Saturday, September 20, 2014

Surya Aastottara Shata Namavali



Surya-astottara-shata-nama-vali (The 108 names of Surya)
  1.  Om arunaya namah 
  2. Om sharanyaya namah
  3.  Om karuna-rasa-sindhave namah 
  4. Om asmana balaya namah
  5.  Om arta-raksa-kaya namah
  6.  Om adityaya namah
  7.  Om adi-bhutaya namah
  8.  Om akhila-gamavedine namah
  9.  Om acyutaya namah 
  10. Om akhilagnaya namah 
  11. Om anantaya namah
  12.  Om inaya namah 
  13.  Om visva-rupaya na mah 
  14.  Om ijyaya namah 
  15. Om indraya namah 
  16.  Om bhanave Namah 
  17. Om indrira mandiraptaya namah 
  18.  Om vandaniyaya namah
  19.  Om ishaya namah 
  20.  Om suprasannaya namah
  21.  Om sushilaya namah 
  22.  Om suvarcase namah 
  23. Om vasupradaya namah 
  24. Om vasave namah 
  25. Om vasudevaya namah
  26.  Om ujjvalaya namah
  27.  Om ugra-rupaya namah 
  28. Om urdhvagaya namah 
  29. Om vivasvate namah 
  30.  Om udhat kiranajalaya namah 
  31.  Om hrishikesaya namah 
  32. Om urjasvalaya namah 
  33. Om viraya namah
  34.  Om nirjaraya namah
  35.  Om jayaya namah
  36.  Om urudvayavirni muktanijasarakra shivandyaya namah
  37.  Om rugdhantre namah 
  38. Om kraksacakracaraya namah
  39.  Om krajusvabhavavittaya namah 
  40.  Om nityastutyaya namah 
  41. Om krukaramatrikavarnarupaya ujjvalatejase namah 
  42. Om kruksadhinathamitraya namah 
  43. Om pushakaraksaya namah 
  44. Om luptadantaya namah 
  45. Om shantaya namah
  46.  Om kantidaya namah 
  47. Om dhanaya namah 
  48.  Om kanatkanaka sushanaya namah 
  49. Om khalotaya namah 
  50. Om lunit-akhila-daityaya namah 
  51. Om satya-ananda-svarupine namah 
  52.  Om apavarga-pradaya namah
  53.  Om arta-sharanyaya namah
  54.  Om ekakine namah 
  55. Om bhagavate namah 
  56.  Om sushti sthityantakarine namah 
  57.  Om gunatmane namah 
  58. Om dhrinibhrite namah
  59.  Om brihate namah 
  60. Om brahmane namah 
  61. Om esvaryadaya namah 
  62. Om sharvaya namah 
  63. Om haridashvaya namah 
  64. Om shauraye namah
  65.  Om dashadiksam-prakashaya namah 
  66.  Om bhakta-vashyaya namah
  67.  Om ojaskaraya namah
  68.  Om jayine namah
  69.  Om jagad-ananda-hetave namah 
  70.  Om taya janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-varjiya namah
  71. Om samcararathasthaya-
  72. Om asuraraye namah 
  73. Om kamaniyakagaya namah 
  74. Om abjaballabhaya namah 
  75. Om antar-bahih prakashaya namah 
  76. Om acintyaya namah
  77.  Om atma-rupine namah
  78.  Om acyutaya namah 
  79. Om amareshaya namah 
  80. Om parasmai jyotishe namah
  81.  Om ahaskaraya namah
  82.  Om ravaye namah
  83.  Om haraye namah 
  84. Om param-atmane namah
  85.  Om tarunaya namah 
  86.  Om tarenyaya namah 
  87. Om grahanam pataye namah 
  88. Om bhaskaraya namah
  89.  Om adimadhyantara-hitaya namah 
  90. Om saukhyapradaya namah 
  91. Om sakalajagatam pataye namah 
  92. Om suryaya namah 
  93. Om kavaye namah 
  94. Om narayanaya namah 
  95. Om pareshaya namah 
  96. Om tejorupaya namah
  97.  Om shrim hiranyagarbhaya namah
  98.  Om hrim sampatkaraya namah 
  99. Om aim istarthadaya namah
  100.  Om am suprasannaya namah 
  101. Om shrimate namah
  102.  Om shreyase namah 
  103.  Om saukhyadayine namah 
  104.  Om diptamurtaye namah 
  105. Om nikhilagamavedhyaya namah 
  106. Om nityanandaya namah 
  107. Om Surya namah
  108. Om hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah.      

Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Aum Narayanaye Vidmahe
Vasudevaye Dhi-Mahi
Tanno Vishnu Prachodayat
Shanta Karam Bhujaga Shayanam
Padmanabham Suresham
Vishvadharam Gagana Sadrsham
Megha Varnam Shubhangam
Lakshmi Kantam Kamala Nayanam
Yogibhir Dhyana Gamyam
Vande Vishnum Bhava Bhaya Haram
Sarva Lokaiaka Natham
(I adore Vishnu, the embodiment of Peace, who sleeps on the serpent,
Whose naval is the lotus of the Universe
Who is the Lord of the Gods, who is the support of the Universe, Who is in the
form of Space (the Omnipresent)
Whose color resembles that of clouds, Whose body is auspicious
Who is the Lord of Lakshmi, whose eyes are like lotuses
Who is attainable by Yogis through meditation
Who is the destroyer of the fear of birth and death
And who is the One Lord of all the Worlds)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shiv Chalisa

Shiv Chalisa(The Shiva forty in Hindi)
Ayodhya Das
Translated by
Jai Ganesh Girija Suvan
Mangal Mul Sujan 1
Kahat Ayodhya Das
Tum Dey Abhaya Varadan 2
Victory to Ganesh son of Girija,
Who is the root cause of all that is good,
Ayodhya Das you requests for boon of fearlessness.
Jai Girija Pati Dinadayala
Sada Karat Santan Pratipala 3
Bhala Chandrama Sohat Nike
Kanan Kundal Nagaphani Ke 4
Victory to the consort of Girija,
Who is very kind to the oppressed,
You always bless the saints,
Wear the baby moon on forehead,
And wear the snake’s hood as ear studs.
Anga Gaur Shira Ganga Bahaye
Mundamala Tan Chhara Lagaye 5
Vastra Khala Baghambar Sohain
Chhavi Ko Dekha Naga Muni Mohain 6
His body is fair and ganges flows from his head,
He wears a garland of skulls and smears ash on his body,
He wears the hide of lion on his waist,
And seeing his pretty form the Naga sages are enchanted.
Maina Matu Ki Havai Dulari
Vama Anga Sohat Chhavi Nyari 7
Kara Trishul Sohat Chhavi Bhari
Karat Sada Shatrun Chhayakari 8
The darling daughter Of Maina,
On your left side adds to your beauty,
With trident in hand and wearing skin of lion,
You always destroy your enemies.
Nandi Ganesh Sohain Tahan Kaise
Sagar Madhya Kamal Hain Jaise 9
Kartik Shyam Aur Gana rauo
Ya Chhavi Ko Kahi Jata Na Kauo 10
You are with Ganesh and Nandi,
And look like the lotus flower in the middle of the sea.
You have with you the dark Karthikeya and Ganesh,
And who can describe this great scene.
Devan Jabahi Jaya Pukara
Tabahi Dukha Prabhu Apa Nivara 11
Kiya Upadrav Tarak Bhari
Devan Sab Mili Tumahi Juhari 12
When the Devas called for victory,
Oh Lord, you swept away their sorrow,
When Tharakasura filled them with troubles,
All the devas got your generous help.
Turata Shadanana Apa Pathayau
Luv nimesh Mahi Mari Girayau 13
Apa Jalandhara Asura Sanhara
Suyash Tumhara Vidit Sansara 14
With haste you sent to them the six faced God,
Who within no time destroyed him,
Then you killed the asura called Jalandhara,
And your fame spread all over the world.
Tripurasur Sana Yudha Machai
Sabhi Kripakar Lina Bachai 15
Kiya Tapahin Bhagiratha Bhari
Purahi Pratigya Tasu Purari 16
You then waged war against Tripurasura,
And with great mercy on all gods,
The king Bhagirath undertook great penance,
And you helped him to fulfill his vow.
Darpa chod Ganga thabb Aayee
Sevak Astuti Karat Sadahin 17
Veda Nam Mahima Tav Gai
Akatha Anandi Bhed Nahin Pai 18
Then the Ganga came down leaving her house,
And your devotees sing your praise always.
Even Vedas tried to sing your praise,
But Oh, primeval limitless one,
It did not succeed in its effort.
Pragati Udadhi Mantan te Jvala
Jarae Sura-Sur Bhaye bihala 19
Mahadev thab Kari Sahayee,
Nilakantha Tab Nam Kahai 20
Out of the churning of the ocean came the flame,
