Thursday, February 05, 2009


Pradosha Mahatmyam
[From Shiva Purana]Translated by P. R. Ramachander*
Kailasa shaila bhuvane thri jaga janithreem,
Gowreedha nivesye kanakanchitha rathna peete,
Nrutham vidhthu mabhi vanchithi Soolapanau,
Deva Pradosha samaye anubhajanthi sarve. 1
(During the time of Pradosha,The Lord who holds the trident,Makes Goddess Gowri,Who is the mother of all the three worlds,Sit on a golden seat inlaid with precious gems,And prepares to dance himself,And all the devas sing his praise at this time.)
Vagdevi drutha vallaakee sathamukho
venum dhadhan padmaja,
Sthallo nidhra karo ramaa bhagawathi,
geya prayogaanvithaa,
Vishnu saandra mrudanga vaadana patur
devas samanthath sthithaa,
Sevanthe thamara pradosha samaye
devam mrudaaneepathim. 2
(The goddess of Knowledge plays Veena,The hundred faced Indra plays the flute,The Brahma who was born in a lotus keeps time,The Goddess Lakshmi starts to sing,The God Vishnu plays the drum with ease,And all the devas stand all round in service,And pray Lord Shiva during the time of pradosha.)
Gandarwa Yaksha patha goraga siddha saadhya.
Vidhyadaraamaraapsaraso ganaascha,
Yeanyethi loka nilaya saha bhootha varga,
Prapthe pradosha samaye hara parswa samstha. 3
(When the time of Pradosha arrives,Gandarwas, Yakshas, birds, snakes, saints,Vidhyadaras, devas, the celestial dancers, Bhoothas,And all the beings in the three worlds,Come and stand near The Lord Shiva.)
Atha pradoshe shiva eka eva,
Poojyodhananye hari padmajadhya,
Thasmin mahese vidhinejyamane,
Sarve praseedanthi suradhi natha. 4
(So at the time of Pradosha,There is need to worship only Shiva,Instead of Vishnu , Brahma and others,For the proper worship of Lord Shiva then,Would give the effect of worshipping all gods.)
Lokanahooya sarvaan vividha damarukair gora samsara magnan,
Dathwaabheetham dayalu pranatha bhava haram kunchitham
vaama bhaagam,
Uddruthyedham vimukherayanamithi karadarshayan
Bibradwanhim sabhaayaam kalaathi natanam ya shivo na sa paayal. 5
(Let us be protected by that dancing Shiva,Who uses the various sounds of the shaking drum,To call all those people drowned in the fearful life,Who indicates protection to them using his right hand held down,Who lifts his left leg capable of killing all sorrows,To those who fall at his feet,Who indicates the path of salvation by his left hand held up,And who shows that all this is true by carrying fire in the other left hand,)
Sathyam braveemi, paraloka hitham braveemi,
Saaram braveemi upanishadyadhyam braveemi,
Samsaramuthbanamasar vaapya jantho,
Saroyameeswarapadhamburuhasya seva. 6
(I tell the truth,I tell what is good for the other world,I tell the views of the Upanishads,For every insignificant animal that is born,The only meaningful thing is the service to God.)
Yenarchayanthi gireesam samaye pradoshe,
Ye na architham shivamapi pranamanthichanye,
Ethath kadhaam sruthi putair na pibanthi mooda,
Stheya janma subhavanthi naraa daridra. 7
(He who does not worship Lord Shiva during Pradosha,He who does not at least bow before him at that time,He who does not at least listen to the story of Shiva at that time,Is a foolish soul who would be always poor, birth after birth.)
Ye vai pradosha samaye parameswarasya,
Kurvanthyananya mansangri saroja poojaam,
Nithya pravrudha thara puthra kalathra mithra,
Soubhagya sambadadhikastha ihaiva loke. 8
(He who during the time of Pradosha, worships Lord Shiva,With full concentration using lotus flowers,Would forever along with his children, wife and friends,Get all wealth and all luck in a very large measure.)


By Sage MarkandeyaTranslated by P. R. Ramachander
[Sage Markandeya was saved by Lord Shiva of certain death at the age of 16 by killing the God of death. This stotra is supposed to have been sung by the sage after that.]

