Saturday, March 21, 2009


Sree Sarswati Astottara Satanamavali
Om Sarsvatyai namah
Om Maha-bhadrayai namah
Om Maha-mayayai namah
Om Vara-pradayai namah
Om Sree pradayai namah
Om Padma-nilayayai namah
Om Padmakshmai namah
Om Padma-vaktri-kayai namah
Om Shivanu-jayai namah
Om Pustaka-stayai namah
Om Gynana-mudrayai namah
Om Ramayai namah
Om Kama-rupayai namah
Om Maha-vidyayai namah
Om Maha-pataka-nashinyai namah
Om Maha-shrayayai namah
Om Malinyai namah
Om Maha-bhogayai namah
Om Maha-bhujayai namah
Om Maha-bagayai namah
Om Maho-tsahayai namah
Om Divyamgayai namah
Om Sura-vandi-tayai namah
Om Mahakalyai namah
Om Maha-pashayai namah
Om Maha-karayai namah
Om Mahamkushayai namah
Om Seetayai namah
Om Vimalayai namah
Om Vishvayai namah
Om Vidyunma-layai namah
Om Vaishnavyai namah
Om Chandri-kayai namah
Om Chandra-lekha-vibhu-shitayai namah
Om Maha-phalayai namah
Om Savitryai namah
Om Surasayai namah
Om Devyai namah
Om Divya-lankara-bhushitayai namah
Om Vagdevyai namah
Om Vasudayai namah
Om Teevrayai namah
Om Maha-bhadrayai namah

Om Bhoga-dayai namah
Om Govimdayai namah
Om Bharatyai namah
Om Bhamayai namah
Om Gomatyai namah
Om Jati-layai namah
Om Vindhya-vasayai namah
Om Chandi-kayai namah
Om Subha-drayai namah
Om Sura-puji-tayai namah
Om Vini-drayai namah
Om Vaishnavyai namah
Om Bramhyai namah
Om Bramha-gynanaika-sadhanayai namah
Om Soudaminyai namah
Om Sudha-murtayai namah
Om Suveenayai namah
Om Suvaa-sinyai namah
Om Vidya-rupayai namah
Om Bramha-jayayai namah
Om Vishalayai namah
Om Padma-lochanayai namah
Om Shumbha-sura-pramadhinyai namah
Om Dhumra-lochana-mardhinyai namah
Om Sarvatmi-kayai namah
Om Traeimurtyai namah
Om Shubha-dayai namah
Om Shastra-rupinyai namah
Om Sarva-devastu-tayai namah
Om Soumyayai namah
Om Sura-sura-namaskrutayai namah
Om Rakta-beejani-hantrai namah
Om Chamundayai namah
Om Munda-kambi-katai namah
Om Kala-ratryai namah
Om Praharanayai namah
Om Kala-dharayai namah
Om Niranja-nayai namah
Om Vara-rohayai namah
Om Vagdevyai namah
Om Varahyai namah
Om Varijaa-sanayai namah
Om Chitrambarayai namah
Om Chitra-gamdhayai namah
Om Chitra-malya-vibhushitayai namah

Om Kantayai namah
Om Kama-pradayai namah
Om Vindyayai namah
Om Rupa-soubhagya-daeinyai namah
Om Shweta-sanayai namah
Om Rakta-madhyayai namah
Om Dvibhu-jaayai namah
Om Sura-puji-tayai namah
Om Niranja-nayai namah
Om Neela-jamghayai namah
Om Chaturvarga-phala-pradayai namah
Om Chaturana-nasamrajyai namah
Om Bramha-vishu-sivatmi-kayai namah
Om Hamsa-sanayai namah
Om Maha-vidyayai namah
Om Mantra-vidyayai namah
Om Sarswatyai namah
Om Maha-saraswatyai namah
Om Vidyayai namah
Om Gynanaika-tatparayai namah

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Saraswathi Suktam[From Rig Veda]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Paavakaa na Saraswathi
Vajebhi vajnivathi
Yagnam vasthu dhiyaavasu.

(Saraswathi is the purifier,
Giver of plenty and opulent life,
Who is rich in thought and intelligence.)
Chodayathri soonruthaanaam,
Chethanthi sumathinaam,
Yajnam dadhe Saraswathi.

(She blesses one with good speech,
She brings good thoughts to mind,
And let her bless this Yagna (sacrifice).)

Maho arnaah Saraswathi,
Prachethayathi kethunaa,
Dhiyo vishva virajethi.

(Oh Saraswathi, please awaken the truth in me,
By helping me to perceive the consciousness,
And illuminate my entire thought.)

Prano devi saraswathi,
Vajhebhir vajinavathi,
Dhinam avithri avathu.

(Oh Saraswathi, be pleased,

To give me a plenty and opulent life,

And become the protector of our thoughts.


Purusha Suktam

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

IntroductionAmong the great Gods of Vedas is Purusha, which in simple translation means the “male”. But the word actually indicates Lord Vishnu, who is the God among the great trinity in charge of the care of the created beings. He is supposed to live in the ocean of milk and his consort is Lakshmi the goddess of wealth and prosperity.Possibly along with Rudra it is one of the greatest stotras originating from the Vedas. While the devotees of Rudra are afraid of his anger and request Him again and again the devotees of Purusha keep praising him, describing his various facets and request boons from him.Though the original Purusha suktha manthra occurs in Rig Veda , it also occurs in Vajaneya Samhitha of Shukla Yajur Veda, Taiteeriya Samhitha of Krishna Yajurveda and also with slight differences in Sama Veda as well as Atharva Veda.Many great sages have given details of how this great Suthra should be used in Fire Sacrifices and many sages including the great Sayanacharya have written commentaries on Purusha Suktham.Purusha in this Suktham is described as a gigantic personality who is spread everywhere.Brhama the creator is supposed to have his huge body as a sacrifice so that he can creae the world.