Of poison which made devas and Asuras greatly scared,
And then you as Mahadev swallowed the poison,
And then you were called the blue necked one.
Pujan Ramchandra Jab Kinha
Jiti Ke Lanka Vibhishan Dinhi 21
Sahas Kamal Men Ho Rahe Dhari
Kinha Pariksha Tabahin Purari 22
Then Lord Ramachandra worshipped you,
And won Lanka and gave it to Vibheeshana,
He wanted to worship thee with thousand lotus,
And Oh, Lord you decided to test him.
Ek Kamal Prabhu Rakheu goyee
Kushal-Nain Pujan Chahain Soi 23
Kathin Bhakti Dekhi Prabhu Shankar
Bhaye Prasanna Diye-Ichchhit Var 24
Oh Lord you hid one of those lotus flowers,
And Lord Rama instead gave one of his lotus like eyes,
Seeing the great devotion, You Lord Shankar,
Were delighted and granted him the desired boon.
Jai Jai Jai Anant Avinashi
Karat Kripa Sabake Ghat Vasi 25
Dushta Sakal Nit Mohin Satavai
Bhramat Rahe Man Chain Na Avai 26
Victory, victory to you limitless, deathless one,
Shower your grace on all, Oh omniscient one,
I am being troubled by evil thoughts always,
And I am distressed and have no peace of mind.
Trahi-Trahi Main Nath Pukaro
Yahi Avasar Mohi Ana Ubaro 27
Lai Trishul Shatrun Ko Maro
Sankat Se Mohin Ana Ubaro 28
Help me , help me, I call you Lord,
And I request your blessing just now,
Bring your trident and kill my enemies,
And free me from all these sorrow.
Mata Pita Bhrata Sab Hoi
Sankat Men Puchhat Nahin Koi 29
Swami Ek Hai Asha Tumhari
Ai Harahu Ab Sankat Bhari 30
I have mother, father , brothers and others,
But when I am in distress nobody enquires,
Oh Lord, I have only you left as hope,
Please remove this heavy sorrow from me.
Dhan Nirdhan Ko Deta Sadahin
Arat jan ko peer mitaee, 31
Astuti Kehi Vidhi Karai Tumhari
Shambhunath ab tek tumhari 32
Oh Lord You always give wealth to those who are poor,
And you wipe away their difficulties,
Except you I do not know any one else,
Oh Shambhunath, please hear my prayer to you.
Shankar Ho Sankat Ke Nashan
Vighna Vinashan Mangal Karan 33
Yogi Yati Muni Dhyan Lagavan
Sharad Narad Shisha Navavain 34
Oh Lord Shankar, you are the destroyer of sorrows,
And also remover of obstacles and giver of good,
Sages seers and great ones meditate on you,
And even Saraswathi and sage Narada bow before you.
Namo Namo Jai Namah Shivaya
Sura Brahmadik Par Na Paya 35
Jo Yah Patha Karai Man Lai
To kon Hota Hai Shambhu Sahai 36
Salutation, salutations, victory and salutations to Lord Shiva,
Even Gods and Brahma could not describe you
He who with devotion recites this prayer,
Would without doubt be helped by Shamboo.
Riniyan Jo Koi Ho Adhikari
Patha Karai So Pavan Hari 37
Putra-hin Ichchha Kar Koi
Nischaya Shiva Prasad Tehin Hoi 38
He who recites this with intense love,
Becomes rich by the grace of the lord.
He who desires for a Son,
Would get one surely by grace of Shiva.
Pandit Trayodashi Ko Lavai
Dhyan-Purvak Homa Karavai 39
Trayodashi Vrat Kare Hamesha
Tan Nahin Take Rahe Kalesha 40
He who brings the priest on thirteenth day of moon,
And conducts fire sacrifice with devotion,
And observes the penance of the thirteenth moon,
Would get peaceful mind and healthy body.
Dhupa Dipa Naivedya Charhavai
Anta Vasa Shivapur Men Pavai 41
Kahai Ayodhya Asha Tumhari
Jani Sakal Dukha Harahu Hamari 42
He who worships him with light and incense,
Would at the end live in the city of Shiva,
Ayodhya Prasad wishes to you,
Long life and eternal bliss.
Nitya Nema kari Pratahi
Patha karau Chalis 43
Tum Meri Man Kamana
Purna Karahu Jagadish 44
After doing the days regular duty,
I recite these forty verses with devotion,
Oh Lord of the universe, please fulfill,
All the desires of my mind.