Rathna sanu sarasanam, rajathadri srunga nikethanam,
Sinchini krutha pannageswarachyuthahana sayakam,
Kshipra dhagdha pura thrayam thri divalayairabhi vanditham,
Chandra shekaramasraye mama kim karishyathi vai yama.1
(I seek refuge in Him, who has the moon,Who made the mountain of jewels in to his bow,Who resides on the mountain of silver,Who made the serpent Vasuki as rope,Who made Lord Vishnu as arrows,And quickly destroyed the three cities,And who is saluted by the three worlds,And so what can the God of death do to me? )
Pancha paada pa pushpa gandhambhuja dwaya shobitham,
Phala lochana jatha pavaka dagdha manmatha vigraham,
Basma digdha kalebharam, bhava nasanam, bhava mavyayam,
Chandra shekaramasraye mama kim karishyathi vai yama.2
(I seek refuge in Him, who has the moon,Who shines with the pair of his lotus like feet,Which are worshipped by the scented flowers of five kalpaka trees,Who burnt the body of God of love,Using the fire from the eyes on his forehead,Who applies ash all over his body,Who destroys the sorrow of life,And who does not have destruction,And so what can the God of death do to me? )
Matha varana mukhya charma kruthothareeya mahoharam,
Pankajasana padma lochana poojithangri saroruham,
Deva sindhu tharanga seekara siktha jatadharam,
Chandra shekaramasraye mama kim karishyathi vai yama.3
(I seek refuge in Him, who has the moon,Who is the stealer of minds because of his upper cloth,Made of the skin of the ferocious elephant,Who has lotus like feet which are worshipped,By Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu,And who has matted hair drenched by drops,Of the waves of the holy river Ganga,And so what can God of death do to me? )
Yaksha raja sakham bhagaksha haram bhujanga bhooshanam,
Shila raje suthaa parish krutha charu vama kalebharam,
Kshweda neela galam praswadha dharinam mruga dharinam,
Chandra shekaramasraye mama kim karishyathi vai yama.4
(I seek refuge in Him, who has the moon,Who is friend of Lord Khubhera,Who destroyed the eyes of Bhaga,Who wears serpent as ornament,Whose left part of the body is decorated,By the daughter of the king of mountain,Whose neck is blue because of the poison,Who is armed with an axe,And who carries a deer with Him,And so what can God of death do to me? )
Kundali krutha kundaleeswara kundalam vrusha vahanam,
Naradadhi muneeswara sthutha vaibhavam bhuvaneswaram,
Andhakandhaka masrithamara padapam samananthakam,
Chandra shekaramasraye mama kim karishyathi vai yama.5
(I seek refuge in Him, who has the moon,Who wears the ear studs made of a curling serpent,Who is the great one being praised by Narada and other sages,Who is the Lord of the entire earth,Who is the killer of Anthakasura.Who is the wish giving tree to his devotees,And who is the killer of God of death,And so what can God of death do to me? )
Bheshajam bhava roginamkhilapadamapa harinam,
Daksha yagna vinasanam trigunathmakam trivilochanam,
Bhukthi mukthi phala pradham sakalagha sanga nibharhanam,
Chandra shekaramasraye mama kim karishyathi vai yama.6(I seek refuge in Him, who has the moon,Who is the doctor who cures sorrowful life,Who destroys all sorts of dangers,Who destroyed the fire sacrifice of Daksha,Who is personification of three qualities,Who has three different eyes,Who bestows devotion and salvation,And who destroys all types of sins,And so what can God of death do to me? )
Bhaktha vathsala marchitham, nidhim,akshayam, Haridambaram,
Sarva bhoothapathim, Parathparam apreya manuthamam,
Soma varinabhoohuthasana somapanilakha krutheem,
Chandra shekaramasraye mama kim karishyathi vai yama.7
(I seek refuge in Him, who has the moon,Who is worshipped as darling of devotees,Who is the treasure which is perennial,Who clothes Himself with the directions,Who is the chief of all beings,Who is beyond the unreachable God,Who is not understood by any one,Who is the holiest of every one,And who is served by moon, water, sun, earth,Fire, ether, boss and the WindAnd so what can god of death do to me? )
Viswa srushti vidhayinam, punareva palana thathparam,
Sam harathamapi prapanchamasesha loka nivasinam,
Kredayantha maharnisam, gana nadha yudha samnvitham,
Chandra shekaramasraye mama kim karishyathi vai yama.8
(I seek refuge in Him, who has the moon,Who does the creation of the universe,Who then is interested in its upkeep,Who at proper time destroys the universe,Who lives in every being of the universe,Who is plays day and night with all beings,Who is the leader of all beings,And who is like any one of them,And so what can god of death do to me? )
Mruthyu bheetha mrukandu soonu krutha sthavam shiva sannidhou,
Yathra Thathra cha ya padennahi thasya mruthyu bhayam bhaveth,
Poorna mayor aroghitha makhilarthasambadamdhyam,
Chandra Shekara Eva thasya dadadhathi mukthi mayathnatha. 9He who reads this prayer,Composed by the son of Mrukandu,Who was fear struck with death,,In the temple of Lord Shiva,Will not have fear of death,He would have full healthy life,With all grains and all wealth,And Lord Chandra Shekara,Would give Him,Salvation in the end.


[The Octet to the Bilwa]Translated by P. R. Ramachander[
The leaves of Bilwa (Aegle marmelos),
which has multiple leaves, with each leaf consisting of three leaves is very dear to Lord Shiva. Offering this leaf to Lord Shiva pleases him especially on the Shivarathri .There are several stories how people got salvation by offering one Bilwa leaf to Lord Shiva.]
Tridalam trigunakaaram trinethram cha triyayusham,
Trijanma papa samharam Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 1
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
Which has three leaves,
Which causes three qualities,
Which are like the three eyes of Shiva,
Which is like the triad of weapons,And which destroys sins of three births.)
Trishakhai bilwapathraischa hyachidrai komalai shubai,
Shiva poojam karishyami, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 2
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, Which has three shoots,Which do not have holes,Which are good and pretty,And worship Lord Shiva.)
Aganda bilwa pathrena poojithe nandikeshware,
Shudhyanthi sarva papebhyo, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 3
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,For if an uncut leaf is offered,To his steed the god Nandi,We get cleaned of all our sins.)
Salagrama shilamekaam vipranam jatha cha arpayeth,
Soma yagna maha punyam, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 4
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,For it is equal to, offering a saligrama to a Brahmin,Or the great blessing got out of performing Soma Yaga,)
Dandi koti sahasrani vajapeya sathani cha,
Koti kanya maha danam, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 5
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,For it is equal to gifting thousand elephants,Or the performing of hundred fire sacrifices,Or giving away billions of girls.)
Lakshmyasthanutha uthpannam mahadevasya cha priyam,
Bilwa vruksham prayachami, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 6
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,For it is equal to giving a tree of Bilwa,Which was born from the breast of Lakshmi,And which is very dear to the Lord Shiva.)
Darshanam bilwa vrukshasya, sparsanam papa nasanam,
Aghora papa samharam, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 7
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,As seeing and touching of a tree of Bilwa,Washes away ones sins and also very great sins.)
Kasi kshethra nivasam cha kala bhairava darshanam,
Prayaga madhavam drushtwa, Eka bilwam shivarpanam. 8
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,After living in the city of Kasi,Seeing the Kala Bhairawa,And also visiting the temple Of Madhawa in Allahabad.)
Moolatho brahma roopaya, madhyatho Vishnu roopini
Agratha shiva roopaya, Eka bilwam shivarpanam 9
(I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,As Brahma resides at its bottom,Lord Vishnu lives in its middle,And Lord Shiva lives in its tip.)
Bilwashtakam idham punyaam, padeth shiva sannidhou,
Sarva papa nirmuktha Shiva loka maapnuyath. 10
(Reading this holy octet of Bilwa,In the presence of Lord Shiva,Would save one from all sins,And in the end take him to the world of Shiva )