Shanthi PataThachamyo ravrunimahe.
gathum yagnaya.Gathum Yagna pathaye.
Daivee swasthi –rasthu na.
Swasthir Manushebhya.
Urdhwa Jigathu beshajam.
Sam no asthu dwipadhe.
Sam chatush pade
Om Shanthi, shanthi, Shanthi.

(Request we from you with all enthusiasm,
For the good deeds that are medicine,
For the sadness of the past and future,
Request we for the growth of fire sacrifices,
Request that only good should occur,
To the one who presides over such sacrifices,
Request we for the mercy of gods to man,
Request we for good to the community of men,
Request we that the herbs and plants,
Should grow taller towards the skies.
Request we for good for all two legged beings,
Request we for good to all four legged beings,
Request we for peace, peace and peace.

AnuvaakaSahsra seerhaa purusha;
Sahasraksha saharpath.
Sa bhoomir viswatho vruthwa.
Athyathishta ddhasangulam
. 1-1
(The Purusha has thousand heads,
He has thousand eyes,He has thousand feet,
He is spread all over the universe,
And is beyond the count with ten fingers.)
Purusha eeveda sarvam.
Yad bhootam yad bhavyam.
Utha amruthathwasya eesana.
Yad annena adhirohathi
. 1-2
(This Purusha is all the past,
All the future and the present,
He is the lord of deathlessness,
And he rises from hiding,From this universe of food.)
Ethaa vaanasya mahimaa.
Atho jyaaya scha purusha.
Padhosya viswa bhoothanee.
Tripaadasyamrutham divi. 1
(This Purusha is much greater,
Than all his greatness in what all we see,
And all that we see in this universe is but his quarter,
And the rest three quarters which is beyond destruction,
safely in the worlds beyond.)
1Tri paddurdhwa udaith prurusha.
Padhosye habha vaath puna.
Thatho vishvangvyakramath.
Sasanana sane abhi.

(Above this world is three quarters of Purusha,But the quarter,
which is in this world,Appears again and again,
And from that is born the beings that take food,
And those inanimate ones that don’t take food.
And all these appeared for every one of us to see)
Tasmath virad jayatha.
Virajo agni purusha.
Sa jatho athya richyatha.
Paschad bhoomi madho pura. 1-
(From that Purusha was born,
The scintillating, ever shining universe,
And from that was born the Purusha called Brahma,
And he spread himself everywhere,
And created the earth and then,The bodies of all beings.)
Yat purushena havishaa.
Devaa yagna mathanvath.
Vasantho asyaasee dhajyam.
Greeshma idhma saraddhavi.
(The spring was the ghee,
The summer was the holy wooden sticks,
And the winter the sacrificial offering,
Used or the sacrifice conducted by Devas through thought,
In which they also sacrificed the ever-shining Purusha.)
Sapthaasyasan paridhaya.
Thri saptha samidha Krutha.
Devaa yad yagnam thanvaana.
Abhadhnan purusham pasum
. 1-7
(Seven meters were its boundaries,
Twenty one principles were holy wooden sticks,
And Devas carried out the sacrifice,
And Brahma was made as the sacrificial cow.)
Tham yagnam barhisi prokshan.
Purusham Jaatham agradha.
Thena deva ayajantha.
Saadhya rushayasch ye. 1-
(Sprinkled they the Purusha,
Who was born first,
On that sacrificial fire.And the sacrifice was conducted further,
By the Devas called Sadyas,And the sages who were there.)
Tasmad yagnath sarva hutha.
Sam brutham prushad ajyam.
Pasus tha aschakre vayavyaan.
Aaranyaan graamyascha ye. 1-9

(From this sacrifice called “All embracing”.Curd and Ghee came out,
Animals meant for fire sacrifice were born,
Birds that travel in air were born,Beasts of the forest were born,
And also born were those that live in villages)
Tasmad yagnath sarva hutha.
Rucha saamanee jagniree.
Chanadaa si jagnire tasmath.
Yajus tasmad jaayatha. 1
(From this sacrifice called “All embracing”’The chants of Rig Veda were born,
The chants of Sama Veda were born,
And from that the well-known meters were born,
And from that Yajur Veda was born.)
Tasmad aswaa ajaayantha.
Ye ke chobhaya tha tha.
Gavooha janjire tasmath.
Tasmad gnatha ajavaya
. 1-11
(From that the horses came out,
From that came out animals with one row of teeth,
From that came out cows with two rows of teeth,
And from that that came out sheep and goats.)
Yad purusha vyadhadhu.
Kathidhaa vyakalpayan.
Mukham kimsya koo bahu.
Kaavuruu pada a uchyathe. 1-12
(When the Purusha was madeBy their thought process by the Devas,
How did they make his limbs?
How was his face made?
Who were made as His hands?
Who were made as his thighs and feet?)
Brahmanasya Mukham aseed.
Bahu rajanya krutha.
Ooru tadasys yad vaisya.
Padbhyo sudro aajayatha. 1-13
(His face became Brahmins*,His hands were made as Kshatriyas*,
His thighs became Vaisyas*,
And from his feet were born the Shudras*.
Chandrama manaso Jatha.
Chaksho surya Ajayatha.
Mukhad Indras cha Agnis cha.
Pranad Vayua aajayatha. 1-14
(From his mind was born the moon,
From his eyes was born the sun,
From his face was born Indra and Agni,
And from his soul was born the air.)
Nabhya aseed anthareeksham.
seershno dhou samavarthatha.
Padbyam Bhoomi,, disaa srothrath.
Tadha lokaa akampayan. 1-15