Monday, February 14, 2011

[The octet on Shiva]
By Adi Shankara Bhagawat Pada
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
Thasmai nama parama karana karanaya,
Deepthojjwalitha pingala lochanaya,
Nagendra hara krutha kundala bhooshanaya,
Brahmendra Vishnu varadaya Nama Shivaya. 1

(I salute that Shiva, who is the real cause of causes,
Who has reddish brown eyes which shine like light,
Who wears garlands and ear drops made of the king of snakes,
And who is the one who gives boons to Brahma and Vishnu.)
Srimath prasanna sasi pannaga bhooshanaya,
Shailendraja vadana chumbitha lochanaya,
Kailasa mandara mahendra nikethanaya,
Loka trayarthi haranaya nama shivaya. 2

(I salute that Shiva, who always wears,
The clear moon and the snake as ornaments,
Whose eyes are kissed by the daughter of the mountain,
Who lives in the Kailasa peak and Mahendra mountain,
And who defeats the sorrow of the people of three worlds.)
Padmavadatha mani kundala govrushaya,
Krishnagaru prachura chandana charchithaya,
Basamanushaktha vikachothpala mallikaya,
Neelabhja kanda sadrusaya namashivaya. 3

(I salute that Shiva, who has neck of the colour of blue lotus,
Who wears ear rings made of Padma raga, who rides on a bull,
Who applies fragrance of aloe and coats himself with plenty of sandal paste,
And who applies ash on his body and wears a garland of opened lotus flowers.)
Lambathsa pingala jata makutothkataya,
Damshtra karala vikatothkata bhairavaya,
Vyagara jinambaradharaya manoharaya,
Trilokya natha namithaya namashivaya. 4

(I salute that Shiva who is saluted by lords of the three worlds,
Who has large matted crown of hair of reddish brown colour,
Who appears fierce and fearful due to his pointed teeth,
And who is very pretty wearing the hide of a tiger.)
Daksha prajapathi maha makha nasanaya,
Kshipram maha Tripura dhanava gathanaya,
Brahmorjithordhwaga karoti nikrunthanaya,
Yogaya, yoganamithaya namashivaya. 5

(I salute that Shiva, who is yoga and is saluted by yogis,
Who destroyed fire sacrifice conducted by Daksha prajapathi,
Who quickly killed the great asura called Tripurasura,
And who cut off the fifth head of Brahma, who was proud)
Samsara srushti ghatana parivarthanaya,
Raksha pisacha gana sidha samakulaya,
Sidhoragagraha ganendra nishevithaya,
Sardhoola charma vasanaya Nama Shivaya. 6

(I salute that Shiva, who wears the skin of a tiger,
Who keeps on destroying and creating the world,
Who takes care of the different demons and crowds of sidhas,
And who is served by sidhas, serpents, planets and chiefs of ganas.
Basmanga raga krutha roopa manoharaya,
Soumyaavadatha vanamasrithamasrithaya,
Gowri kataksha nayanardha nireekshnaya,
Go ksheera dhara davalaya nama shivaya. 7

(I salute that Shiva, who is as white as a stream of cow’ss milk,
Who applies ash all over him but is bewitchingly handsome,
Who is the support for those pious people who take shelter in forests,
Who with half closed eyes sees the side long glance of Gowri.)
Adithya Soma Varuna anila sevithaya,
Yagnagni hothra vara dhooma nikethanaya,
Rik sama veda munibhi sthuthi samyuthaya,
Gopaya gopa namithaa nama shivaya. 8

(I salute that Shiva, who takes care of a bull and is venerated by it,
Who is served by Sun, moon, the god of rain and the god of fire,
Who lives in places sanctified by the smoke of fire sacrifices,
And who is sung by sages well learned in Rik and Sama Veda.)
Shivashtakamidham punyam ya padeth shiva sannidhou,
Shivalokamapnothi shivena saha modhathe.

(He who reads this octet on Shiva,
In front of the temple of Shiva,
Would reach the world of Shiva,
And would be happy along with Shiva.)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