Devi Karumari Amman

Devi Karumari Amman Devi Karumari Amman Stotram
[Prayer to the mother who is the black rain]Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Mariwhich means rain is a very popular Goddess of Tamil Nadu. Whilescholars believe that she is a goddess of the pre Aryan days, most ofthe common people believe her as Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva orDurga who arose from her to kill the asuras. Some people believe her tobe Renuka, the mother of Lord Parasurama. Normally the priests in hertemples do not belong to the Brahmin Community. The common people prayto her for bringing rain and avoiding epidemics. In her templefestivals, it is common to see people walk bare footed on glowingembers. This prayer is an extremely popular prayer sung in her temples.)
Karpoora Nayagiye, kanaka valli,
Kali makamayi karumari amma,
Porkovil konda Shivakami Amma,
Poovirundavalli deivayanai amma,
Virkola veda valli vishalakshi,
Vizhikkola mamadurai meenakshi,
Chor kovil naan amaithen Ingu Thaye,
Sudaraga Vazhvippai ennai neeye.

(Hey Lady of camphor, Hey golden tendril,Hey Kali, Hey great enchantress, Hey goddess of black rain,Hey darling of Shiva with a golden temple,Hey climber with flowers, Hey holy goddess,Hey damsel of Vedas with a bow, Hey broad eyed one,And hey Meenakshi of Madhurai with enchanting eyes,I have made here a temple of words for you,And so make me live like a flame.
Bhuvanam muzhuvadum aluginra bhuvaneswari,
Puram erithon puram irukkum parameshwari,
Nava navamai vadivakkum maheswari,
Nambinavar Kai Vilakke Sarveswari,
Kavalaigal theerthu vidum Kaleswari,
Kar irulin thee chudare jyotheeswari,
Uvamana param porule jagadeeswari,
Unnadimai chiriyenai Aadhari.

(Hey Bhuvaneswari, who rules the entire universe,Hey Parameshwari, who is a part of Him who burnt the cities,Hey Maheswari, who assumes newer and newer forms,Hey Sarveshwari, who is the lamp in the hand of them who trust you,Hey Kaleeswari, who removes all worries,Hey Jyotheeswari, who is the flame in darkness,And hey Jagadeeswari, who is the incomparable eternal thing,Please encourage this base man who is your slave. )

Unnidathil chollamal veru enda,
Uravidathil murai iduven thaye, endan,
Annaiaval nee irukka, ulagil matta,
Anniyarai kenchiduthal murayo amma,
Kanneerai thudaithu vida odi vaa amma,
Kathirukka vaithiduthal sario amma,
Chinnavalin kural kettu un mugam thiruppu,
Chirithapadi ennai dinam vazhi anuppu.

(Without telling you my mother,To which relative shall I complain?When you as my mother is there,Is it proper to entreat somebody else?Please come running to wipe my tears, mother,Is it proper to make me wait? mother,Hearing the voice of this inferior one, turn your face to me, oh, mother,And with happy smile, bid me fare well daily, mother. )

Kan irandum un uruve kana vendum,
Kaal irandum uun adiye nada vendum,
Pan amaikkum naa unnai pada vendum,
Bhakthiyodu kai unnaye kooda vendum,
Ennam ellam uun ninaive aaga vendum,
Iruppathellam unnudaiyathu aaga vendum,
Man alakkum samaya pura mariyamma,
Maganudaya kuraigalyum theerum amma.

(My two eyes should only see you,My two legs should only come near you,My toungue which composes music, should only sing about you,My two hands should with devotion close only towards you,All my thought should be filled with your name,All the things with me should only become yours,Hey goddess of pestilence who measures countries,Please also fulfill my wants. )

Nettiyil uun kumkumame niraya vendum,
Nenjil uun thirunamam vazhiya vendum,
Kathathellam men melum peruga vendum,
Kavithayil uun namam vazha vendum,
Chutham ellam needuzhi vazha vendum,
Jothiyile nee irundu aala vendum,
Mathadellam naan unakku chollalama,
Madi meedhu pillai ennai thallalama.

(Your saffron should fill my forehead,In my heart your name should fill and drip,Whatever I have learnt should further get improved for ever,Your names should live in poems,My relations should all have a very long life,You should rule by being in the flame,Is there a need for me to tell others,Should you push me away who am sitting on your lap.)

Annaikku upakaram Cheivathundo?
Arul cheyya inneram avathundo?
Kannukku imayayanri kavalundo?
Kanrukku pasuvanri sondamundo?
Munnaikkum pinnaikkum parpathundo?
Muzhumaikkum nee endan annaiyandro?
Ennaikkum vilakkukkum bedamundo?
Enraikkum nann uun pillaiyandro?