(From his belly button was born the sky,
From his head was born the heavens,
From his feet was born the earth,
From his ears was born the directions,
And thus was made all the worlds,Just by his holy wish.)
Vedahametham purusham mahantham.
Adhitya varna thamasathu pare,
Sarvani roopani vichinthya dheera.
Namaani kruthwa abhivadan yadasthe
. 1-16
(I know that heroic Purusha,
who is famous,Who shines like a sun,
And who is beyond darkness,
Who created all forms,
Who named all of them,
And who rules over them.)
Dhaatha purasthad yamudhajahara.
sacra pravidhaan pradhisascha thathra.
Thamevam vidwaan anu mrutha iha bavathi.
Naanya pandha ayanaaya vidhyathe
. 1-17
(The learned one who knows that Purusha Whom the creator, considered as one before Him,
And whom the Indra understood in all directions,Would attain salvation even in this birth,
And there is no need for him to search for any other path.)
Yagnena yagnam aya jantha devaa.
Thaani dharmani pradhamanyasan.
Theha naakam mahimaana sachanthe.
yatra poorvo saadhyaa santhi devaa.
(Thus the devas worshipped the Purusha,
Through this spiritual yagna,
And that yagna became first among dharmas.
Those who observe this Yagna,
Would for sure attain,
The heavens occupied by Saadya devas.
Adhbhyaa sambhootha pruthvyai rasascha.
Viswakarmanas samavarthadhi.
Tasyas twashtaa vidhadh drupamethi.
tad purushasya viswa maajanam agre. 2-1

(From water and essence of earth was born,
The all pervading universe.From the great God who is the creator,
Then appeared that Purusha And the great God, who made this world,
Is spread as that Purusha, in all fourteen worlds.
And also the great form of Purusha,Came into being before the start of creation)
Vedaham etham purusham mahantham.
Aadithyavarna thamasa parasthath.
Thamevam vidwan amrutha iha bhavathi.
nanya pandhaa vidhyathe ayanaaya. 2-2

(I know that great Purusha,Who shines like the sun,And is beyond darkness,
And the one who knows him thus,
Attains salvation even in this birth,
And there is no other method of salvation.)
Prajapathis charathi garbhe antha.
Aajayamano bahudha vijaayathe.
Tasya dheera parijananthi yonim.
Mareechinaam padamicchanthi vedhasa. 2-3
(The Lord of the universe,
Lives inside the universe,
And without being born,
Appears in many forms,
And only the wise realize his real form,
And those who know the Vedas,
Like to do the job of,Savants like Mareechi.)
Yo devebhya aathapathi.
Yo devaanaam purohitha.
Poorvo yo devebhyo jatha.
Namo ruchaaya brahmaye. 2-4
(Salutations to ever shining brahmam,
Who gave divine power to devas,
Who is a religious teacher of devas,
And who was born before devas.)
Rucha brahmam janayantha.
Devaa agne tadha bruvan.
Yasthaiva barahmano vidhyat.
Tasya deva asaan vase. 2-5
(The devas who teach the taste in Brahmam,
Told in ancient times,That.
He who has interest in Brahmam,
Would have the devas under his control.)
Hreescha the lakshmischa patnyou.
Ahorathre paarswe.
Nakshatrani roopam.
Aswinou vyatham. 2-6
(Hree and Lakshmi are your wives,
Day and night are your right and left,
The constellation of stars your body,
And Aswini devas your open mouth..)
Ishtam manishaana.
Amum manishana.
Sarve manishana. 2-7
(Give us the knowledge that we want
,Give us the pleasures of this world,
And give us everything of this and other worlds.)
Thachamyo ravrunimahe.
gathum yagnaya.
Gathum Yagna pathaye.
Daivee swasthi –rasthu na.
Swasthir Manushebhya.
Urdhwa Jigathu beshajam.
Sam no asthu dwipadhe.
Sam chatush pade
Om Shanthi, shanthi, Shanthi.

(Request we from you with all enthusiasm,
For the good deeds that are medicine,
For the sadness of the past and future,
Request we for the growth of fire sacrifices,
Request that only good should occur,
To the one who presides over such sacrifices,
Request we for the mercy of gods to man,
Request we for good to the community of men,
Request we that the herbs and plants,
Should grow taller towards the skies.
Request we for good for all two legged beings,
Request we for good to all four legged beings,
Request we for peace, peace and peace.


Durga Suktam;

(From Maha Narayana Upanishad)Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[This is a prayer to the fire God Agni occurring in the Maha Narayana Upanishad. Durga is used here as a word for Difficult problems in almost all the stanzas. The salutation to Durga is given only in the second stanza. (But many people consider this as prayer to goddess Durga for removing all obstacles and evils.)

. 1 Jatavedase sunavama soma marathee yatho nidhahadhi veda,

Sa na parshadathi durgani viswa naaveva sindhum durithathyagni

Our oblations of Soma to the fire god,May he, the all knowing one destroy all those who do not like us,May that divine fire lead us out of all perils,Like a captain takes his boat across the sea,And also save us from all wrongs.

