Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. KETU DASA is 7 years .the Nakshtra aswni,maham,mula.Ketu has special affiliation with the Nakshatra Abhijit.
Ketu is variegated in color and associated with the metal Lead. Turquoise and Cats eye are associated with Ketu.
ketu dasa -7 years
ketu dasa-Ketu Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
Mental worry due to son or wife,wife's relatives and brothers relatives, loss of money, poison, fear, a general set back and check in life.
Mental worry due to son or wife,wife's relatives and brothers relatives, loss of money, poison, fear, a general set back and check in life.
ketu dasa-Venus Bukthi - 1 years 2 months
Success in undertaking, birth of child, ill health to children and wife, fever or dysentery.
ketu dasa-Venus Bukthi - 1 years 2 months
Success in undertaking, birth of child, ill health to children and wife, fever or dysentery.
This period pray GODESS GOWRI OR DURGA
ketu dasa-Sun Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
Check in business, expansion of knowledge, uneasiness, travel, health of wife giving anxiety and worry. fever ,headache,fear in mind.
ketu dasa-Sun Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
Check in business, expansion of knowledge, uneasiness, travel, health of wife giving anxiety and worry. fever ,headache,fear in mind.
this period pray LOAD SIVA AND SIVA PUJA
ketudasa-Moon Bukthi - 7 months
Financial improvements, loss or mental uneasiness, disease through water or cold, troubles from children. quarrel with womens,travel disturber
ketudasa-Moon Bukthi - 7 months
Financial improvements, loss or mental uneasiness, disease through water or cold, troubles from children. quarrel with womens,travel disturber
This period pray Maha mrutyunjaya stotram
kedu dasa-Mars Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
A general anxiety about children, quarrels in family, increase of enemies, punishments, death, operation in the body. fear,court and punishment.fire accident
kedu dasa-Mars Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
A general anxiety about children, quarrels in family, increase of enemies, punishments, death, operation in the body. fear,court and punishment.fire accident
This perod gowri puja and help poor people and donate food
ketu dasa-Rahu Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
Royal or government punishments, blood poison, loss of wealth or property, loss in business, visiting prostitute homes for pleasure. medicine poison.skin allergy
ketu dasa-Rahu Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
Royal or government punishments, blood poison, loss of wealth or property, loss in business, visiting prostitute homes for pleasure. medicine poison.skin allergy
This priod give food for Gow and buffollo .
kedu das -Jupiter Bukthi - 11 months 6 days
Contact with persons of high status, happiness through wife, marriage, increase in holdings, profits in business. lock,government help,marriage,
kedu das -Jupiter Bukthi - 11 months 6 days
Contact with persons of high status, happiness through wife, marriage, increase in holdings, profits in business. lock,government help,marriage,
This perod pray guru ,god karttikeya puja and dakshinamuthy puja
kedu dasa-Saturn Bukthi - 1 year 1 month 9 days
Prison life conditions, loss of money in many ways, strained feelings with relations, exile to far off places, change of house. travel to please to please,disturbance with womens
kedu dasa-Saturn Bukthi - 1 year 1 month 9 days
Prison life conditions, loss of money in many ways, strained feelings with relations, exile to far off places, change of house. travel to please to please,disturbance with womens
This period pray sani, Maha mrutyunjaya stotram and siva puja
ketu dasa-Mercury Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Money from mental pursuits, children giving worry and anxiety, failure of ideas or plans, fear from relations, etc.
ketu dasa-Mercury Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Money from mental pursuits, children giving worry and anxiety, failure of ideas or plans, fear from relations, etc.
This period give food for gow,goat,and animals
Cat's Eye Gem Stone or Lehsuniya s best remedy for Ketu Dosha.
Cat's Eye Gem Stone or Lehsuniya s best remedy for Ketu Dosha.
Other name of ketu;
Ketu, Sikhin, Dhvaja, Dhum, Mrityu Putr and Anala. The common term is Ketu.

Ketu is the other half of the demon, the headless body
KETU he is hight person,red color,he role the body in hand and shoulder.
language is foriegn language,dress red dot dress .vahanam simmah
grass arugam pull
pray god Ganesh with grass arugam pull is penefit of this planet
Rahu – Own Rasi is Virgo and Exalted in Gemini.
Rahu – Own Rasi is Virgo and Exalted in Gemini.
Ketu – Own Rasi is Pisces and exalted in Sagittarius.
people who> have a lone Ketu in the 12th house (whatever be the- rasi in), they are normally highly spiritual and god- believing. Same case is with Rahu in 3rd or 5th or 9th house.
people who> have a lone Ketu in the 12th house (whatever be the- rasi in), they are normally highly spiritual and god- believing. Same case is with Rahu in 3rd or 5th or 9th house.