(Does one do help to one's mother?
Does the eye have protection other than eyelids?
For the calf, is there a relation except the cow?
Should one see what is before and what is after?
Are you not to the fullest extent, my mother?
Is there any difference between oil and the lamp?
Am I not your son always and forever? )

Anbukku naan adimai Aaka vendum,
Arivukke en kadu ketka vendum,
Vambukke pokamal irukka vendum,
Vanchathai en nencham arukka vendum,
Panpukke uyir vazha aasai vendum,
Parivukke naan endrum paniya vendum,
En pakkam ivai ellam irukka vendum,

(I should become a slave to affection,My ears should open only for wisdom,I should not interfere in unnecessary affairs,My mind should cut off hatred,I should like to live only for good things,I should become always a slave for pity,And all these should be on my side. )

Kumbidavo kai irandum podavillai,
Koopidavo naa onral mudiyavillai,
Nambidavo meyyadanil shakthi illai,
Nadanthidavo kaal irandil aagavillai,
Sempavazha vaai azhagi uun ezhilo,
Chinna iru kankalukkul adangavillai,
Ambalavu vizhiyale, unnai endrum,
Adi paniyum aasaikor alavum illsi.

(To salute you two hands do not suffice,To call you one toungue does not suffice,To believe in you, I do not have sufficient strength,For walking, I am not able to do with two feet,Your prettiness, beauty with red coral mouth,Does not limit itself within my two eyes,Hey Lady who has eyes like a bow,There is no limit in my desire to become your slave. )

Kattagi, kanalagi, kadalaginai,
Karuvagi, uyiragi, udal aginai,
Nethagi, inragi naalaginai,
Nilamagi, payiragi, unavaginai,
Thothalum, jayithalum vaazhvaginai,
Thozhthalum azhuthalum vadivaginai,
Pothada naalillai thaye unnai,
Porulodu pugazhodu vaippi ennai.
You became wind then fire and then sea,You became fetus, then soul and the body,You were yesterday, you became today and would become tomorrow,You became land, then crop and then food,Whether one looses or wins, you became life,There is no day when I do not praise you,Please keep me with wealth and fame.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

mookambika ashtakam

Mookambika Ashtakam
[Octet on the Goddess Mookambika]Translated by P. R.Ramachander[Mookambika is the goddess presiding over the temple town of Kollur, 135 km from Mangalore, Karnataka. Here the goddess is in the linga form. In the smaller half of the linga, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma reside and in the bigger half (separated by a golden line) resides the mother goddesses of Durga, Saraswathi and Lakshmi. In the ancient times, it is believed that there was a saint called Kola Maharshi who did penance at the present Kollur (the place was named after him). He was troubled by a Rakshasa called Mookasura. The Adhi Prashakthi killed Mookasura and helped Kola Maharshi to do penance in peace. That is the reason why she is called Mookambika. She is a very popular goddess of Karnataka and Kerala. People of Kerala consider her as Saraswathi and make it a point to visit Kollur as often as possible. It is a dream for many of them to teach the first alphabets to their babies in the Mookambika Temple on the Vijaya Dasami day.]

Namasthe Jagad dhatri Sad Brahma roope,
Namasthe haropendradathradhi vandhye,
Namasthe prapanneshta danaika dakshe,
Namasthe Mahalakshmi, kola puresi. 1

(Salutations to Mahalakshmi, who is Goddess of Kolapura,Salutations to the mother of universe, the essence of existence,Salutations to her who is worshipped by Siva, Indra and Brahma,Salutations to her who fulfills wishes of surrendering devotees.)
Vidhi kruthivasa harir viswamedath,
Srujath yaththipaatheethiyathad prasidham,
Krupaloka nadhe, aavadhe Shakthiroope,
Namasthe Mahalakshmi, kola puresi. 2

(Salutations to Mahalakshmi, who is Goddess of Kolapura,For it is well known that Lord Brahma creates and Lord Vishnu cares,And Lord Shiva destroys at the end but it is you, with look of mercy,Who is the personification of power, whom they worship.)
Thwaya mayayaa vyaptha medath samastham,
Drutham leelayadevi kukshouhi viswam,
Sthithambudhi roopena sarvathra janthou,
Namasthe Mahalakshmi, kola puresi. 3

