The 108 Names of Lord Muruga
1 Om namo Skandaya namaha -------------Hail Skanda! -Vanquisher of the mighty foes!
2. Om namo Guhaya namaha---------------Praise be to the Invisible Lord—He who abides in the hearts of devotees true!
3. Om namo Shanmukhaya namaha---------Praise be to the six-faced one!
4. Om namo Balanetrasutaya namaha ------ Praise be to the Son of the Three-Eyed Siva!
5. Om namo Prabhave namaha-------------Praise be to the Lord Supreme!
6.Om namo Pingalaya namaha ------------Praise be to the golden-hued one!
7. Om namo Krittikasunave नमः------------Hail to the Son of the starry maids!
8. Om namô Shikhivahanaya नमः-----------Hail to the rider on the peacock!
9. Om namo Dvinadbhujâya namaha---------Hail to the Lord with the twelve hands!
10. Om namo Dvinannetraya namaha--------Hail to the Lord with the twelve eyes!
11. Om namo Shaktidharaya namaha---------Hail to the wielder of the Lance!
12. Om namo Pisidasaprabhajanaya namaha---Praise be to the destroyer of the Asuras!
13. Om namo Tarakâsurasamharine namaha----Praise be to the slâyar of Târakâsuran!
14. Om namo Raksobalavimardanaya namaha----Praise be to the Victor of the Asuric forces!
15. Om namo Mattaya namaha-------------------Praise be to the Lord of felicity!
16. Om namo Pramattaya namaha----------------Praise be to the Lord of bliss!
17. Om namo Unmattâya namaha ---------------Hail Oh passionate One!
18. Om namo Surasainyasuraksakaya namaha
(Suralangasya Rakshithre Namaha); ------------Hail Saviour of the Devas!
19. Om namo Devasenapataye namaha---------Hail Commander of the Heavenly hosts!
20. Om namo Pragnya namaha------------------Hail, Lord of Wisdom!
21. Om namo Kripalave namaha-----------------Hail Compassionate One!
22. Om namo Bhaktavatsalaya namaha----------Lover of devout ones, Praise be to Thee!
23. Om namo Umasutâya namaha--------------Son of Uma—Praise be to Thee!
24. Om namo Shaktidharaya namaha-----------Mighty Lord—Praise be to Thee!
25. Om namo Kumaraya namaha----------------Eternal youth—Praise be to Thee!
26. Om namo Krauncadharanaya namaha--------He who reft asunder the Kraunca Mount—Praise be to Thee!
27. Om namo Senanye namaha------------------Praise be to the Army Chief!
28. Om namo Agnijanmane namaha-------------To the effulgence of Fire, all Hail!
29. Om namo Viskhaya namaha---------------To Him who shone on the astral Visakha—All Hail!
30. Om namo Shankarâtmajaya namaha--------Thou Son of Sankara—All Hail!
31. Om namo Sivasvamine namaha-------------Thou Preceptor of Siva—All Hail!
32. Om namo Ganaswamine namaha------------On Lord of the Ganas—All Hail
33. Om nama Sarvasvamine namaha-----------On Lord, God Almighty, All Hail!
34. Om namo Sanatanaya namaha-------------Oh Lord eternal, Praise be to Thee!
35. Om namo Aksobhyaya namaha-------------Unsullied by arrows art Thou—Praise be to Thee!
36. Om namo Parvatîpriyanandanaya namaha----Thou beloved of Parvati, Praise be to Thee!
37. Om namo Gangasutaya namaha--------------Oh, son of Goddess Ganga—Praise be to Thee!
38. Om namo Atmabhuve namaha---------------Thou Unborn Lord!
39. Om nama Pavakatmajaya namaha-----------Thou who art born of Fire!
40. Om namo Mâyadharaya namaha-------------Energy Art Thou—Praise be to Thee!
41. Om namo Prajrimbhâya namaha-------------Praise be to thee Auspicious One! (Blissful)!
42. Om namo Ujjrimbhaya namaha--------------Praise be to the Invincible One!
43. Om namo Kamalasanasamstutaya namaha---Praise be to the Lord extolled by Brahma!
44. Om namo Ekavarnaya namaha--------------The one Word art Thou—All Hail!
45. Om namo Trivarnâya namaha---------------Thou Art the Three—All Hail!
46. Om namo Sumanoharaya namaha------------Thou Stealer of pure hearts—All Hail!
47. Om namo Caturvarnâya namaha-------------In four Art Thou—All Hail!
48. Om namo Pancavarnaya namaha-------------In five letters Art Thou—All Hail!
49. Om namo Prajapataye namaha--------------Father of all Creation—All Hail!
50. Om namo Trumbâya namaha----------------Praise be to Thee, Oh Peerless One!
51. Om namo Agnigarbhaya namaha------------Thou who dost sustain the fire!
52. Om namo Samigarbhaya namaha------------Hail Thou who arose out of the Vanni flame! (Fire of the Suma tree)!
53. Om namo Visvaretase namaha--------------Thou glory of the Absolute Paramasivam, All Hail!
54. Om namo Surarighne namaha-----------Oh, Subduer of the foes of the Devas, All Hail!
55. Om namo Hiranyavarnaya namaha------Thou resplendent One, All Hail!
56.Om namo Subhakrite namaha------------Thou Auspicious One—All Hail!