2 .Thaam agni varnaam thapasa jwalanthim vairochanim karma phaleshu jushtam,

Durgam devim saranamaham prapadhye, sutharasi tharase nama.

I take refuge in the divine mother Durga*,Who shines like a fire due to her penances,Who resides in actions and their fruits and makes them effective,And I salute her who helps us cross our difficulties.* It could be translated as Mother of difficulties also

3. Agne thwam paaraya navyo asmaan swasthibhirathi durgani viswa,

Pushscha prithwi bahula na urvee bhava thokaaya thanayaya shamyoh.

Oh God of fire, you are worthy of praise,For by novel methods you help us cross,The difficulties and make us happy,May our land in this earth become extensive,May the land for growing crops become large,And be pleased to join our children and,Their children with joy and happiness.

4. Vishvaani no durghaa jathaveda sindhunaa nava durithathi parshi,

Agne athrivan manasaa grina no asmakam bodhayithwa thanoo naam.

Oh Jatha Vedas who is the destroyer of all sins,Make us cross all our troubles like a boat,Which takes us to the other shore without problems,Oh Fire, protect us like the sage Athri, who would take care of us,Mindful of our safety and our happiness.

5. Prithana jitham saha mana mugram agnim huvema paramath sadhasthath,

Sa na parshadathi durgani viswa kshamaddhevo athi durithatyagni.

We invoke the fierce Fire God who is the leader of us all.And who is the killer of all our enemies from the highest place,To take us across all difficulties and all that is perishable and protect us.

6. Prathnoshika meedyo adhvareshu sanacha hota navyascha sadhsi,

Swacha agne piprayaswa asmabhyam cha soubhahya maya jaswa.

Oh Fire God, you are praised during sacrifices,And always increase our happiness, and exist as sacrifices,Which are olden and those which are new,Please make us, who are only yourself, happy,And grant us good fortune from all our sides.

7. Gobhir jushta mayujo nishithktham thavendra vishnor anusancharema,

Naa kasya prushtam abhisamvasaano vaishnavim loka iha madhayantham.

Oh Lord, you are not connected with sin and sorrow,Permit us to always serve you who pervades all wealth,May the Gods who live in the highest region make me,Who adores Vishnu, delighted and happy and grant my wishes

sudarshan ashtakam

Sudarshana Ashtakam
By Vedanta Desika--Translated By P. R. Ramachander
[Sudarshana is the holy wheel which Lord Vishnu uses as his chief weapon. There isa story that the daughter of Viswa Karma, who was the architect of theGod's, was married to the sun God and she left him because of hisimmense heat. It seems Viswa Karma put Sun God in a cage and churnedhim to reduce his heat. The heat was reduced and Sudarshana Chakra,Trishoola and Shakthi, respectively the weapons of Lord Vishnu, Shivaand Subrhamnya wereborn out of the churning.
Sudarshana Chakra is giventhe status of God by the followers of Ramanujacharya. He being a primedevotee is called the Chakrathazhwar. (Sage of the wheel) andworshipped by Vaishnavas. Venkata Natha or Vedantha Desika is one ofthe greatest savants that Visishitadvaitha produced after Ramanuja. Helived about 140 years after Saint Ramanuja and has written severalbooks. The prayers he wrote are immensely popular among the devotees ofVishnu. )