Salutations to Mahalakshmi, who is Goddess of Kolapura,For you pervade the entire universe through your illusion,You playfully bear in your womb, the entire universe,And you exist in all the beings in the form of intelligence.
Yayaa bhaktha varga hi lakshyantha yethe,
Thwaya athra prakamamkrupa poorna drushtya,
Adhogeeyasedevi Lakshhmeer idhi thwam,
Namasthe Mahalakshmi, kola puresi. 4
Salutations to Mahalakshmi, who is Goddess of Kolapura,For you are being approached by your devotees,For getting blessed by your greatly merciful look,Downwards to them and they call you Hey Mahalakshmi.Punar Vak paduthwathi, heenahi mooka,
Naraiisthair nikamam kalu prardhyase yath,
Nijasyapthaye thwacha mookabika thwam,
Namasthe Mahalakshmi, kola puresi. 5
Salutations to Mahalakshmi, who is Goddess of Kolapura,For those men without great expression and Downgraded dumb people, pray earnestly for your grace,And thou make them talented and wise, Oh Mookambika.
Yad advaitha roopad, para brahmana sthwam,
Samuddha punair viswa valeelodhyamastha,
ThadahurJanasthwamcha Gowri Kumari,
Namasthe Mahalakshmi, kola puresi. 6
Salutations to Mahalakshmi, who is Goddess of KolapuraFor you are the supreme spirit which stands alone,You created the entire world as if it is a play,And in spite of that people call you Gowri and Kumari.
Haresadhi dehotdha thyejo mayapra,
Sphurad chakra rajakya linga swaroope,
Maha yogi kolarhi hruth padma gehe,
Namasthe Mahalakshmi, kola puresi. 7
Salutations to Mahalakshmi, who is Goddess of KolapuraYour form Sri Chakra, which is king of all known holy symbols,Emanated from the very great splendour of Shiva and Vishnu,And you reside in the lotus heart of the great Yogi called Kola rishi.
Nama Shanka chakra bhaya abeeshta hasthe,
Namasthe Ambike, Gowri Padmasanasthe,
Nama suvarna varne, prasanne saranya,
Namasthe Mahalakshmi, kola puresi. 8
Salutations to Mahalakshmi, who is Goddess of KolapuraWho holds in her arm the holy conch and the holy wheel,Who by her hand removes fear and fulfills desires,Who is the holy mother who sits on the lotus pose,Who is the colour of the gold and is merciful to her devotees.
Idham stotra rathnm krutham sarva devair,
Hrudhithwam samadhayalakshmyashtakam ya,
Paden nithya meva vraja yaga lakshmim,
Sa Vidhyamcha sathyam bhavathya prasadath. 9
After learning this gem of the prayer by the devas,And fixing the mind on this octet on Lakshmi,And reciting them in the holy temple of Lakshmi,Would bless one with education, without any doubt.

The Goddess presiding over the city Of Kollur in Karnataka.She is a form of Goddess Parvathy but is supposed to grant wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. She is very popular among Keralites who all wish to teach the first alphabets in font of her on Vijaya Dashami day.

Naana kanchi Vichithra vasthra sahitham,
Naana vidhair bhooshitham,
Naana pushpa sukandha malya sahitham,
Naana janaa sevitham,
Naana veda purana sasthra vinutham,
Naana kalir pradham,
Naana roopa dharmam, mahesa mahishim,
Dyayami mookambikam

(I meditate on that Mookambika,
Who dresses herself in various dresses and silks,
Who is adorned in multifarious ways.
Who wears garlands made of various flowers,
Who is worshipped by different type of people,
Who is recognized by different puranas, Vedas and science,
Who bestows various blessings,
Who takes up various roles ,
And who is the consort of Mahesha.)

Saraswati Ashtakam

Saraswati Ashtakam
[An octet to the goddess of knowledge]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
Amba, thwadeya pada pankaja pamsu lesa,
Sambanda banduratharaa rasana thwadheeyam,
Sambhayudhadhipadamapya amruthathi ramyam,
Nimbhayathe kimutha bhouma padani thasya.1
(Oh, Mother, for him whose toungue is pretty,By the contact with the dust of lotus feet of yours,Even the position of Devendra,Made pleasant with holy things like nectar,Tastes bitter and what shall we say,About any positions in earth?
Matha, sthwadheya karunamrutha poorna drushti,
Pathakwachidwidhi vasan manuje na cheth syath,
Kaa thasya ghora api dhabhyavaaharanidhra,
Bheethyadhikeshu sama bhavamupeyivalsu. 2
(Oh Mother, If your merciful nectar like looks,Does not fully fall on a man,What shall we tell about him,Who does not see even differences,In food, sleep and in grades of fear? )
Vani rema giri suthethi cha roopa bhedai,
Kshoni jusham vividha mangala maadha dhasi,
Naneeyaseem thava vibhuthimaho vivekthum,
Ksheenibhavathyakruthakopi vacha prapancha?.3
(Mother, the world of words in this earth,Is just not sufficient to describe Your greatness,For you grant all that is good for the earth,In the forms of Sarasvathi, Lakshmi and Parvathi.)
Sarvagnatha giri sutha kamithir vipaksha,
Garvachidhakusalathadivishad guroscha,
Charvaartha sabdha ghatana patutha kaveenaam,
Sarvam thwadheeya karunaa kanika vivartha. 4
(Mother, the all time greatness of Lord Shiva,The ability to kill the pride in enemies Of Guru, the teacher of devas,And the ability to arrange words of the poets,Are but different forms of the drops of your mercy. )
Mooka kavirjada iha prathi bhavadhagryo,
Bheekunda durbhalamadhir dharani vijhetha,
Nishkinchano nidhipadhir bhavathi thwadheeya,
Mekam kadakshamavalambhya jagathsavithree.5
(Oh Goddess who is mother of all earth,By one mere merciful look of yours,A dumb man became a poet,A fool became the first among the wise,And a very poor man becomes very rich. )
Varnathmike, hima sudhakara sankha kunda,
Varnabhi rama thanu vallari viswa vandhye,
Karnatha deergha karunardhra kadaksha pathai,
Poorna akhilarthamima masu vidathsva devi. 6
(Hey Goddess with a colourful soul,Whose body is as white as the,Snow, moon, conch and Jasmine,And who is worshipped by the entire world,Please rain a merciful look on me,From your eyes which extend to your ears,And make me fulfill all my wishes. )
Kalam kiyanthamayi they chararavindha,
Malambhya hantha vilapami vilolachetha,
Balam kurushwa krutha kruthyamimam Shubhiaka,
nidhaya karuardhra mapangamasmin. 7
(For how long a time, am I crying,Near the lotus like feet of yours,Oh Goddess, who is the source of all that is good,Please be kind enough to shower,The merciful look of yours,So that this child will become contented. )
Ananda hethu mayi they karunaam vihaya,
Noonam na kinchidakhilesi vilokayami,
Dhoonam dayarhamagathim karunamruthadrai,
Renam shishum shishirayashu kadakshapathai. 8
(Hey Goddess who is the cause of my happiness,Except for your mercy, I do not see,Anything in this world to be happy,And so please make this child drench in cold,From the rain of mercy from your eyes.For I am fit for your mercy,And does not have any one else. )
Imam padedhya prayathasthavodhgha,
Mananya chetha jagatham jananya,
Sa vidhwadharadhitha pada peete,
Labhetha sarvam pursharthasartham.9
He who reads the prayer,To the mother of all the world,Would become fit to be worshipped by the wise,And would get all that is to be got.