A sacred syllable of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
Om symbolizes the most profound concepts of Hindu belief, it is in use daily. The Hindus begin their day or any work or a journey by uttering Om
There is harmony, peace and bliss in this simple but deeply philosophical sound.
we chant Om, we create within ourselves a vibration that attunes sympathy with the cosmic vibration and we start thinking univers
OM Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sree Sarswati Astottara Satanamavali
Om Sarsvatyai namah
Om Maha-bhadrayai namah
Om Vara-pradayai namah
Om Sree pradayai namah
Om Padma-nilayayai namah
Om Padmakshmai namah
Om Padma-vaktri-kayai namah
Om Shivanu-jayai namah
Om Pustaka-stayai namah
Om Gynana-mudrayai namah
Om Ramayai namah
Om Kama-rupayai namah
Om Maha-vidyayai namah
Om Maha-pataka-nashinyai namah
Om Maha-shrayayai namah
Om Malinyai namah
Om Maha-bhogayai namah
Om Maha-bhujayai namah
Om Maha-bagayai namah
Om Maho-tsahayai namah
Om Divyamgayai namah
Om Sura-vandi-tayai namah
Om Mahakalyai namah
Om Maha-pashayai namah
Om Maha-karayai namah
Om Mahamkushayai namah
Om Seetayai namah
Om Vimalayai namah
Om Vishvayai namah
Om Vidyunma-layai namah
Om Vaishnavyai namah
Om Chandri-kayai namah
Om Chandra-lekha-vibhu-shitayai namah
Om Maha-phalayai namah
Om Savitryai namah
Om Surasayai namah
Om Devyai namah
Om Divya-lankara-bhushitayai namah
Om Vagdevyai namah
Om Vasudayai namah
Om Teevrayai namah
Om Maha-bhadrayai namah
Om Bhoga-dayai namah
Om Govimdayai namah
Om Bharatyai namah
Om Bhamayai namah
Om Gomatyai namah
Om Jati-layai namah
Om Vindhya-vasayai namah
Om Chandi-kayai namah
Om Subha-drayai namah
Om Sura-puji-tayai namah
Om Vini-drayai namah
Om Vaishnavyai namah
Om Bramhyai namah
Om Bramha-gynanaika-sadhanayai namah
Om Soudaminyai namah
Om Sudha-murtayai namah
Om Suveenayai namah
Om Suvaa-sinyai namah
Om Vidya-rupayai namah
Om Bramha-jayayai namah
Om Vishalayai namah
Om Padma-lochanayai namah
Om Shumbha-sura-pramadhinyai namah
Om Dhumra-lochana-mardhinyai namah
Om Sarvatmi-kayai namah
Om Traeimurtyai namah
Om Shubha-dayai namah
Om Shastra-rupinyai namah
Om Sarva-devastu-tayai namah
Om Soumyayai namah
Om Sura-sura-namaskrutayai namah
Om Rakta-beejani-hantrai namah
Om Chamundayai namah
Om Munda-kambi-katai namah
Om Kala-ratryai namah
Om Praharanayai namah
Om Kala-dharayai namah
Om Niranja-nayai namah
Om Vara-rohayai namah
Om Vagdevyai namah
Om Varahyai namah
Om Varijaa-sanayai namah
Om Chitrambarayai namah
Om Chitra-gamdhayai namah
Om Chitra-malya-vibhushitayai namah
Om Kantayai namah
Om Kama-pradayai namah
Om Vindyayai namah
Om Rupa-soubhagya-daeinyai namah
Om Shweta-sanayai namah
Om Rakta-madhyayai namah
Om Dvibhu-jaayai namah
Om Sura-puji-tayai namah
Om Niranja-nayai namah
Om Neela-jamghayai namah
Om Chaturvarga-phala-pradayai namah
Om Chaturana-nasamrajyai namah
Om Bramha-vishu-sivatmi-kayai namah
Om Hamsa-sanayai namah
Om Maha-vidyayai namah
Om Mantra-vidyayai namah
Om Sarswatyai namah

Eti Sree Sarswati Astottara Satanamavali Samaptam

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Medha Suktham

(This medha Suktha is a part of Mahanarayana Upanishad,
understand there are Medha Sukthas also in Rig Veda and Atharva Veda.
This Suktha text from the book by R.L.Kashyap (2007) Veda Manthras and Sukthas and published by Aurobindo Kapali Shasthri Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore.)

Devi jushamana na aagath,
Viswachi bhadra sumanasyamana,
Thvaya jushta jushamana dhurookthan,
Brahad vadema vidardhe suveera.
(Let the goddess of intellect come here with happiness,
She is everywhere and has a happy frame of mind,
May we who were grief stricken, before she came,
Become greatly intelligent and know the ultimate.

THwaya jushtaa rishir bhavathi devi,
Thwaya brahmagath srirutha thwaya,
Thwaya jushtaschithramvindathe vasu,
Sa no jushasva dravinena medhe.
(By your grace one becomes a saint,
One becomes learned, one becomes rich,
Showered by your grace one gets different kinds of wealth,
And so goddess of wealth ,give us wealth and intellect.)

Medham ma indro dadathu,
Medham devi Saraswathi.
Medam may ashvinou ubhavadathaam,
(Let Indra give me intelligence,,
Let Saraswathi give me intelligence,
Let the Aswini Kumaras support my intelligence,
For they wear the garlands of lotuses.)

Aapsaraasu cha ya medha,
Gandharveshu cha yan mana,
Devi medha Saraswathi ,
Sa mam medha surabhir jushtaam
svaha.Apsaras posses intelligence,
(Gandarwas possess intelligence,
Goddess of intelligence is Saraswathi,
Let the intelligence spread like fragrance
I offer you without any reservations*)

* Svaha is the wife of fire God.
We give offerings to her and she gives it to fire , who gives it to devas.