Pratibhatasreni Bhishana,Varagunasthoma Bhushana
Janibhyasthana Taarana, Jagadavasthaana Karana,
Nikhiladushkarma Karsaana, Nigamasaddharma Darsana
Jaya Jaya Sri sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana. 1
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,
Who is fearsome to hoards of enemies of devotees
Who is ornament for all blessed actions,
Who helps one to cross sea of samsara,
Who stabilizes the entire universe,
Who cuts off accumulated sins of bad actions,
And who teaches righteous conduct.
Subhajagadrupa Mandana, Suraganathrasa Khandana
Satamakabrahma vandita,Satapatabrahma Nandita,
Pratitavidvat Sapakshita,Bhajata Ahirbudhnya Lakshita
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana. 2
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,
Who is the ornament of him who is Lord of universe,
Who removes the fear of all asuras towards devas,
Who is worshipped by Lord Brahma and hosts of others,
Who is worshipped by Sat Pada Brahmana,
Who is on the part of devotees for overcoming contestants,
And who is worshipped by Lord Shiva.
Sphutata-Dijjaala Pinjara, Pruthutarajwaala Panjara
Parigata Pratnavigraha, Padutaraprajna Durgraha,
Praharana Grama Manditha, Parijana Thraana Panditha
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana. 3
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,
Who is surrounded by resplendent light like a halo,
Who is surrounded by forms of Vishnu,
Who is difficult for even great scholars to grasp,
And who helps devotees to cross problems.
Nijapatapreetha saddgana, Nirupathispeetha Shad Guna
Nigama NirvyuDa Vaibhava, Nijapara Vyuha Vaibhava,
Hari Haya Dweshi Daarana, Hara Pura Plosha Kaarana
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana.4
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,
Who is firmly attached to righteous people,
Who is the natural home for six good assets,
Who took the form with a horse's neck,And who was the reason for destruction of the cities by Shiva.
Dhanuja visthaara Kartana,Janitamisraa Vikartana
Dhanujavidya Nikartana, Bhajatavidya Nivatana,
Amara drushtasva Vikrama, Samara Jushta Bramikrama
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana. 5
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,Who destroys the spread of asuras,
Who removes the sorrows of birth, aging and death,
Who wins over the art of war of asuras,
Who removes the false knowledge from his devotees,
Whose valour is praised by devas,And who rotates in various ways in a war.
Prathimukhaaleeta Bandhura, Pruthumahaheti Danthura
Vikatamaaya Bahishkrutha,Vividhamaalaa
Parishkrutha,Sthiramahaayantra Tantritha, Dhruta Daya Tantra Yantrita
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana. 6
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,Who appeared with a fast forward gait,
And whose gait appeared very pretty,
Who is surrounded by several weapons,
And expels the illusions sent by enemy in case of war,
Who decorates himself with several garlands,
Who wears mercy and blesses devotee
Mahita Sampath Sadhakshara, Vihitasampath Shatakshara
Shatarachakra Pratisishtita ,Sakala Tattva Prathishtita,
Vividha Sankalpaka Kalpaka,Vibhudhasankalpa Kalpaka
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana es,
Who worship him through tantra and yantras.
Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,Victory and Victory to you,
oh, Sudarshana,Who gives wealth of salvation to those who,Chant your six lettered mantra,
Who gives incomparable wealth to those who,Chant your six lettered mantra,
Who is available in yantra of six corners,
Who is a form in which all knowledge exists,Who is able to complete all deeds that you take up,And who is the kalpaka tree fulfilling all wishes.
Bhuvana Netra Trayeemaya, Savanatejastrayeemaya
Niravadhisvaadhu Chinmaya, Nikhila Sakthe Jaganmaya,
Amita Viswakriyaamaya, Samitavishvagbhayaamaya
Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana, Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana. 8
Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,Victory and Victory to you, oh, Sudarshana,Who is the three Vedas which are the eye of the world,Who is the form of the three fires of yagas,Who is the eternal knowledge of true knowledge,Who is a form of the power of universe,Who is accomplisher of deeds that you take up,And who destroys all fears occurring in the world.Verse Phala Sruthi
Dwichatushkamidam Prabhoothasaaram
patathaam Venkatanayaka Praneetham,
Vishamepi Manorata: Pradhaavan
na Vihanyeta Rataangadhuryagupta:
This octet which fulfills all desires,Which gives the inner meaning of Lord Sudarshana,Composed by Venkata Natha, if read,Would fulfill desires, remove obstacles,Because of the glorious boon granting powers of the Lord.

Gang Stuti

[The prayer to Ganga that removes ten types of sins]Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Shivayai gangayai shivadhayai namo nama,
Namasthe Rudra roopinyai sankaryai they namo nama. 1
(Salutations to that Ganga,Who is dear to Lord Shiva,And who does good things.Salutations to you,Who has the form of RudraAnd who is also known as Sankari.)
Namosthu viswa roopinyai brahma moorthyai namo nama,
Sveda swaroopinyai namo bheshaja moorthaye. 2
(Salutations to her who is the form of universe,And who is the form of Lord Brahma.Salutations to her who is the form of Vedas,And who is the form of all medicines.)
Sarvasya sarva vyadheenam bhishak sreshtyai namosthuthe,
Sthanu jangama sambhootha visha hanthryai namo nama. 3
(Salutations to her who is the greatest doctor,For every one and for all diseases,Salutations to her who is an antidote,Of all poisons from movable and immovable things.)
Bhogopa bhoga dhayinyai Bhogavathyai namo nama,
Mandakinyai namosthesthu swargadhayai namo nama. 4
(Salutations to her who gives all pleasures,And to her who is the Patala Ganga,Salutations to her who moves slowly,And to her who gives us heaven.)
Namasthrailokhya bhooshayai jagad dhathryai namo nama,
Namasthrishukla samsthayai thejovathyai namo nama. 5
(Salutations to her who is the ornamentTo the three worlds and who is the basis of the world.Salutations to her who has three strengths,And to her who is the source of power.)

Nandayai linga dharinyai narayanyai namo nama,
Namasthe viswa mukhyai revathyai they namo nama. 6
(Salutations to her who gives happiness,And to her who wears the Shiva linga,Salutations to her who is the most,Important in this world and her who roars.)
Bruhathyai they namosthesthu loka dhatrayai namo nama,
Namasthe viswa mithrayai nandinyai they namo nama. 7
(Salutations to her who is very big,And who is the mother of the world.Salutations to her who is the friend of the world,And to her who makes every body happy.)
Pruthvyai Shivamruthayai cha suvrukshayai namo nama,
(Salutations to her who is the earth,Who is the nectar of Shiva and to her,Who gives rise to good trees.Salutations to her who is very peaceful,Who is best among everything,And to her who grants blessings.)
Usrayai sukhadhogdhaithrayai cha sanjeevanyai namo nama,
Bramishtayai brahmadhayai duruthaghainyai namo nama. 9
(Salutations to her who is of the form of a cow,And to her who gives benefits effortlessly,Salutations to her who is the drug that cures death,To her who is the follower of Lord Brahma,To her who originated from Lord Brahma,And to her who is cure for all ills.)
Pranatharthi prabanjinyai jaganmathre namosthuthe,
Sarvapath prathi pakshayai mangalayai namo nama. 10
(Salutations to her who removes sorrows.Of those who salute her with devotion,And the mother of the entire universe,Salutations to her who destroys all dangers,And to her who only gives good.)
Saranagatha dheenartha parithrana parayane,
Sarvasyarthihare devi, Narayani namosthuthe. 11
(Salutations to her who follows the rule,To save sinners, tormented and sufferers,Who seek her protection,Salutations to that Narayani,Who destroys sorrows of all beings.)
Nirlepayai dukha hanthryai dakshayai they namo nama,
Parath para thare thubhyam namasthe mokshadhe sada. 12
(Salutations to her who is not attached,To her who destroys all sorrows,And to her who is supremely able.Salutations to her who is higher than the highest,And to her who is the giver of salvation.)
Gange mamagratho bhooya, Gange may devi prushtadha,
Gange may parswayorehi, Thwayi gangesthu may sthithi. 13
(Hey river Ganga, appear in my front as well as back,Hey river Ganga, appear on my both sides,Hey Ganga, let me be a part of you.)
Adhou thwamanthe madhye cha sarvam thwam gaam gathe shive,
Thwameva moola prakruthisthwa hi Narayana para. 14
(Oh goddess who came with the earth,You have been the beginning, middle and end of this earth,You are the primeval root cause of everything,And you are the Lord Narayana who is the witness of nature.)
Gange thwam paramathma cha shivasthubhyam, nama shive,
Ya idham padathi stotram bhakthya nithyam naropi ya,
Srunath sradhaya yuktha kaya vak chitha sambhavai,
Dasadha samsthidhair doshai sarvaireva pramuchyathe.15
(Hey Ganga you are the great God Shiva, salutations to you.He who reads or hears this prayer with devotion,Would be free of the sins committed in ten ways,By the mind, words and the body.