Raja Rajeswari Mantra Matruka Stavam

Raja Rajeswari Mantra Matruka Stavam
[Model Prayer to Mother Raja Rajeswari]Translated by P. R. Ramachander[
This great prayer is supposed to be written by Adi Sankara Bhagwat Pada.
But is not included in the list of the works of the Acharya.]
Kalyanayudha poorna Chandra vadanaam praneswaraanandinim,
Poornaam poorna tharam paresa mahishim poornamrutha swadinim,
Sampoornaam pramothamrutha kalam vidhyavathim bharatheem,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 1
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who is store house of all the good qualities,Whose face resembles the shining full moon,Who makes her lord of the soul happy,Who is full and more than full,Who is the consort of Lord Shiva,Who enjoys nectar as her food,Who is complete in all respects,Whose only food is nectar,And who is Goddess Saraswathy,The Goddess of knowledge.)
Eekarathi samastha varna vividhakaraika chith roopineem,
Chithanyathmaka chakra raja nilayam chandranthe sancharineem,
Bala bhava vibhavaneem bhava param sadbhakthi chinthamneem,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 2
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who has several holy forms in words starting with “ea”,Who resides in Sri Chakra as its soul,Who travels in the universe of moon,Who is child like, and who “exists” and “not exists” Who is the soul of Lord Shiva,And who is in the hearts of her great devotees.)
Eeha digbara yoga vinuthaam, swananda bootham paraam,
Pasyanthi thanu madhyamam vilasineem, sri vaikarai roopineem,
Thmananda vicharineem, vivarakam vidhyaam, tribajathmikam,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 3
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who is worshipped by yogis who have forsaken everything,Who is personification of her own enjoyment,Who appears as to be at the outside,Who shines in the middle of the body,Who is the form of early dawn,Who is a thoughtful philosopher,Who explains philosophy to others,Who is the form of Sri Vidhya,And who is the form of three words-Iym, hreem and sreem.)
Lakshyalakshya nireekshnaam, nirupamam, rudraksha maalam dharam,
Tryakshyartha kruthi daksha vamsa kalikaam deergaksha deerga swaraam,
Bhadraam, bhadra vara pradam bhagawatheem, padmeswareem mudrineem,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 4
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who sees everything with an aim and without it,Who cannot be compared to any one else,Who wears the garland of Rudrakshas,Who has three eyes,Who was born in the clan of Daksha,Who has long eyes,Who is the long sound “Eeee”,Who does not need protection and who grants protection,Who is extremely learned,Who is the goddess sitting on the lotus,And who can be attained by tantric symbols.)
Hreem bheejagatha nada bindu bharithaam Omkara
Nadathmikaam,Brahmanda ganodhareem gunavathim, jnaneswareem jnanadam,
Ichagna kridineem mahim gathavadeem gandarwa sevitham,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 5
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who is full of the sound and bindu(dot) arising out of “Hreem”,Whose soul is the holy sound “Om”,Who is slightly bent because of her huge breasts,Who is of a great character,Who is the goddess of knowledge and who gives knowledge,Who plays as per her wish,Who goes around the world,And who is served by celestial maidens.)
Harshonmatha suvarna pathra barithaam peenondo koornikaam,
Hungara priya sabda jala niratham saraswathollasineem,
Sarasara vichara chathuram varnasramakaarineem,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 5
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who holds nectar, which is the greatest among drinks,In a golden pot filled with happiness,Who is happy with the holy sounds like “Hum”,Who gets immensely pleased with the root called “:Saraswatha”,Who thinks and sorts issues that have meaning and no-meaning,And who is responsible for the duties of different varnas.)
Sarveshanga viharineem sakarunam sannadhineem nadineem,
Samyoga priya roopineem priyavatheem preethaam prathaponnatham,
Sarvantharkathi shalineem siva dasai sandheepineem dheepineem,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 6
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who exists in the body of the greatest god,Who is full of mercy and who has a very sweet voice,Who is the sweet sound itself,Who is interested in joining together,Who is full of love and care,Whose fame is the top most,Who with her great character goes inside souls,Who gives power to the bow of lord Shiva,And who is the light herself.)
Karmakarma vivarjithaam kulavatheem karma pradham koulineem,
Kaarunyaam sarvagama niradham sindhuprilosineem,
Pancha brahma sanathana sanakatham geyaam suyogathmikaam,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 7
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who exists in the body of the greatest god,Who does not differentiate between duties and actions,Who is the goddess of well bred women,Who gives rewards to karmas,Who can be approached by the koula* way,Who is merciful and is engaged in all duties,Who lives in the middle of the ocean of milk,Who sits in the cots made of five brahmas**And who is being sung about by her devotees,Who are well versed in the art of yoga.*Thathtric worship of the left ** Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Ishwara and Sadashiva)
Hasthuyuthkumbha nibha sthanathvidayatha peenoonna dadanathaam,
Harathyabharanam surendra vinutham srungara peetalayam.
Yonyagaaraka yoni mudritha karaam nithyaam navaarnaathmikaam,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 8
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who has holy busts similar to the forehead of an elephant.Who wears several jewels including golden chains,Who is being worshipped by Devendra,Who occupies the stage of passion,Who gets pleased by the secret rites,Who wears the seal of the joints,Who is forever and is worshipped,By the nine lettered mantras.)
Lakshmi lakshana poorna bakthavruthaam leela vinoda sthithaam,
Laksharanchitha pada padma yugalam, brahmendra samsevitham,
Loka lokitha loka kama jananeem lokasrayangasthithaam,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 9
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who showers great grace as Lakshmi on her devotees,Who is extremely playful,Who has her feet with nails made red,Which are Served by Brahma and Indra,Who grants all wishes made by her devotees,And who is delighted to sit in the lap of her lord.)
Hreenngararchitha sankarapriyathama yogapeedeswareem,
Mangalyayudha pangajapa nayanam, mangalya sidhi pradham,
Karunyena viseshithanga sumahalavanya sam shobitham,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 10
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who gets happy by the chanting of “Hreem”,Who is the darling of Lord Shiva,Who sits on the dais of Yoga,Who has weapons which do good,Who has eyes like lotus flower,Who grants all that is good,Who has a mien drenched in mercy,And who shined because of her extreme beauty.)
Sarvagnana kalavatheem sakarunaam sarveshwareem sarvagam,
Sathyaam sarva mayeem sahasra dalajaam sathvarina vopasthitham,
Sanga sanga vivarjitham suga kareem balarka kodi prabhaam,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 11
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who is the store house of all knowledge and arts,Who is filled with mercy.Who is the goddess of all,Who is everything in the world,Who is the eternal truth,Who is spread everywhere,Who lives in the thousand petal lotus,Who lives in the ocean of milk,Who is the prime mover of uniting and detaching,Who gives pleasure ,and who shines like billions of rising sun.)
Kadhikshantha suvarna bindhu suthanum sarvanga samshobhithaam,
Nanavarna vichithra chithra charitham chaturya chinthamaneem,
Chithrananda vidhayineem suchapalam koodathraya karineem,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 12
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who is the golden dot in all consonants,Who is praised by all good people,Whose entire body shines,Who has the peculiar multi coloured form,Who is thoughtful intelligent gem,Who is the dream of artists,Who is never constant,And who is the form of the triad of mantras.)
Laksmisaana vidhineedra Chandra makudathyashtanga peedasrithaam.
Suryendumagnimayaika peeda nilayam, tristhaam trikoneswareem,
Gopthreem garvinigarvitham kakanakaa ganga ganesa priyam,
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 13
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who sits in the eight part stage held by,Brahma, Vishnu, Indra, Chandra and other gods,Whose stage shines like the moon, sun and fire,Who is of three parts and who is the goddess of the triangle,Who is not easily known, who destroys pride,And who sits in the sky of Chit loving Ganesa and Ganga.)
Hreem kooda thraya roopineem samayaneem samsarineem hamsineem,
Vamachara parayaneem sukulajam bheejavatheem mudrineem,
Kamaksheem karunardhra chitha samhitham, sreem sreem trimurthyathikaam.
Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana param Sri Raja rajeswarim. 14
(Salutations to Goddess Rajarajeswari,Who gets pleased by worship of Sree chakra,Who is of the form of the three mantras ending with “Hreem”,W ho is the eternal time and who leads a domestic life,Who is being worshipped by the “Hamsa” mantra,Who is being worshipped by the left based tantra,Who is pleased by the mantras and mudras,Who is having eyes of passion,Who has a mind drenched in mercy,And who is being worshipped by the trinity using “sreem” mantra.)
Ya Vidhya shiva kesavadhi janani, ya vai jagan mohini,
Ya Brahmadi pipeeli kantha jagadanandaika sandhayini,
Ya Pancha pranavathi rebha nalini, ya chitkala malini,
Saa paayath para devatha bhagavathy Rajarajeswari. 15
(Let her who is the mother of Vishnu and Shiva,Who is the enchantress of the world,Who takes care of every one from Brahma to an ant,Who is tender and is the soul of the five pranavas,And who wears all arts and knowledge as garland,Take care of all of us as the great goddess Rajarajeswari.