Aa maam mesha surabhir viswa roopa,
Hiranya varna jagathi jaamya,
Orjaswathi payasaa pinvamaanaa,
Sa maam medha suprathika jushtaam.
Intelligence is glorious in form and is like nectar,
Intelligence is golden and pervades the entire universe,
Intelligence is powerful and is sought after continuously,
Let it come to me with love and favour me
Translated by

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vaidynatha Ashtakam

Vaidyanatha Ashtakam
(The Octet to the king of physicians.)
Translated by
(Lord Shiva is considered as the king among physicians. He is worshipped in this form in Purlee Vaijyanath. He is also worshipped in this form at a great temple in Tamil Nadu known as Vaitheeswaran Koil(Temple of the lord of physicians). It is believed that Lord Rama performed the cremation of the bird Jatayu in this spot.It is also believed that Lord Angaraka(planet Mars) who was afflicted by leprosy got cured in this place. It is also believed that Lord Subramanya got his trident(vel) after worshipping in this temple.
There is a temple tank called Siddha Amrutha Theertha(the all curing nectar water) in this temple. Bathing in this tank is supposed to cure all diseases. Tiru Chandu pills distributed in this temple are considerd as a cure of all diseases. This is purported to be the medicine, which Vaidyanatha gave to Angaraka to cure his illness. Pilgrims who come here to get their illness cured take this medicine after observing the following directions. They are first required to take bath in the Angasanatana Teertham on an auspicious day during the Sukla Paksha, get the Mrittika (mud) in a new pot to the temple, mix it with sacred ash and a few drops of water from Siddhamurta Teertham.
They should grind this into a paste and offer it in prayer to the Goddess and take it in with a little water from the Teertham, whereby they will be relieved of any sort of illness. After the abhishekam, the feet of Lord Subrahmanya are covered with sandal paste mixed with saffron powder in equal weight and devotees receive it as prasad.
Devotees who are desirous of getting cured of diseases are also requested to recited the Vaidyanatha Ashtakam, thrice a day.)
Vaidyanatha Ashtakam
Sree rama soumithri jatayu veda,
Shadanadithya kujarchithya,
Sree neelakandaya daya mayaya,
Sree vaidyanathaya namasivaya.
(I salute that God Shiva,

(Who is the king among physicians,
Who is worshipped by Rama and Lakshmana,
Who is woshipped by Jatayu,
Who is worshipped by the Vedas,
Who is worshipped by Lord Subrahmanya,
Who is worshipped by the Sun God,
Who is worshipped by the Mars God,
Who is having a blue neck,
And who is the personification of mercy.)

Ganga pravahendu jada dharaya,
Trilochanaya smara kala hanthre,
Samstha devairapi poojithaya,
Sree vaidyanathata namasivaya.

(I salute that God Shiva,
Who is the king among physicians,
Who wears the flow of Ganges and the moon,
On his head,
Who has three eyes,
Who had killed the God of love and death,
And who is worshipped by all devas.)

Bhaktha priyaya, tripuranthakaya,
Pinakine dushta haraya nithyam,
Prathyaksha leelaya manushya loke,
Sree vaidyanathaya namasivaya.

(I salute that God Shiva,
Who is the king among physicians,
Who is the lover his devotees,
Who has destroyed the three cities,
Who holds the bow called Pinaka,
Who destroys bad people daily,
And who plays in the world of humans).

Prabhootha vadadhi samastha roga,
Pranasa karthre muni vandhthithaya,
Prabhakarennd wagni vilochanaya,
Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

(I salute that God Shiva,
Who is the king among physicians,
Who cures all great diseases,
Like rheumatism and arthritis,
Who is saluted by great sages,
And to whom, the sun god,
Moon and God of fire are eyes.)

Vakchrothra nethrangiri viheena jantho,
Vakchrothra nethrangiri sukha pradaya,
Kushtadhi sarvonnatha roga hanthre,
Sri Vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

(I salute that God Shiva,
Who is the king among physicians,
Who blesses those beings,
Who have lost their speech, hearing, sight and ability to walk,
With these abilities,
And who provides cure,
For devastating diseases like leprosy.)

Vedantha vedhyaya jagan mayaya,
Yogiswara dhyeya Padambujaya,
Trimurthy roopaya sahasra namne,
Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

(I salute that God Shiva,
Who is the king among physicians,
Who can be known through vedantha,
Who is spread through out the universe,
Who has a lotus feet ,
That is meditated upon by great sages,
Who is of the form of the holy trinity,
And who has thousand names.)

Swatheertha mrudbasma brudanga bajam,
Pisacha dukha arthi bhayapahaya,
Athma swaroopaya sareera bajaam,
Sri Vaidyanaathaya namasivaya.

(I salute that God Shiva,
Who is the king among physicians,
Who removes all suferings,
Caused by bad spirits, sorrows and fears,
By dip in his holy tank,
By the holy ash in the temple,
And by the mud below the neem tree of the temple,
And who is the personification of soul,
Occupying human body.)