57. Om namo Vasumate namaha------------Thou Oh Splendour of the Vasus— (a class of Gods) All Hail!
58. Om namo Vatuvesabhrite namaha---------Praise be to Thee, Oh lover of celibacy!
59. Om namo Bhushane namaha---------------Thou Luminous Sun—All Hail!
60. Om namo Kapastaye namaha--------------Thou Effulgence divine, All Hail!
61. Om namo Gahanaya namaha---------------Thou Omniscient One—All Hail!
62. Om namo Chandravarnaya namaha--------Thou Radiance of the Moon—Praise be to Thee!
63. Om namo Kaladharaya namaha------------Thou who adorns the crescent—Praise be to Thee!
64. Om namo Mayadharaya namaha----------------Engergy art Thou—Praise be to Thee!
65. Om namo Mahamayine namaha----------------Great Artist of Deception too art Thou, Praise be to Thee!
66. Om namo Kaivalyaya namaha-----------------Everlasting joy of attainment—Praise be to Thee!
67. Om namo Sahatatmakaya namaha------------Art all-pervading—All Hail!
68. Om namo Visvayonaye namaha---------------Source of all Existence—All Hail!
69. Om namo Ameyatmane namaha--------------Oh, Supreme Splendour, All Hail!
70. Om namo Tejonidhaye namaha--------------Illumination divine—All Hail!
71. Om namo Anamayaya namaha---------------Savior of all ills—All Hail!
72. Om namo Parameshtine namaha-------------Thou art Immaculate Lord, Praise be to Thee
73. Om namo Parabrahmane namaha------------Thou Transcendant One, Praise be to Thee!
74. Om namo Vedagarbhaya namaha------------The Source of the Vedas art Thou, Praise be to Thee!
75. Om namo Viratsutaya namahaImmanent -----Art Thou in the Universe, Praise be to Thee!
76. Om namo Pulindakanyabhartre namaha--------Praise be to the Lord of Valli, the Vedda belle!
77. Om namo Mahasarasvatavradaya namaha------Praise be to the source of Gnosis
78.Om namo Âsrita Kiladhatre namaha-------------Praise be to Him who showers grace on those who seek his solace!
79.Om namo Choraghnaya namaha-----------------Praise be to Him who annihilates those who steal!
80.Om namo Roganasanaya namaha---------------Praise be to the divine Healer
81. Om namo Anantamurtaye namaha-------------Praise be Thine whose forms are endless!
82. Om namo Ânandaya namaha-----------------Praise be Thine, Oh Thou infinite Bliss!
83. Om namo Shikhandikritagedanaya namaha------Praise be Thine, Thou Lord of peacock banner!
84. Om namo Dambhaya namaha-----------------Praise be Thine, Oh lover of gay exuberance!
85. Om namo Paramadambhaya namaha----------Praise be Thine, Thou lover of supreme exuberance!
86. Om namo Mahâdambhaya namaha-------------Praise be Thine, Oh Lord of lofty magnificence!
87. Om namo Vrishakapaye namaha-------------Thou who art the culmination of righteousness—All Hail (Dharma)!
88. Om namo Karanopatadehâya namaha--------Thou who deigned embodiment for a cause—All Hail!
89. Om namo Karanatita Vigrahaya namaha--------Form transcending causal experience
90. Om namo Anishvaraya namaha----------------Oh Eternal peerless plentitude, All Hail
91. Om namo Amritaya namaha------------------Thou Ambrosia of Life—All Hail!
92. Om namo Pranaya namaha------------------Thou life of life, Praise unto Thee!
93. Om namo Pranayamaparayanaya namaha-----Thou support of all beings—Praise unto Thee! 94. Om namo Vritakandare namaha-------------Praise unto Thee who subjugates all hostile forces!
95. Om namo Viraghnaya namaha--------------Thou vanquisher of heroic opponents, Praise unto Thee!
96. Om namo Raktashyamagalaya namaha-------Thou art Love, and of crimson beauty— Praise unto Thee!
97. Om namo Mahate namaha--------------------Oh Consummation of glory, All Praise to Thee! 98. Om namo Subrahmanyaya namaha-----------We praise Thee, Oh effulgent Radiance!
99. Om namo Paravarâya namaha--------Oh Supreme (Sovereign) Goodness, Praise unto Thee! 100. Om namo Brahmanyaya namaha-----We praise Thee, luminous wisdom serene!
101. Om namo Brahmanapriyaya namaha---Thou who art beloved of seers—Praise unto Thee!
102. Om namo Loka Gurave Namaha-------Oh universal Teacher, All Praise to Thee!
103. Onamo Guhapriyâya Namaha-------We praise Thee, Indweller in the core of our hearts!
104. Om namo Aksayaphalapradaya namaha---We praise Thee, Oh bestower of indestructible results ineffable!
105. Om namo Shrî Subrahmanyaya namaha----We praise Thee, most glorious effulgent Radiance!
106.Om namo Anantasaktaye namaha---------Thou potent Lord, Praise be to Thee!
107.Om namo Sarodbhutaya namaha----------Thou who did'st nestle in the Saravana Lake!
108.Om namo Dvivarnâya namaha------------In Two Art Thou—All Hail!