Thursday, February 05, 2009


Saraswathi Suktam[From Rig Veda]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Paavakaa na Saraswathi
Vajebhi vajnivathi
Yagnam vasthu dhiyaavasu.

(Saraswathi is the purifier,
Giver of plenty and opulent life,
Who is rich in thought and intelligence.)
Chodayathri soonruthaanaam,
Chethanthi sumathinaam,
Yajnam dadhe Saraswathi.

(She blesses one with good speech,
She brings good thoughts to mind,
And let her bless this Yagna (sacrifice).)

Maho arnaah Saraswathi,
Prachethayathi kethunaa,
Dhiyo vishva virajethi.

(Oh Saraswathi, please awaken the truth in me,
By helping me to perceive the consciousness,
And illuminate my entire thought.)

Prano devi saraswathi,
Vajhebhir vajinavathi,
Dhinam avithri avathu.

(Oh Saraswathi, be pleased,

To give me a plenty and opulent life,

And become the protector of our thoughts.