Sree neelakandaya vrushaba dwajaya,
Sarakkanda basmadhya abhi shobithaya,
Suputhradarathi subagyathaya,
Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

(I salute that God Shiva,
Who is the king among physicians,
Who has a blue neck,
Who has the the bull on his flag,
Who shines by flowers, sacred ash and sandal,
Who grants good children and good wife,
And who blesses us with all good luck.)

Balambikesa vaidyesa bava roga haredisa,
Japen nama thrayam nithyam maha roga nivaranam.

(Those who recite this prayer,
Thrice a day with devotion,
And pray the Lord Vaidyanatha,
Who is with his consort Balambika,
And who removes the fear of birth and death,
Would get cured of all great diseases.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lakshmi Stotram

Deva Krutha Lakshmi Stotram
(Prayer to Goddess Lakshmi by Devas)
Translated by
(Here is a rare prayer addressed to Goddess Lakshmi by the devas)
Kshamasva bhagavathyamba , kshamaa sheele parath pare,
Shudha sathwa swaroope cha kopadhi pari varjithe. 1
Pardon me Oh Bhagwathi, Oh mother ,
Who is the divine goddess having patience,
Who is the form of the clean truth,
And who has distanced herself from anger.
Upame sarva saadhweenaam deveenaam deva poojithe,
Thwaya vina jagat sarvam mrutha thulyancha nishphalam. 2
Oh goddess who is the ideal for all virtuous women,
Oh Goddess who is being worshipped by all devas,
Without you , this entire world is useless and is like dead.
Sarva sampath swaroopa thwam sarveshaam sarva roopini,
Raseswarasya adhidevi thwam thwath kala sarva yoshitha. 3
Oh personification of all types of wealth,
You appear in the form that people want ,
Oh leader of the lord of Rasa mandala*,
All the ladies in this world are your crescents.
* The group dance of Krishna and Gopis
Kailase Parvathi thwam cha ksheeradho Sindhu kanyaka,
Swarge cha deva Lakshmi thwam , marthya Lakshmi cha bhoothale. 4
In Kailasa ,you are Parvathi and in ocean of milk ,you are Lakshmi,
In the heaven, you are goddess Lakshmi and in the earth , the wealth of man.
Vaikunte cha Maha Lakshmi , deva devi Saraswathi,
Ganga cha thulasi thwam cha , savithri brahma lokatha. 5
In land of Vishnu , you are Mahalakshmi ,
You are goddess of Gods, Saraswathi,
You are the Thulasi leaf in Ganges,
And Savithri in the world of Brahma.
Krishna pranadhi devi thwam , go loke Radhika swayam,
Rase Raseswari thwam cha Vrindavana vane vane. 6
You are the soul like boss of Lord Krishna,
And in the world of cows, you are Radha,\
In the arena of dance , in the forest of Vrindavana,
You are goddess of dance of the forest.
Krisshna Priya thwam Bhanddere , chandra chandra kanane,
Viraja champaka vane satha srunge cha sundari. 7
You are Krishna Priya in forest of Indian figs,
You are Chandrika in forest of sandalwood,
You are Viraja in the forest of Champaka flowers,
And you are the pretty one in the Hundred peaks.
Padmavathi padma vane , malathi malathi vane,
Kunda danthi kundavane , susheela Kethaki vane. 8
You are Padmavathi , in the forest of lotus flowers,
You are Malathi, in the forest of Malathi* flowers,
You are she who has jasmine like teeth, in Jasmine forest,
And You are Susheela, in the forest of Padanus flowers.
* A kind of Jasmine
Kadamba mala thwam devi , kadamba kananepi cha,
Raja Lakshmi raja gehe , graham lakshmir gruhe gruhe. 9
You are the garland of Kadamba flowers,
In the forest of Kadamba trees,
You are Raja Lakshmi in the palace of kings,
And Lady of the house in homes and houses.
Ithi Lakshmi sthvam punyam sarva devai krutham shubham,
Ya padeth prathruthaya sa vai sarvam labeth druvam. 10
This is the prayer to Lakshmi composed by all devas,
And if read as soon as one wakes up ,
Would definitely get one all that one wants

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Sudarshana Ashtakam

Sri Sudarshana Gayatri Mantra Lyrics

Sudarshanaaya Vidmahe
Maha Jwaalaya Deemahi
Thannach Chakrap Prachodhayaad.

Sudarshana Ashtakam
By Vedanta DesikaTranslated By P.R.Ramachander.
Sudarshana is the holy wheel which Lord Vishnu uses as his chief weapon. Sudarshana Chakra is given the status of God by the followers of Ramanujacharya. He being a prime devotee is called the Chakrathazhwar. (Sage of the wheel) and worshipped by Vaishnavas. The prayers he wrote are immensely popular among the devotees of Vishnu.