Anjaneya Stotra

Anjaneya Stotra
Translated by P. R. Ramachanran
1-Anjana nandanam Veeram janaki soka nasanam,
Kapeesa Maksha hantharam,
Vande lanka bhayangaram.
(Salutations to the terror of Lanka,Who is the heroic son of Anjana,Who brought to an end , all sorrows of Sitha,Who is the king of monkeys ,Who killed Aksha[1] the son of Ravana.
2-Mano javam , maruda thulya vegam,
Jithendriyam buddhi matham varishtam,
Vatha atmajam vanara yudha mukhyam,
Sree rama dootham sirasa namami.
(I bow my head and salute the emissary of Rama,Who has won over his mind,Who has similar speed as wind,Who has mastery over his organs,Who is the greatest among knowledgeable,Who is the son of God of wind,And who is the chief in the army of monkeys.
3-Anjaneya madhi patalananam,
Kanchanadri kamaneeya vigraham,
Parijatha tharu moola vasinam,
Bhavayami bhava mana nandanam,.
(I bow before the darling son of the god of wind,Who is the son of Anjana,Who is great among killers of ogres,Who is like a golden mountain,Who is handsome to look at,And who lives near the roots of Parijatha[2] tree,
4-Yatra yatra Raghu nada keerthanam,
Thathra thathra krudha masthakanjalim,
Bhashpa vari pari poorna lochanam,
Maruthim namatha Rakshasanthakam.
(I pray and salute the son of wind god,Who brought to end the rakshasas,Who is always present with eye full of tears,With head bowed in veneration,Wherever the praise of Lord Rama is sung.)Phala sruthiBudhir balam yaso dhairyam nirbhayathwam arokadha,
Ajadyam vak paduthwancha hanumath smaranath bhaveth.
(He who meditates on Lord Hanuman,Would be blessed with knowledge, strength,Fame, courage, fearlessness, health,Tirelessness and mastery over words,)

Hanumath Mangalashtakam

Hanumath Mangalashtakam
[Mangala octet on Hanuman]Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Mangala stotras are normally recited at the end of reciting several stotras or the end of singing several songs or at the end of an auspicious function. The devotee wishes auspiciousness to the Lord. Mangalam may also mean good wishes or wishes for a happy ending.]
Vaisaka mase krishnayam Dasami manda vasare,
Poorva bhadrasu Jathaya Mangalam Sri Hanumathe. 1
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,Who was born in the month of Visaka*,On the tenth day of the waxing moon,On a Saturday under the Poorva bhadra star.* April-May month)
Guru gowrava poornaya Phala bhoopa priyaya cha,
Nana manikhya hasthaya , Mangalam Sri Hanumathe. 2
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,Who has respect for his teachers,Who likes sweets prepared out of fruits,And whose different hands are decorated by gems.)
Suvarchala Kalathraya, Chathurbhuja dharaya cha,
Ushtra roodaya veeraya , Mangalam Sri Hanumathe. 3
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,Who is the consort of Suvarchala*,Who had four arms,And who is the hero who rides,On a beam of light.* Common belief is that Hanuman is a bachelor.)
Divya Mangala dehaya, Peethambara dharaya cha,
Thaptha kanchana varnaya, Mangalam Sri Hanumathe. 4
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,Who has a blessed holy body,Who wears the yellow silk,And who is of the colour of molten gold.)
Bhaktha rakshana seelaya, Janaki soka haarine,
Jagat pavaka nethraya, Mangalam Sri Hanumathe. 5
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,Who has the habit of saving his devotees,Who destroyed the sorrow of Janaki,And who has the purest eyes of the world.)
Pamba theera viharaya, Soumithri prana dhayine,
Sarva lokaika kandaya, Mangalam Sri Hanumathe. 6
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,Who lives in the shores of Pampa river,Who saved the life of Lakshmana,And who is in the throat of the whole world.)
Rambhavana viharaya, Sukhathma thata vasine,
Sarva lokaika kantaya, Mangalam Sri Hanumathe. 7
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,Who lived in the forests of Rampa,Who lived with pleasant happy people,And who is in the throat of the whole world.)
Panachananaya Bheemaya Kalanemi haraya cha,
Koundinya gothraya, Mangalam Sri Hanumathe. 8
(Mangalam to Sri Hanuman,Who has five faces, who is gross,Who killed Kalanemi,And who belonged to the Koundinya clan


