Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum = O. tenuiflorum)
(Sacred Basil, Holy basil, Tulasi)
Family: Lamiaceae
"Every home with a Tulasi plant is a place of pilgrimage, and no diseases, messengers of Yama, the God of Death, can enter it."Skandapurana 2, 4, 8, 13 Padmapurana Uttarakhanda.
Wherever the aroma of Tulasi is carried by the wind, it purifies the atmosphere and frees all animals from all baser tendencies." Padmapurana, Uttarakhanda
"Vishnu, the Lord of the Three Worlds, takes up abode in the village or the house where Tulasi is grown. In such a house no one suffers calamities like poverty, illness or separations from dear ones." Padmapurana, Uttarakhanda, 6-24-31-32
Thulasi amrudajanmaasi sadaa Dwam Kesavapriye
Kesavaarththam lunaami Dwaam varadhaa bhava shobane
Eight Names of Tulasi
Devi Maharani
5) Nandini
VRINDAVANI - One who first manifested in Vrindavan.
VRINDA - The godess of all plants and trees (even if one Tulasi plant is present in a forest, it can be called Vrindavan).
VISVAPUJITA - One whom the whole universe worships.
PUSHPASARA - The topmost of all flowers, without whom, Krsna does not like to look upon other flowers.
NANDINI - Seeing whom, gives unlimited bliss to the devotees. KRSNA-JIVANI - The life of Krsna.
VISVA-PAVANI - One who purifies the three worlds.
TULASI - One who has no comparison.
Hindus always keep Tulasi plant at home and offer water to it daily with devotion because Tulasi has been regarded by God to have a high place and it is said one who pleases ,Tulasi pleases Lord.
Either in the front, back or central courtyard of most Indian homes there is a tulsi-matham an altar bearing a tulsi plant. In the present day appartments , many maintain a potted tulsi plant. The lady of the house lights a lamp, waters the plant, worships and cirumambulayes it. The stem,leaves, seeds, and even the soil, which provides it a base are considered holy. A tulsi leaf is always placed in the food offered to the Lord. It is also offered to the Lord during poojas especially to Lord Vishnu .
Followers of Hindu traditions often keep a Tulsi plant in front of their house. On a specific day each year known as 'Kartik Shukla Dwadashi' (usually about two weeks after Diwali) there is a tradition wherein Tulasi plants will be beautifully decorated with structures made of sugarcane, mango leaves and flowers and then a puja (form of worship) is offered.
In Sanskrit, tulanaa naasti athaiva tulasi - that which is incomparable (in its qualities) is the tulasi.usually clay lamps lit around the Tulasi plant and the house For Indians it is one of the most sacred plants. In fact it is known to be the only thing used in worship, which, once used, can be washed and reused in pooja - as it is regarded so self-purifying. As one story goes, Tulasi was the devoted wife of Shankhachuda, a celestialbeing. She believed that Lord Krishna tricked her into sinning. So she cursed Him to become a stone (shaaligraama). Seeing her devotion and adhered to righteousness, the Lord blessed her saying that she would become the worshipped plant, tulasi that would adorn His head. Also that all offerings would be incomplete without the tulasi leaf - hence the worship of tulasi.She also symbolises Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu. Those who wish to be righteous and have a happy family life worship the tulasi. Tulasi is married to the Lord with all pomp and show as in any wedding. This is because according to another legend, the Lord blessed her to be His consort. Satyabhama once weighed Lord Krishna against all her legendary wealth. The scales did not balance till a single tulasi leaf was placed along with the wealth on the scale by Rukmini with devotion. Thus the tulasi played the vital role of demonstrating to the world that even a small object offered with devotion means more to the Lord than all the wealth in the world.
The tulasi leaf has great medicinal value and is used to cure various ailments, including the common cold. when taken internally, can relieve gas and reduce stomach cramps and nausea, headaches, fevers, colds and anxiety.
Applied externally, (essential oil), it may be beneficial for tension, cuts, wounds, abrasions, bites and stings and as a face wash for acne. Some use it in their hair rinse for shine.
Tulsi (essential oil) is also said to be anti-spasmodic and may boost the immune system.The leaves are mosquito-repellent and soothe insect bites. They also expel worms and treat ringworm and snake bite. An infusion aids digestion and is antibacterial. Inhaling the essential oil is supposed to refresh the mind and stimulate a sense of smell that has been dulled by a viral infection. In massage oils it is a nerve tonic and eases overworked muscles. Basil should be avoided on sensitive skin and during pregnancy
Worshipping tulsi gives wealth and prosperity, continuous worship helps a girl to get a good husband also gives blessings to conceive a a baby.Tulsi symbolises Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu. Those who wish to be righteous and have a happy family life worship the tulasi .