Brihaspathi Stotram

Brihaspathi Stotram
[Prayer to Jupiter]Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[This rare stotra addressed to Brihaspathi the teacher of all devas and the planet Jupiter. Jupiter occupies a rasi for one year. When it is with Chandra (our Rasi), third, fourth eighth, tenth and twelfth house from our rasi, it brings bad luck. This stotra chanted on Thursdays during this period will bring solace.]
Gurur brahaspathir jeeva suracharyo vidham vara,
Vageeso dhishino deerga samasru peethambaro yuva. 1
(Teacher, lord of prayer of beings, Teacher of demi gods,Greatest among the mighty, lord of words, preceptor,One having a long beard, he who is young and wears yellow silk.)
Sudha drushtir, grahadheeso, grha peeda apaharaka,
Daya kara, soumya moorthi, surarchya, kudmala dhyuthi. 2
He whose sight is nectar like, lord of all planets,He who steals away the bad effects of all planets,He who is merciful, he who is soft looking,He who is the teacher of devas, he who looks like a bud,)
Loka poojyo, loka guru, neethigno, neethi karaka,
Tharapathi schangeeraso veda vedya pithamaha, 3
(He who is respected by all, the teacher of all,He who is just, he who implements justice,Lord of all stars, he who is the son of Angeerasa,He who is worshipped by Vedas, grand father)
Bhakthya brahaspathim smruthwa, namanyethani ya padeth,
Arogi, bhalavan sriman, puthravan sa bhaven nara. 4
(He who remembers Brahaspathi with devotion and recites these names,Would be free from disease, would be strong, Would be wealthy, and would be blessed with several sons.)
Jeevedvarsha satham marthya, papam nasyathi, nasyathi,
Ya poojayeth guru dhine peetha gandha akshathambarai. 5
He who worships him on Thursdays, with sandal, holy rice and silk,Would live for one hundred years and all his sins would be destroyed.