Hanumath Stotram[Prayer to Hanuman]
(Translated by P. R. Ramachander )

Akshadhi rakshasa haram, Dasa kanda darpa,
Nirmoolanam, Raghuvarangri saroja bhaktham,
Seetha vishahya Ghana dukha nivarakam tham,
Vayo sutha, galitha bhanu maham namami. 1
(I salute Him, who shines like the Sun,Who killed Rakshasas like Aksha,Who destroyed the pride of the ten headed,Who is the devotee of lotus feet of Rama,Who removed the great sorrow of Sita,And who is the son of Wind God.)
Maama pasya pasya dayaya nija drushti pathair,
Maam raksha raksha paritho ripu dukha punjaan,
Vasyam kuru trijagatham vasudadhi paanaam,
May dehi dehi mahatheem vasudhaam sriyam cha. 2
(Please see, see me with real feeling of mercy,Please save, save me from the hands of enemies,Make my slave the three worlds and their kings,And please give, give me wealth and fame. )
Aapadbhyo raksha sarvathra, aanjaneya namosthuthe,
Bandhanam cchedhaya muktha kapi varya, namosthuthe. 3
(Salutations to son of Anjana, please always save me from danger,Salutations o the great monkey, please cut of my bondage and release me. )
May dehi sampadho nithyam trilochana, namosthuthe,
Dushta rogaan hana hana Rama dhootha namosthuthe. 4
(Salutations to the three eyed one, please daily save from dangers,Salutations to the emissary of Rama, kill, kill serious diseases.)
Uchataya ripoon sarvaan, mohanam kuru bhoobhujaam,
Vidweshino maaraya thwam trinethrathmaka sarvada. 5
(Always, Cast spell on all my enemies, make all kings love me,And Kill all those who hate me, Oh, son of three eyed one. )
Sanjeeva parvathoddhara, mama dukhaan nivaraya,
Ghoraan upadhravan nasaya, Aksha suranthaka. 6
(He who carried sanjeevini mountain, please remove my sorrows,Killer of the asura called Aksha, destroy awesome troubles. )
Markatesa mahothsaha, Sarva soka vinasaka,
Sathroon samhara maam raksha,
sriyam dathwacha maam hara. 7
(Lord of all monkeys who is exuberant, kill all my sorrows,Save me by killing all my enemies and protect me by giving wealth.)
Evam sthuthwa hanumantham, nara sradha samanwitha,
Puthra pouthradhi sahitha, sarvaan kamaan vapunuyath. 8
(If men pray Lord Hanuman thus with devotion,He would realize all his wishes along with his sons and grandsons.)

Vinayagar Agaval

Vinayagar Agaval
[Blank poem on Vinayagar-Ganesh ]By Saint Poet Avaiyar(Tamil poets)

Transliteration By Elango KadhirvelTranslation P. R. Ramachander
[Avaiyar (meaning a very Old mother) was one of the very great women poets of ancient Tamil Nadu. (In telugu even today mother is called Avva) Apart from being a great poet, she played a very great role in the politics of those days by making the great kings obey her. There are many references to her being a great Devotee of Lord Subrahmanya. Historians are of the opinion that there were, more than one lady poet who called herself as Avaiyar. One such poet existed before the birth of Christ. This poet was a great story teller and social reformer. The next Avaiyar lived in the fourteenth centuary. Her well known work is AthiChoodi, which was written for easy learning by Tamil Children. It is interesting to note that even today, Athichoodi shows the simple path to live well, for all children. Vinayagar Agaval is another one of her great works. Agaval means blank poetry and it is a song addressed to Lord Ganapathy. He is addressed as Vinayagar (he who removes obstacles) or Pillayar in Tamil. This prayer is an extremely popular one in Tamil Nadu. )
Seetha kallabha chenthamaraippum,
Paatha chilambhu pala isai paada,
Pon araijnanum, poonthugil aadaiyum,
Vanna marungil valarindu azhakerippa,
Pezhai vayirum, perum paara kodum,
Vezha mukhamum, vilangu chindooramum,
Anju karamum, angusa paasamum,
Nenjir kudi konda neela meniyum,
Naandra vaayum, naaliru puyamum,
Moondru kannum, mummatha chuvadum,

Irandu cheviyum, ilangu pon mudiyum,
Thiranda muppiri nool thigazh oli maarbum,
Chor padam kadantha thuriya mey jnanam,
Arpudham nindra karpaga kallire
Muppazham nugarum mooshiga vahana,

(While the anklets on the cool sandal anointed feet Which has the colour of the red hibiscus flower,Sings various songs, while the golden waist belt,And his clothes as soft as flower,Shine in pretty and beautiful colours of the rainbow,While his box like paunch, weighty tusksElephant like face, the saffron dot applied on it,Five hands and the goad and rope that he has,His blue body which attracted our mind,Hanging mouth, his four sets of shoulders,His three eyes, three trails of his feets,His two ears, his shining golden hair,His glowing broad chest wearing the holy thread,His divine knowledge of Thuriya, his mastery over words,Stood in awe at the wish giving elephant.)
Ippothu yennai aat kolla vendi,
Thayay yenakku, thaan yezhundaruli,
Mayaa piravi, mayakkam aruthu,
Thirundhiya mudal aindu ezhthum thelivaay,
Porundave vanthu yen ullam thannil pugundhu,