Tulasi leaf is very, very dear to Visnu. All Visnu-tattva Deities require profusely Tulasi leaves. Lord Visnu likes garland of Tulasi leaves. Tulasi leaves mixed with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of the Lord is the topmost worship. But we must be very careful that Tulasi leaves cannot be placed on the feet of anyone else except Lord Visnu and His different forms. Tulasi leaves cannot be placed even on the lotus feet of Radharani or on the lotus feet of the Spiritual Master. It is entirely reserved for being placed on the lotus feet of Krsna. We can place, however, Tulasi leaves in the hands of Radharani for being placed on the lotus feet of Krsna. April 7, 1970
OM Tulsayei vidmahe
Vishnu priyayei Dhimahi
Tanno Vrinda Prachodayat
Yanmule sarvatirhaani
Yannagre sarvadevataa
Yanmadhye sarvavedaascha
Tulasi taam namaamyaham
(I bow down to the tulasi, At whose base are all the holy places, At whose top reside all the deities and In whose middle are all the Vedas)
The following sloka is to be recited while watering tulasi plant(if you have) and then offer haldi kumkum and flowers:
shriyah priye shriyaavaase nityam shriidharavallabhe
bhaktyaadattam mayaarghyam hi tulasi pratigrihyataam
The following sloka is to be recited while watering tulasi plant(if you have) and then offer haldi kumkum and flowers:
shriyah priye shriyaavaase nityam shriidharavallabhe
bhaktyaadattam mayaarghyam hi tulasi pratigrihyataam
To tulasi after reciting the following sloka:
yanmuule sarvatiirthaani yanmadhye sarvade vataah yadagre sarvave daashcha tulasitvaam nammamyaham
tulasi shriisakhi shubhe paapahaarini punyadn
namste naaradanute naaraayan amanah priye
Evataah yadagre sarvavedaashcha tulasitvaam nammamyaham
tulasi shriisakhi shubhe paapahaarini punyade
namste naaradanute naaraaya Namanah priye
Shri Tulasi stuti(by Shri jagannaatha daasaru)
Indaavani janani vandisuve satata ja-
landharana raaNi kalyaaNi kalyaaNi tuLasinija-
mandire enage dayavaage 1
jalajaakshanamalakajjalabindu piiyuSha-
kalashadali biiLe janisidi janisi hariyinda shrii-
tulasi niinendu karesidi 2
shriitaruNivallabhana priitiviSheyaLe ninna
naa tulasi kaiya mugivenu mugive ennaya mahaa-
paatakava kaLedu poreyamma 3
tulasi ninnaDige naa talebaagi binnaipe
kalushakarmagaLa eNisade eNisade saMsaara-
jaladhiyindemma kaDehaaysu 4
nODidava durita iiDyaaDidava ninna koN-
DaaDidava ninna haripaada haripaadakamalagaLa
kuuDidava satya yendendu 5
nindisuvarella nindyaraaguvaru abhi-
vandisida janaru surarinda surarinda nararinda
vandyaraaguvaru jagadoLu 6
kaluShavarjite ninna daLagaLindali laxmi-
nilayana~NghrigaLa puujipa puujiparige paramama~N-
galada padavittu salahuvi 7
shriituLasiidEvi manmaata laalisu jaga-
nnaathaviThThalana charaNaabja charaNaabja enna hR^itpadmadali
nii tOre kR^ipeyiNda 8
Tulasi vina ya kriyate na puja
snanam na tat yat tulasi vinakrtam
bhuktam na tat yat tulasi vinakrtam---Garuda Purana
Plucking Tulasi
One should be clean before touching or plucking Tulasi.
asnatva tulasim citva yah pujam kurute narah
so'paradhi bhaven nityam tat sarvam nisphalam bhavet
One who picks Tulasi without having bathed and then performs worship is an offender, and all his activities becomes useless. Vayu Purana
Tulasi should not be plucked on dvadasi.
nacchindat tulasim vipra dvadasyam vaisnavah kvacit
The Vaisnava should never pick Tulasi on dvadasi tithi. Visnu Dharmottara
One should pluck the leaves with the right hand, holding the branch in the left hand, being careful not to break the branches.
patranam cayane vipra bhagna sakha yada bhavet
tada hrdi vyatha visnor diyate tulasi pateh
karatala trayam dattva cinuyat tulasi dalam
yatha na kampate sakha tulasya divyasattama
If when picking Tulasi leaves one breaks the branches, Visnu feels pain in His heart. One should clap the hands three times before picking Tulasi and pick in such a way that the branches do not shake. Visnu Smrti
One should say:
tulasy amrta janmasi sada tva kesava priya
kesavarthe vicinvami barada bhava sobhane
tvad anga sambhavaih patraih pujayami yatha harim
tatha kuru pavitrangi kalau mala vinasini
Oh Tulasi, born from the ocean of nectar, you are eternally the dearmost of Kesava. For His worship I now pluck you. Please bestow blessings on me.
Oh Tulasi, being pure in body and the destroyer of the sins of Kali-yuga, I will worship the Lord using leaves coming from your body. You should make that worship successful.
Pouring water for a Tulsi Plant will eliminate all the sin, even brahmahatya. Drinking the water, in which some sacred tulsi leaf was soaked in, will reduce the stress.
Scientific studies are established and the results are showing the importance and the medical significance of this herb.
The juice of Tulsi leave can be used to bring down the fever.
Chewing Tulsi leaves gives a tremendous relief from cold and flu.
Goggling by the tulsi boiled water soothes the sore throat.
The juice of Tulsi with Honey, expels the kidney stone.
Tulsi reduces the Blood Cholesterol.
Chewing Tulsi leave will rescue from the mouth infections.
The paste of tulsi roots can be used as a remedy for insect bites.
Tulsi paste works well to decrease the pains. Such as headache.
Drops of Krishnatulsi leave juice in eyes will soothes the sour eyes.
In any point of view, growing a Tulsi plant at the home will be very helpful. Being as a indoor plant, a tulsi plant can be kept in a small pot in the kitchen window or at the balcony or in the center hall. The tulsi plant acts as a purifying agent in house. If you are a devotee of Sri Krishna, you should prepare a garden of this sacred plant in your courtyard. http://www.hknet.org.nz/sstp-12.html
Tulsi Benefits
What is tulsi?