her form encourages her devotees to be fearless.

8 ) Maha Gauri: It is said that when the body of Goddess Gauri got dirty due to dust and earth while she was observing penance to attain Lord Shiva. So he cleansed her with the holy waters of Ganges. Her body transformed into bright and luminous like lightening and so her eighth form is known as “Maha Gauri” .Her clothes and ornaments are also white. Her visage is calm and peaceful and she is three eyed. She rides on a bull. Her four hands denote different meanings, like the left hand is in the fearless gesture and the lower on holds a trident. The above right hand has tambourine and lower right hand is in blessing style.

9) Siddhidatri: The ninth form is Siddhidatri. There are eight Siddhis (Special powers which can only be attained from severe penance and meditation)-Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Iishitva & Vashitva. Maha Shakti gives all these Siddhies. It is mentioned in the Devi Puran” that Lord Shiva got all these Siddhis by worshipping Maha Shakti.

With her gratitude, Lord Shiva’s body also contains the Goddess and so he has the form and name of Ardha Narishvar. Ardha means half. The goddess rides on a lion. The Siddhidatri form is worshipped by all gods, rishis, munis (Saints and Sages), siddhas, yogis, sadhakas (Devotees) for attaining merit and boons of their severe penances.