Pushpa dheepo upa haraischa poojayithwa Brhaspathim,Brahmanan bhojayithwa cha peeda shanthir bhaved guro. 6Guru would remove all problems and bless with peace,Those who worship with light, flower and presents,And serve food to Brahmins.


Uma Maheswara Stotram
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Nama Sivabhyam, Nava Youvanabhyam,
Paraspara slishta Vapurtharabhyam,
Nagendra Kanya vrusha Kethabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam

(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,Who are always in fresh stage of youth,Who cling to each other in tight embrace,Of whom one is the daughter of the mountain,And the other is one whose symbol is a bull,Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy.)

Nama Shivaabhyam sarasothsavabhyam,
Namaskruthabheeshta vara prathabhyam,
Narayanenarchitha padukabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam

(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,Whose playful love is a festival,Who grant boons to those who salute them,And whose feet is worshipped by Lord Narayana,Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy.)

Nama Shivaabhyam vrusha vahanabhyam,
Virinchi vishnveendra su poojithaabhyam,
Vibhoothi pattera vilepanaabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam.

(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,Who ride on the divine bull,Who are worshipped by Vishnu, Brahma and Indra,And whose bodies are anointed with Sandal and holy ash,Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy.)

Nama Shivaabhyam Jagadeeswarabhyam,
Jagat pathibhyabhyam , Jaya vigrahabhyam,
Jambhari mukhyair abhi vandidabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam.

(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,Who are the lord and lady of the universe,Who are always victorious,And who are worshipped by Indra and his chiefs,Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy)

Namashivaabhyam paramoushadabhyam,
Panchakshari panjara ranjithabhyam,
Prapancha srushti sthithi samhruthibhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam.

(Salutations to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shivaa,Who are themselves the greatest medicineWho are happy to hear panchakshari repeated,And who create , rule and destroy the universe,Salutations and salutations to Lord Sankara And to that Goddess Parvathy)

Namashivaabhyam Athi sundarabhyam,
Athyanthamasaktha hrudambujabhyam,
Asesha lokaika hithamkarabhyam,
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam.

Lalita Pancha Ratnam

Lalita Pancha Ratnam[Five Gems on Lalita]Translated by P. R. Ramachander
Pratha smarami Lalitha vadanaravindam,
Bimbadaram pradhula maukthika shobhi nasam,
Aakarna deerga nayanam mani kundaladyam,
Mandasmitham mruga madojjwala phala desam.
(I meditate in the morning,On the lotus face of Lalitha,Who has deep red lips,Who has nose shining like a pearl,Who has very long eyes which extend to the ears,Who has ear drops made of very precious gems,Who has a very sober pleasant smile,And who has a very pretty shining forehead.)
Prathar Bhajami Lalitha Bhuja kalpa vallim,
Rathnanguleeya lasathanguli pallavadyam,
Manikhya hema valayangadha Shobha maanam,
Pundreshu Chapa kusumeshu sruneen dadhanam.
(I salute in the morning,That Lalitha whose hand ,Is like a wish giving climbing plant,Who wears shining gem studded rings,Who wears golden bangles with precious stones,Who holds a bow of flowers,And who has the goad in her hands.)
Prathar namami lalitha charanaravindam,
Bhakteshta dana niratham bhava sindhu potham,
Padmasanadhi sura nayaka poojaneeyam,
Padmangusa dwaja sudarsana lanchanadyam.
(I worship in the morning,The lotus like feet of Lalitha,Which blesses her devotees with their wishes,Which is a boat which helps them cross this life,And who is worshipped by leaders of devas.Sitting in the lotus posture,And who holds lotus , goad, and flag And the wheel in her hands.)
Pratha sthuthave parasivaam lalithaam bhvaneem,
Trayyanha vedhya vibhavam karunanan vadhyam,
Viswasya srushti vilaya sthithi hethu bhootham,
Visweswareem nigama vang mana sathi dhooram.
(I pray in the morning, that Lalitha Who is the power behind Shiva,Who is the Goddess who is the slayer of arrogance,Who is described and known by Vedas and Upanishads,Who is the pure and auspicious form of mercy,Who is the cause of creation , upkeep and destruction,Who is the Lord of the universe,And who is beyond the reach of mind and words)
.Prathar vadami lalithe thava punya nama,
Kameswarethi, kamalethi Maheswareethi,
Sri shambhaveethi jagatham janani parethi,
Vag deva thethi vachasa tripureswareethi.
(I repeat in the morning your holy names, Lalitha,As the goddess of passion and love,As one who sits on the lotus,As one who is the greatest goddess,As the consort of Lord Shiva,As one who is he mother of the world,As the goddess of words and language,And as the one who is the goddess of the three cities.)
Ya sloka panchakam idham, Lalithambikya,
Soubhagyuam, sulalitham patathi prabhathe,
Thasmai dadathi lalitha jadithi prasanna,
Vidhyaam sriyam vimala soukha manantha keerthim.He who reads these five stanzas,In the morning , extolling the mother Lalitha,.Who is easy to please Would get luck, knowledge riches, endless fame By the grace of Goddess Lalitha.