It is normally recited when there is an illness at home,and fear of evil,Would dispel fear to ghost and Bad dream, to get rid of it.

Pratibhatasreni Bhishana, Varagunasthoma Bhushana
Janibhyasthana Taarana, Jagadavasthaana Karana,
Nikhiladushkarma Karsaana, Nigamasaddharma Darsana
Jaya Jaya Sri sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana.
(Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Who is fearsome to hoards of enemies of devotees
Who is ornament for all blessed actions,
Who helps one to cross sea of samsara,
Who stabilizes the entire universe,
Who cuts off accumulated sins of bad actions,
And who teaches righteous conduct)
Subhajagadrupa Mandana, Suraganathrasa Khandana
Satamakabrahma vandita, Satapatabrahma Nandita ,
Pratitavidvat Sapakshita, Bhajata Ahirbudhnya Lakshita
Jaya jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana.
(Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Who is the ornament of him who is Lord of universe,
Who removes the fear of all asuras towards devas,
Who is worshipped by Lord Brahma and hosts of others,
Who is worshipped by Sat Pada Brahmana,
Who is on the part of devotees for overcoming contestants,
And who is worshipped by Lord Shiva.)
Sphutata -Dijjaala Pinjara, Pruthutarajwaala Panjara
Parigata Pratnavigraha, Padutaraprajna Durgraha,
Praharana Grama Manditha, Parijana Thraana Panditha
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana.
(Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you, oh,
Sudarshana,Who is surrounded by resplendent light like a halo,
Who is surrounded by forms of Vishnu,
Who is difficult for even great scholars to grasp,
And who helps devotees to cross problems. )
Nijapatapreetha saddgana, Nirupathispeetha Shad Guna
Nigama NirvyuDa Vaibhava, Nijapara Vyuha Vaibhava,
Hari Haya Dweshi Daarana, Hara Pura Plosha Kaarana
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana.

(Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,Victory and Victory to you, oh,
Sudarshana,Who is firmly attached to righteous people,
Who is the natural home for six good assets,
Who took the form with a horse’s neck,
And who was the reason for destruction of the cities by Shiva. )
Dhanuja visthaara Kartana, Janitamisraa Vikartana
Dhanujavidya Nikartana, Bhajatavidya Nivatana,
Amara drushtasva Vikrama, Samara Jushta Bramikrama
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana.

(Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Who destroys the spread of asuras,
Who removes the sorrows of birth, aging and death,
Who wins over the art of war of asuras,
Who removes the false knowledge from his devotees,
Whose valour is praised by devas,And who rotates in various ways in a war.)
Prathimukhaaleeta Bandhura,Pruthumahaheti Danthura
Vikatamaaya Bahishkrutha , Vividhamaalaa Parishkrutha ,
Sthiramahaayantra Tantritha ,Dhruta Daya Tantra Yantrita
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana , Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana .

(Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Who appeared with a fast forward gait,And whose gait appeared very pretty,
Who is surrounded by several weapons,And expels the illusions sent by enemy in case of war,
Who decorates himself with several garlands,Who wears mercy and blesses devotees,Whoworship him through tantra and yantras. )
Mahita Sampath Sadhakshara ,Vihitasampath Shatakshara
Shatarachakra Pratisishtita ,Sakala Tattva Prathishtita ,
Vividha Sankalpaka Kalpaka,Vibhudhasankalpa Kalpaka
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana .

(Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Who gives wealth of salvation to those who,Chant your six lettered mantra,
Who gives incomparable wealth to those who,Chant your six lettered mantra,
Who is available in yantra of six corners,
Who is a form in which all knowledge exists,
Who is able to complete all deeds that you take up,
And who is the kalpaka tree fulfilling all wishes. )
Bhuvana Netra Trayeemaya , Savanatejastrayeemaya
Niravadhisvaadhu Chinmaya, Nikhila Sakthe Jaganmaya ,

Amita Viswakriyaamaya,Samitavishvagbhayaamaya
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ,Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana .

(Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,
Who is the three Vedas which are the eye of the world,
Who is the form of the three fires of yagas,
Who is the eternal knowledge of true knowledge,
Who is a form of the power of universe,
Who is accomplisher of deeds that you take up,
And who destroys all fears occurring in the world. )

Phala Sruthi
Dwichatushkamidam Prabhoothasaaram patathaam Venkatanayaka Praneetham ,
Vishamepi Manorata: Pradhaavan na Vihanyeta Rataangadhuryagupta : .
This octet which fulfills all desires,Which gives the inner meaning of Lord Sudarshana,Composed by Venkata Natha, if read,Would fulfill desires, remove obstacles,Because of the glorious boon granting powers of the Lord.

This sudarshna chakra that vishnu get from lord siva.Tt is weapon.


Sri Sudharsana Ashtakam