Guru vadivagi, kuvalayam thannil,
Thiruvadi vaithu thiramidhu porul yena,
Vaadaa vagaithaan magizhndena karuli,
Kodaayudathaal peru(kodu)vinai kallainthe,
Uvatta upadesam pugatti yen cheviyil,

(OH god who rides on an elephant and eats three fruits,Now for taking me and making me yours,You come in the shape of my mother,Cut off the trance like feeling of this illusory birth,Make clear to my mind the meaning of the Five lettered Namasivaya, enter then in to my mind,Step in to this world in the form of a teacher in this world of ours,And tell me with happiness that this is its real meaning )
THevittatha jnana thelivaiyum kaatti,
Iym pulan thannai adakkum upaayam,
Inburu karunaiyin inithena kkaruli,
Karuvigal odukkum karuthinai arivithu,
Iru vinai thannai thannai aruthu irul kadinthu,
(After removing my great fate by the weapon of his tusk,After giving me very sweet and not boring advices in my ears,After showing sweetest clarity in the case of Jnana,After teaching me the trick to control my five senses,After sweetly telling me about mercy which gives happiness,)
Thalamoru nangum thandu yenakku aruli,
Malam oru moondrin mayakka maruthe,
Onbathu vayil oru mandhirathaal,
Iym pula kathavai adaippathum kaatti,
Aaraathaarathu angula nilaiyum,
(After teaching me the knowledge of subjugating the senses,After cutting of this birth as well the next and removing darkness,After granting me mercifully the four stages of salvation,After cutting off the trance created by the three types of ignorance,After showing me how by one chant the five senses Can be controlled and the nine gates of the body closed,After teaching me how to control the chakras of the body using the goad,After cutting off talk and making me stand firm,After teaching me the alphabets of )
Pera niruthi pechurai aruthe,
Idai pingalaiyin ezhuthu arivithu
Ida and PIngala Nadi,
Kadayir chuzhu munai kapaalamum kaatti,
Moondru mandalthin mootiya thoonin,
Nandrezhu pambin navil unarthi,
Kundali adanir koodiya asabai,
Vindezhu mandiram velippada uraithu,
Mooladharathu moondezhu kanalai,
Kaalal ezhuppum karuthu arivithe,
Amudha nilaiyum aadithan iyakkamum,

Kumuda sagaayan gunathaiyum koori,
Idai chakkarathin eerettu nilaiyum,
Udar chakkarathin urappayum kaati,
Sanmuga sthoolamum, chatur mukha sookshmamum,
Yen mugamaaga indhenakkaruli

(After showing that the end of circle's edge is in the head,After making me realize that the snake keeps on hanging,On the pillar that is at the junction of three realms,After showing the silence at the junction of Kundalini,After clearly telling me the chant to waken it up,After pointing out the raging fire in the Mooladhara,After telling me the idea of waking it up,After telling me about the deathless state and the position of the Sun,After telling me about properties of moon, the helper of lotus,After teaching me the sixteen positions of the intermediate Chakra,After showing me the position of wheels in the body,After sweetly teaching me, the secret of Shanmuga,And the principle behind the subtle four faces,)
Puriyatta kaayam pulappada yenakku,
Theriyettu nilaiyum derisana paduthi,
Karuthinir kapaala vaayil kaatti,
Iruthi mukthi inithenakku aruli,
Yennai arivithu, yenakkarul cheydhu,

Munnai vinaiyin mudalai kalainthu,
Vahguoo manamum illa manolayam,
Thekkiye yendan chindhai thelivithu,
Irul veli irandukku ondridam yenna,
Arul tharum aanandathu azhuthi yen cheviyil,
(After making it clear about the eight subtle principles,And making me see the real meaning of them,After showing in my mind the gateway to the skull,After telling me that the salvation is sweet,After informing me, after showering his grace on me,After removing the assets earned in the previous births,After showing me the mental state where mind and words are absent,After awakening my mind which was asleep,After showing me the places of light and darkness in me,)
Yellai illa Aanandham allithu,
Allal kalainthe, arul vazhi kaatti,
Sathathinulle Saada Shivam kaatti,
Chithathinulle Shiva Lingam kaatti,
Anuvirkku anuvaai appaalukku appaalaai,
Kanu muthi nindra karumbulle kaatti,
Vedamum neerum vilanga niruthi,
Koodumey thondar kuzhaathudan kooti,
Ancha karathin arul porul thannai,
Nenja karuthin nilai arivithu,
Thathuva nilayai thanthu yenai aanda,
Vithaga vinayaga virai kazhal charane.
(After giving me limitless happiness by pressing me down in ecstasy in my ear,After removing all problems, after showing me the way of grace,After showing lord Shiva in the sound Om,After pointing out the Shiva Linga within my mind,After showing atom within atom and distance beyond distance,In the joints of the well ripened sugar cane like body,After clarifying the role of Vedas and sacred ash.After making me one with the crowd of realized devotees,After pointing out the principle of five letters Namashivaya,After showing me the state of my mind,After giving me the philosophic state and after ruling me,My wise Vinayaka ruled me and I seek refuge in his feet.


Avaiyar Vinayakar Agaval
Text http://www.geocities.com/vc_sekaran/files/vinayakar_agaval.html
Seergazhi govindarajan
